A nation is a cultural and political, historically conditioned community of people. The definition of a nation is rather vague, so there are clarifying, corrective formulations. They are necessary to be able to use this concept in popular science literature and not depend on the context.
How to understand the term "nation"

Thus, the constructivist approach claims that the concept of "nation" is entirely artificial. The intellectual and cultural elite creates an ideology that the rest of the people follow. To do this, they do not necessarily need to shout out political slogans or draw up manifestos. It is enough to direct people in the right direction with their creativity. After all, the most durable is the thought that penetrates the head gradually, without direct pressure.
The borders of the influence of national culture are quite tangible political and geographical cordons. Constructivist theorist Benedict Anderson defines a nation as an imaginary political community that is sovereign in nature and limited from the rest of the world. Adherents of such thinking deny participation in the formation of the nationexperience and culture of previous generations. They are confident that after a period of industrialization, a new society has emerged.

Primordialists decipher the concept of "nation" as a kind of evolution of an ethnos to a new level and its transformation into a nation. It is also a kind of nationalism, but it is related to the concept of the spirit of the people and emphasizes its connection with the "roots".
Adherents of this theory believe that a nation is united by some ephemeral spirit, which is invisibly present in every citizen. A common language and culture helps in uniting people. On the basis of the doctrine of language families, conclusions can be drawn about which peoples have affinity with each other and which do not. But besides this, not only the cultural, but also the biological origin of peoples is tied to the named theory.

People and nation are not identical concepts, just like nationality and nation. It all depends on the point of view and cultural ideology. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, this word expresses an ethnic community, but it does not cover everyone who falls under the definition of a nation. In Europe, nationality is belonging to a nation by the right of citizenship, birth, upbringing in a closed environment.
At one time there was an opinion that the nations of the world are formed on a genetic basis, but in practice you can find such combinations as Russian German, Ukrainian Pole and many others. In this case, heredity plays no role at all.self-identification of a person as a citizen of the country, something stronger prevails here than the instincts inherent in every cell of the body.
Types of nations
Conventionally, the nations of the world can be divided into two types:
- Multi-ethnic.
- Mono-ethnic.
And the latter can be found only in those parts of the world where it is difficult to reach: high in the mountains, on remote islands, in a harsh climate. Most of the nations on the planet are polyethnic. This can be logically deduced if you know world history. During the existence of mankind, empires were born and died, containing the entire world known at that time. Fleeing from natural disasters and war, peoples moved from one side of the mainland to another, in addition, there are many other examples.

The definition of a nation has nothing to do with language as such. There is no direct relationship between the means of communication and the ethnicity of the people. There are currently common languages:
- English;
- French;
- German;
- Chinese;
- Arabic, etc.
They are accepted as government in more than one country. There are also examples where the majority of a nation does not speak a language that should reflect their ethnicity.
The record holder can be considered a country that simultaneously uses four languages - this is Switzerland. It is customary to speak German, French, Italian and Romansh.
Psychology of the nation

According to economic theory, a person is born, lives and dies without leaving their habitual habitats. But with the advent of industrialization, this pastoral picture is cracking. Nations of people mix, penetrate each other and bring their cultural heritage.
Because family and neighborhood ties break down easily, the nation creates a more global community for people to move freely. In this case, the community is formed not through personal involvement, blood relation or acquaintance, but because of the power of mass culture, which creates in the imagination the image of unity.
In order to form a nation, it is necessary to combine economic, political and ethnic characteristics in place and time. The process of formation of the nation and the conditions of its existence develop simultaneously, so the formation is harmonious. Sometimes, in order for the formation of a nation to take place, it is necessary to give a push from outside. For example, a war for independence or against occupation by the enemy brings people very close. They fight for one idea, not sparing their own lives. This is a strong incentive to join.
Erasing national differences

Interestingly, the he alth of a nation begins and ends with the head. In order for the representatives of a people or a state to realize themselves as a nation, it is necessary to give people common interests, aspirations, a way of life and a language. But in order to level these features in relation to otherpeoples, something more than cultural propaganda is needed. The he alth of a nation is manifested in its homogeneous thinking. All its representatives are ready to defend their ideals, they do not doubt the correctness of the decisions made and feel like a single organism, consisting of a large number of cells. Such a phenomenon could be observed in the Soviet Union, when the ideological component influenced the self-identification of a person so much that from childhood he felt like a citizen of a huge country in which everyone thinks synchronously.
Nation is a broad concept that makes it possible to delineate its boundaries. At the moment, neither ethnicity, nor political borders or military threats can influence its formation. This concept, by the way, appeared in the era of the French Revolution as an opposition to the power of the king. After all, it was believed that he was God's anointed and all his orders were considered the highest good, and not a political whim. New and Modern times have made their own adjustments to the definition of a nation, but the emergence of a single way of government, an export and import market, the spread of education even in third world countries, has increased the cultural level of the population, and, as a result, self-identification. Consequently, it has become more difficult to influence the formation of a cultural and political community.
Under the influence of wars and revolutions, all the major nations of Europe and the colonial countries, Asia, Africa were formed. They remain multi-ethnic, but in order to feel belonging to any nation, it is not necessary to have the same nationality. After all, it is rathera state of soul and mind, not a physical stay. Much depends on the culture and upbringing of a single person, on his desire to become part of the whole, and not be separated from him with the help of moral principles and philosophical ideas.