What does the concept of "ambiguity" mean? When is this term used? What is ambiguous? Let's try to deal with these issues in this article.
How to understand the term "ambiguity"
Ambiguous - this is the definition of attitude to a situation in which any concept can be given several interpretations. In this case, a concept means any information, data, relation, event, etc. Synonyms for "ambiguous" are the following words: controversial, uncertain, unclear, foggy. Several interpretations of the same concept are misleading, making it impossible to decide how to perceive this or that phenomenon.

In the concept of "ambiguous" interpretations have an equivalent meaning, which does not allow one to lean in one direction or another. Or it happens like this: something undoubtedly outweighs, but the opposition, which has even less weight, does not allow one to perceive the concept unambiguously, since for a certain interpretation of inconsistency in this case there should not be. To make it clearer, consider the term "ambiguity" on certain examples.
Ambiguity about
In this case, the relation may be toanything: to information, an event, a certain person, a group of people, etc. An ambiguous attitude is when it is impossible to determine 100% how to perceive something or someone - positively or negatively. For example, to a decent, decent person who is engaged in activities useful to society, the attitude is definitely positive. To a person who has committed a number of serious crimes, morally degrading attitude, unequivocally, negative. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes a person is difficult to attribute to a particular category. It contains both clearly positive and clearly negative features. It is clear that everyone has shortcomings, and minor shortcomings cannot cause serious fluctuations. But it also happens that a person does something definitely useful for others, being, for example, a talented surgeon, he saves human lives. However, at the same time, he can commit any illegal actions that cause serious damage to other people. In this case, we will most likely treat this person ambiguously. This doesn't just apply to people. Attitudes towards events, for example, can also be controversial. When, on the one hand, they bring certain benefits, and on the other hand, they cause significant damage.
Ambiguous times
This term denotes a time in which it is difficult for a person to navigate, as there is a shift in life accents and a change in values. In the post-war period, for example, people had clear tasks - to work, to raise the economy, to establish production andetc. Virtuous qualities were valued: family, decency, chastity, perseverance in work. In today's world, completely different values come to the fore. Now material goods are in priority, people strive to earn as much money as possible, sometimes dishonestly, and virtue is no longer in fashion.

Now they do not seek to save the family, raise children in respect for elders, etc. However, for many people, moral values remain the same unshakable, despite the general race for we alth. Such people feel ambiguous. This is manifested by their self-doubt, the inability to find themselves in modern society, because their spiritual qualities, on the one hand, are undoubtedly a big plus, and on the other hand, they do not fit into the overall picture, where the grip, tenacity, ability " walk over their heads" to achieve their goal in priority.
There are times when an opinion doesn't have a clear position. On the one hand, a person seems to support certain events, and on the other hand, he understands that what is happening is not entirely correct. In this case, we treat the event ambiguously. This is characterized by the inability to clearly define the position on a particular issue. For example, many people have an ambivalent attitude towards Soviet times.

On the one hand, at that time people were more confident in their future, because the Soviet ideology contributed to the emergence of confidence ingovernment and the conviction that the country is moving in the right direction. On the other hand, phenomena such as the Iron Curtain, the extermination of the intelligentsia and other negative events cloud the overall picture.
Ambiguity in opinion, attitude and other concepts occurs in a person throughout his life. Doubt is inherent in the human soul.

Not always everything can be perceived unambiguously. Sometimes this uncertainty does not interfere, but it also happens that a decision should be made, but it is difficult for a person to decide. In this case, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons so as not to be mistaken. You can also consult with other people to get their opinion. It can help you navigate the situation correctly.