Alice W alton: financial activities, biography and photos

Alice W alton: financial activities, biography and photos
Alice W alton: financial activities, biography and photos

Alice W alton, worth $33.9 billion, is the heiress to Wal-Mart. In 2014, she was in second place among the richest women on Earth. He breeds horses. He loves art, actively participates in the cultural life of society. Not without some eccentricity.


Alice W alton was born on November 7, 1949 in Newport, in the family of an American billionaire, Samuel Moore, founder of the Wal-Mart trading corporation. Mother - Helen Robson. After his death, the children automatically became heirs. Alice has three brothers, and they are all successful businessmen. But one, John, died in 2005 in a car accident. As a result, his wife Christy was left alone. And Rob and Jim are still in business.

They have a great influence not only in America but all over the world. Sam W alton, Alice's father, was very famous in the country, as this family is one of the oldest in the United States. Jim, one of Alice's brothers, founded the Arvest Bank, which he still owns. The assets of the financial institution are over $15 billion.



After graduating from high school, she entered Trinity Institute and then Trinity University. Both institutions were located in San Antonio. Alice graduated with a bachelor's degree in finance and economics.


Financial career started right after graduating. First as an analyst and manager in a family business. She later became department head and vice president. She was responsible for the investments of the bank "Arvest", which was created by her brother. In 1988, Alice W alton founded her own investment finance organization, Llama. She became president of her own bank, and was both chairman and CEO. Alice also worked as a broker.



But soon she got tired of financial activities. Sam W alton fully provided for his children after his death, and Alice has enough money to live without a permanent job. She closed her bank in the late 90s. and went to live in Texas, at the Midsup ranch, where she started breeding horses. It became her passion. Alice is so successful in what she loves that she can definitely determine by a two-month-old stallion whether he can later become a champion.

But the billionaire is not only interested in horses. Her second passion is collecting paintings. And in this case, she also succeeded greatly. She acquired her first work of art, a reproduction of the Blue Nude painting, at the age of 10. In 2004, she bought $20 million worth of art at an auction in New York.dollars.

In 2005, Alice W alton bought a collection of landscape paintings by A. Brown. It also included the famous work "Soul Kindred". Alice paid $35 million for this painting. She also bought works by W. Homer and E. Hopper. One of her acquisitions was a portrait of D. Washington.


Community activities

She sponsors famous artists and poets. And takes an active part in the cultural life of America. Alice and her mother always liked to paint in watercolor themselves when they went camping. Thanks to her love of art, Alice took an active part in the W alton Family Foundation and became its head. Thanks to this organization, the Museum of the Development of American Art was able to further develop. And it became the main receptacle for the works of many artists. The museum hosts educational courses and gathers cultural communities.

E. W alton also finances many government projects. She provided seed money in Bentonville for the construction of the airport. And as a thank you, one terminal was named after W alton.

Private life

Marry Alice W alton, whose biography is described in this article, for the first time came out at twenty-four. Her chosen one was a well-known investment banker from Louisiana. But their marriage did not last long, and after 2.5 years the couple divorced. But the girl did not remain alone for long and remarried. This time for a contractor who built a swimming pool in their house. But this marriage also ended, and even faster than the first.


Automotive Achilles heel E. W alton

E. W alton is simply haunted by car accidents, one of which even killed an elderly woman. In 1983, Alice rented a Jeep and lost control of the car while driving. The car "flew" into a ditch. As a result, Alice badly injured her leg. I had to do more than twenty operations. And subsequently, she suffered from pain for a long time due to her injuries.

In 1989, Alice hit an elderly woman to death. But she was not charged. In 1998, Alice W alton had another accident. Moreover, this time she was driving a car while intoxicated and drove into a gas meter. She had to pay a $925 fine. And thanks to this, she escaped prison.

In 2011, on her birthday, Alice was again arrested by the police drunk while driving her car. Subsequently, at the trial, she admitted her guilt and regretted that she had violated the law. The charges against her were dropped only in 2013.
