Vulgarity, according to the definition of explanatory dictionaries, is something rude, tasteless, vulgar, pretentious. In the days of Ancient Greece and Rome, the word "vulgaris" meant "accessible, everyday, common, simple." This word received a negative meaning only after the revolution in France, when the aristocrats dubbed this epithet the newly emerging class of the bourgeoisie, whose representatives tried to receive the same honor and respect as the representatives of the upper classes, but, unlike the nobility, they did not possess knowledge, education and traditions inherent in true aristocracy.
Today, the word "vulgarity" has not lost its negative meaning, but the signs of vulgarity have changed significantly. In addition, this concept began to be attributed specifically to women.
Signs of vulgarity. Seven major female mistakes
In the East, too bright women are considered to be people of the lowest social stratum who have no moral values and consider Britney Spears, Kim as their idolsKardashian, Rihanna.
It is noteworthy that, unlike the Eastern mentality, in our country, if a woman looks vulgar or defiant, then this does not mean anything at all. No matter how she is dressed, she can be a faithful wife, a loving mother and an excellent specialist. Often, the discrepancy between the inner world and the external appearance of a woman occurs because she does not realize the degree of her vulgarity, believing that she looks stylish, bold, rich.

The desire to look as bright and provocative as possible has led to the fact that vulgarity has become synonymous with beauty.
The brighter the better
According to many girls, female beauty directly depends on well-chosen makeup. After all, cosmetics is a universal remedy, thanks to which the fair sex can both conquer a man at first sight, and forever discourage the desire to communicate with such an extravagant person.
The result will depend only on what position the girl chooses in the pursuit of beauty, emphasizes natural virtues and hides flaws, or applies “combat makeup” to a representative of one of the oldest professions.

It is important to remember that bad taste is not only too bright, but also inappropriate makeup. In order not to look ridiculous and not get the status of a "vulgar woman", when applying makeup, the emphasis should be on either the eyes or the lips.
A bright evening make-up at a morning reception or a holiday will look especially tasteless,while daytime may be suitable for evening events.
Rainbow colored hair
Many girls think that natural hair color is too boring, gray and mundane. This is especially true for owners of beautiful blond hair, who often consider their shade to be “mouse”. It is light brown hair that is most often subjected to all sorts of experiments - cutting and dyeing in poisonous colors: blue, bright red, green, crimson, blue-black.

Women's beauty is a loose concept, because someone will really look beautiful and unusual with a bright hair color, and someone should think about emphasizing the natural beauty of their own color with the help of highlighting or toning. After all, it will give shine and a he althy glow to gently light brown hair color.
Artificial nails and eyelashes
Seven or eight years ago, long, unnatural nails were in fashion. Therefore, the girls without exception went to the masters, disfiguring their cute neat nails with rough thick tips, which, moreover, if worn for a long time, spoiled the nail plate.
The neat appearance of a woman depends, first of all, on the right manicure. Usually it is classic or French, for example, neat nails of moderate length, square or oval. A natural manicure is not only safe and convenient in everyday life, but also aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

More and more often modern girls are in pursuit of he althy beautiful lush eyelashesresort to extension service. Of course, everyone wants to have them, therefore, when choosing a specialist, many look first of all at the price, believing that the lower it is, the better, without thinking about the quality of the material. Following this path, in the end, the girl may not get high-quality eyelashes that cause the envy of others and drive everyone crazy, but rare tufts, inflammation of the eyes and mocking conversations of her friends.
More glitter
A vulgar woman, due to her lack of taste and desire to look as bright, sexy, beautiful and richer as possible, resorts to using bright jewelry and inappropriate accessories, whether it be clip-on earrings or earrings with unnaturally large stones, a multi-colored handbag or a shocking scarf.
In the desire to stand out and wear bright accessories, there is nothing wrong, the main thing is a sense of proportion. For example, a multi-colored handbag will perfectly complement a gray office suit, and a shocking scarf will complement a boring black coat and make the look interesting and memorable. If you want brightness in clothes, then jewelry and accessories in this case should be very simple and not overload the image.

It is not vulgar clothes and accessories that allow you to look beautiful, but a sense of proportion when choosing clothes and jewelry, as well as the ability to combine colors. A vulgar woman, considering herself sexy, wants to be seen from afar, so she lives by the principle of “everything is better at once” in choosing clothes and jewelry.
Lack of etiquette and rude manners
If a girl avoids vulgarity when choosing clothes, but is rudeis expressed using obscene words, she will still look vulgar. Non-compliance with the norms of etiquette also includes, for example, talking with a full mouth while eating, interrupting an interlocutor, excessive gesticulation, inappropriate movements, stupid, vulgar jokes, etc.
Vulgar behavior
Sexuality or vulgarity? Such similar and at the same time different concepts.
An innocent touch to a man during a conversation, conversations on frank topics, a languid voice and loud laughter are not an indicator of sexuality. Most men will consider such behavior not only as vulgarity, but also as frivolity and frivolity.

A vulgar woman, according to men, is a woman who:
- inappropriate, loud, unnatural laughs, reacting not only to funny, but also to unfunny jokes;
- constantly during a conversation, as if by accident, touches the face, body or clothes of a man, strokes his body or winds strands of hair around his finger or pencil;
- talks in a languid voice with a playful intonation and aspiration;
- foul jokes, leads inappropriate stories about his intimate life;
- talks about masculine topics, uses foul language.
A vulgar girl does not notice her vulgarity, thinking that by talking on a vulgar topic, she becomes an interesting conversationalist.
It should be remembered that a man is, first of all, a hunter and conqueror who will feel respect for a woman inaccessible to everyone.