It has long been believed that wishes on the road - especially from loved ones and dear people - should have come true. Going on a journey, a person risks a lot. He could not return, various troubles could happen to him. In addition, often people went on the road for work, for a better life.

Therefore, wishes for the journey should have served as a kind of amulet. "Let everything work out", "let your dreams come true and you will achieve your goal" - that was the message.
Happy journey
Good and good wishes on the road were also mixed with an old prejudice: "in order not to jinx" - that is, to prevent black forces from seizing us, hindering happiness - one should only brush them aside, but not thank them. Luck is a capricious lady. It was often believed that she could turn her back on someone who relies on her too much. The wish for an easy road was part of the farewell ritual. In addition, it was believed that it was imperative to sit down and only then hit the road. Basically, it had a psychologicaljustification. In the last minutes before parting and parting, the departing person could still think about the purpose of his trip. I could decide on the most important and necessary things in my life.
What travel wishes can you think of now?

"Good luck" is one of the most common. It is interesting that "good riddance" - an expression that, in theory, means a positive wish - is now used as an ironic one. So you can speak to someone whose return is undesirable for the speaker. "Green road" or "green light", "so that the spare tire is not useful" - these are wishes for motorists on the road. Similarly, you can use the metaphorical - "neither a nail, nor a rod", that is, so that the tires are intact, and no one stops along the way. "Beautiful scenery outside the window" - for those who go by train. And "so as not to get sick" or "a fair wind" is wished to those who sail by the sea.
"Good luck getting there" is a universal expression. We still usually ask relatives and friends to call as soon as they arrive at the place. "Good fellow travelers" - an actual wish to those who travel in a compartment or a reserved seat car. After all, it is there that we often have to spend more than one day in the company of strangers. Although just there you can hear a lot of interesting stories and even make new friends.

Scheduled landings can be wished onwho travels by air. "Take care of yourself" and "God bless!" we usually talk to the most beloved and dear people.
When expressing your wishes, you should always remember your relatives. Many of us know from our own experience how difficult it is to see someone off. The one who goes on the road has new impressions, acquaintances, prospects ahead. Those who stay often experience the pain of returning to an empty house. That is why many, especially impressionable and vulnerable people, do not like to see them off to the platform or to the airport. It hurts too much to watch the train leave, the plane taking off with the person you love. Even if parting is familiar to you, remember that loved ones and relatives are always waiting for you, always hoping for a speedy return. "Good luck" is also a request not to forget about those who are left.