Tea for nursing mothers with fennel: reviews

Tea for nursing mothers with fennel: reviews
Tea for nursing mothers with fennel: reviews

Almost every breastfeeding mother at least once heard about the miraculous tea with fennel, which is credited with the ability to increase lactation at times. Is this really so and is tea with fennel possible for a nursing mother, we will try to figure it out in this article. Here you will find a lot of useful information about this product.

What is fennel?

Fennel is a perennial plant belonging to the celery family. Its leaves are very similar to dill leaves. For this, among the people, tea with fennel got its second name - “dill water”. In fact, the greens of this plant are very similar in taste and aroma to anise.

tea for nursing mothers with fennel
tea for nursing mothers with fennel

There are two types of fennel in nature: vegetable, which is more used in cooking, and ordinary, the healing properties of which have made it an indispensable tool for many young mothers. It is the latter type, due to its unique effect on the body of a nursing mother, that has increasingly become used in the manufacture of products to improve lactation.

Biochemical compositionfennel

This plant has very useful properties, which is due to its unique composition. So, fennel contains quite a lot of oily aromatic substances, which in their pure form can cause allergies. That is why it is best for a nursing mother to choose tea for nursing mothers with fennel, and not its decoction or tincture.

But in aromatherapy, due to the large amount of oily substances, this remedy is considered one of the best that have an antibacterial, soothing, wound-healing effect.

fennel tea for nursing mothers
fennel tea for nursing mothers

Also, this plant contains vitamins A, C, group B, minerals such as copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, as well as amino acids necessary for each organism. This composition allowed the use of fennel even in traditional medicine.

How is fennel useful for our body?

Indeed, in pharmaceuticals, aromatherapy, traditional and alternative medicine, fennel is deservedly considered a plant that can help with many diseases:

  • has an antispasmodic and carminative effect in case of bowel ailments;
  • used as an expectorant for bronchial diseases;
  • as an antibacterial agent that can strengthen the immune system;
  • helps to improve the functioning of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • treats sleep disorders and fights stress;
  • regulates the metabolism in our body.

What effect does it have on the body of a nursing mother?

Studies have shown that fennel tea for nursing mothers is an excellent tool that can significantly increase lactation, because this plant positively affects the production of female sex hormones, which lead to the production of prolactin by the pituitary gland - the hormone responsible for feeding breastfeeding.

fennel tea for breastfeeding mothers
fennel tea for breastfeeding mothers

Also, tea for nursing mothers with fennel has a calming effect on the nervous system, which is an indispensable help for a woman who has experienced such stress as childbirth.

It should also be said that fennel dilates the peripheral blood vessels. This contributes to the flow of blood to the mammary glands, relieves spasm from the ducts of the glands themselves, and therefore has a positive effect on the production of breast milk.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that fennel tea for nursing mothers has some effect on the body of a baby who consumes mother's milk. So, fennel, entering the body of crumbs with mother's milk, is able to gently improve the digestion of the baby. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, which, in turn, slightly stimulates the motor activity of his intestines. Such an effect of fennel on the child's body helps, if not eliminate, then significantly reduce colic in the baby.

But at the same time, do not forget that it is better not to give it to the crumbs, as lactation can be disturbed if the baby consumes any other liquid other than mother's milk.

What kind of teachoose?

Today, tea for nursing mothers with fennel is made in three varieties: loose herbal tea, granulated tea or tea bags. If we talk about which one is best to choose, then it all depends on the habits of the mother. So, if she has little time and she is used to doing everything on the go, then it will be most convenient for her to use granulated tea, which instantly dissolves and is immediately ready for use. Also in this case, you can opt for bagged tea, which is also prepared very quickly, so all that remains is to squeeze and discard the bag. For mothers who are used to drinking loose, it is better to choose this loose tea.

hipp fennel tea for nursing mothers
hipp fennel tea for nursing mothers

Modern manufacturers offer young mothers a huge number of teas, which include fennel. The most popular are: Hipp fennel tea for nursing mothers, fennel tea for nursing mothers from Humana, fennel tea from the Russian manufacturer Babushkino Basket and some others. You can also prepare a drink yourself.

Homemade fennel tea is a good alternative to store bought

A good alternative to store bought can be homemade fennel tea for nursing mothers. The recipe is easy to find today. We will give some of the most popular of them in our article:

  • Fennel milk tea. To prepare it, you need to finely grind 2 tablespoons of plant seeds, then add a small pinch of s alt and nutmeg to the resulting mass and pourall this with warm milk. Infuse tea for one and a half to two hours, drink before breakfast.
  • Plain fennel seed tea. To prepare it, you just need to take one tablespoon of seeds and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water over them. Infuse tea for fifteen to twenty minutes and drink two tablespoons before meals throughout the day.
  • Herbal tea with fennel, dill and anise. To do this, you need to take these herbs in equal amounts, mix well and brew one teaspoon of the resulting herbs with a glass of boiling water. Consume a small amount several times a day.
  • is it possible to have tea with fennel for a nursing mother
    is it possible to have tea with fennel for a nursing mother

When using fennel tea for nursing mothers, whether it is purchased or prepared at home, it is very important not to abuse it and drink it as prescribed in the instructions or the tea recipe. Only in this case, it will benefit the body of a woman and her child.

Fennel tea - can all nursing mothers have it?

If we talk about the possible harm to the body from this tea, then the most important contraindication is pregnancy. Fennel has the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, so it is contraindicated for pregnant women to drink it.

Also, a contraindication to its use may be the tendency of a nursing mother to develop allergic reactions, due to the large amount of essential oils in its composition.

fennel tea for nursing mothers reviews
fennel tea for nursing mothers reviews

If a nursing mother has any heart problems, then you also need to use it withcaution as it can cause tachycardia.

Fennel tea can be used by nursing mothers after consulting with a specialist, as it has a number of contraindications, like any other remedy. Only a doctor will be able to tell if a mother needs such tea and, if so, what kind of tea is best to choose and how to use it correctly so that it brings benefits to mother and baby, and not harm.


Among the huge number of mothers, fennel tea for nursing mothers is very popular. Reviews about such tea are in most cases positive, as many women claim that tea really helped them to improve lactation.

fennel tea for nursing mothers recipe
fennel tea for nursing mothers recipe

Reviews of women claim that lactation has really improved, the child has become calmer, and mom too. Many say that fennel tea not only helped increase the amount of breast milk, but also saved the baby from colic. The kids are actually getting calmer.

As you can see, the reviews about tea are mostly positive, and if it is consumed in a normal amount, then it is unlikely to be something dangerous for mom or baby. Therefore, if you have problems with breastfeeding, then you should try fennel tea, which in any case will be useful for both mom and baby.
