A few months ago, the sixth season of the popular fantasy project "Game of Thrones" ended, and now fans of the famous heroine, called Daenerys Stormborn, can only guess what fate awaits their favorite. What do we know about her today?
On the origin of the heroine of the novel by George Martin

Daenerys Stormborn is one of the key figures in the A Song of Ice and Fire series. She was the last of the Targaryen line, having been born during the storm on Dragonstone, where her mother fled before the final fall of King's Landing.
Later the famous heroine lived with her brother at Illyrio, who had been a friend of her family for many years.

Viserys often tormented his sister, claiming that it was she who was responsible for the death of their parents and the difficulties they had to face. The guy hoped to conclude an agreement with Khal Drogo, who could help him get the Iron Throne. For this, Daenerys Stormborn had to become the wife of a potential ally.
Marrying the Khal
For the first timemeeting with her fiancé, Dany also met Jorah Mormont, who later became her faithful knight. Illyrio made an unexpected gift to his ward on her wedding day - three dragon eggs. At first, the girl was afraid of her husband, who did not honor the customs that were familiar to her. However, after a short time, she got used to other people's traditions and sincerely fell in love with her husband.

Daenerys Stormborn stopped being afraid of Viserys, and when he insulted her, Drogo decided to kill the presumptuous guy. In the same days, Dany underwent a bloody ritual, after which it was predicted to her that she would have a child who would conquer the whole world. Due to tragic events, the girl gave birth to a dead child, and her husband died.

Immediately after that, the heroine, according to the established custom, decided to burn Drogo's body. She also entered the flames along with the eggs given by Illyrio. She managed not only to survive, but also to become the Mother of Dragons.
Prospects of the burning
Since then, Dany has experienced many adventures, and, judging by the events of the sixth season, she will soon have to enter into an interesting alliance with the newly-minted King of the North. By the way, the latest episode, released to date, indicates that the heroine is related to Jon Snow.

Stark's nephew doesn't know her yet, but he probably knows who Daenerys Stormborn is. She voiced her full name more than once, and to manyit is known that she is “of the house Targaryen, called the first, from the blood of old Valyria, unburned, queen of Meereen, queen of the Andals, Rhoynar and first people, Khaleesi of the Dothraki Sea, Breaker of fetters and Mother of dragons.”
Besides, Drogo's widow now has a lot of advantages over enemies - ships, troops, Martell's support and Tyrell's people.
About the performer of the role
Of course, one cannot fail to mention the girl who embodied on the screen such an interesting heroine as Daenerys Stormborn. Actress Emilia Clarke was not popular before this role, but the image of the Mother of Dragons quickly made her recognizable. The actress claims that, having received the part of Denis, she fulfilled her cherished dream, although she did not even count on it, given the serious competition among contenders for the role. Subsequently, she even portrayed Sarah Connor in the sequel to "Terminator".

Emilia is English. From childhood she was fond of theater and reading, retaining this passion to this day. The press does not know the details of the personal life of the star. In 2012, she began dating Seth MacFarlane, but the couple broke up the following year. Since then, there has been no reliable data on who became the new celebrity boyfriend.
The Mother of Dragons in books and on screen
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the heroine Clarke is almost the same as the "book" Daenerys Stormborn. Her title sounds the same as in the series, her hair is also blond, and her character is no less strong. However, there are also differences.

For example, in Martin's work, this heroine was thirteen years old at the time of her marriage to the Khal (she is obviously older in the show). It is shown in Game of Thrones that on their wedding night, Drogo is not too ceremonious with his wife's feelings, but in the book he was very gentle with her and was afraid to show even a hint of rudeness. In the series, Ser Jorah proved his loy alty to Dany by saving her from an assassin (a wine merchant attempted on Daenerys's life), but this moment is missing in the book.