Chest circumference: measurement rules, norm of indicators, proportions of mass and volume

Chest circumference: measurement rules, norm of indicators, proportions of mass and volume
Chest circumference: measurement rules, norm of indicators, proportions of mass and volume

The chest is part of the torso and consists of twelve pairs of ribs and sternum, as well as twelve thoracic vertebrae that cover the back wall. Chest circumference is different for both sexes. They are important for both those who play sports and those who are on a diet. Such people often calculate chest circumference with body weight.


In the chest there are movable connections of the ribs with the spine and the ribs with the sternum. The chest skeleton includes three groups of muscles. The first group is the superficial muscles, the second group is the deep muscles. The third group is one large muscle - the diaphragm, which separates the chest from the abdominal cavity and is the main respiratory muscle.

The structure of the sternum
The structure of the sternum


The chest plays a protective role for the internal organs, mainly the heart and lungs. It also takes part in the process of respiration. Many problems can appear in the chest area that can adversely affect the functioning of internal organs, as well as significantly worsen the appearanceperson. Therefore, it is very important that work on the correct construction and proportions of the chest is carried out taking into account the indicators of the whole body. It is important to know the normal chest circumference.

Measurement methods

Chest girth is easiest to measure with a tape measure - a centimeter. We wrap the centimeter horizontally around the bare chest at the level of the nipples.

To measure the circumference of the chest, you can also use, for example, a cord, which is then stretched on a long ruler or centimeter tape. Instead of a centimeter, you can use ribbons, braid, etc. It is important that this material is not elastic.

Measurement rules

Chest circumference measurements for children and adults must be taken while standing on level ground. The posture that the person takes during the measurement should exclude any tension. This can distort the chest circumference data. The measuring tape should fit perfectly to the body along its entire length. Do not squeeze your chest too much and arch your back.

Body measurement
Body measurement

Before measuring the circumference of the chest, you do not need to draw more air into the lungs. After all, this significantly increases the girth of the chest. For a man with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 75 kg, the chest circumference is normally 104.3 cm.


Even if a woman loves a man, she probably sometimes compares him to others. I wonder what it lacks. The question of what is taken as a sample of the ideal circumference of the chest in men, scientists asked. What does the so-calledan ideal person? We learn this from a survey conducted in the UK.

Based on all available data, a portrait of a typical representative of the sex was created. Established, in particular, the average height, weight and several other important indicators of the body. It can be said that a portrait of the average European was drawn up. On this basis, an assessment is made of whether the body is within the normal range.

Studies show that men have changed significantly in performance over the past few decades. The average chest circumference of a man today is almost 110 cm. And, as a rule, it's not about big muscles, but about excess adipose tissue.


Regular measurement of the contours of the hips, waist, belt, biceps, shoulders, hips, chest circumference helps track progress in strength training or weight loss. It's also a great way to increase your motivation to work out.

In men
In men

Mass and circumference

It is noteworthy that measuring the volume of the hips, chest can provide more reliable information about the progress in training than daily weigh-ins. This is because muscle mass, which increases under the influence of exercise, weighs more than adipose tissue. Many beneficial changes can occur in the body that measurement of kilograms will not confirm. To notice them, it is advisable to regularly measure separately the shoulders, chest, biceps, chest, waist (belt), hips. The results obtained should be recorded, and then compared - the table created in this way will be the bestproof of body development.

Additional recommendations

Measure yourself in your underwear, not clothes (even tight-fitting ones). You need to start with the upper body (in order: shoulders, biceps, chest, waist, hips). Take measurements in the morning, before breakfast, preferably always at the same time. And thus the results will be reliable.

Here's a handy tip on how to properly measure the circumference of the shoulders, chest, waist (men and women are measured in the same way), hips. Use a measuring tape to measure. Every two weeks you need to save the results in the table, and you will see how favorably strength training affects your figure.

Tape measure
Tape measure

To make measurements as reliable as possible, remember a few rules:

  • ask for measurements always by the same person;
  • Stand naturally while taking measurements;
  • during measurements, you need to spread your legs at a small and always the same distance: so that the distance is identical, put a ruler between your legs;
  • when measuring, the centimeter should not dig into the skin or fit the body too loosely;
  • take three measurements of a specific body segment and calculate the average from the results;
  • all measurements, except for biceps, are taken with the tape taken horizontally: you need to make sure that the meter is at the same level in front, behind and on the sides;
  • to measure body parameters, always use the sametool;
  • do not compare measurements taken with different instruments.
trend towards obesity
trend towards obesity

Modern trends

For most men it is getting harder and harder to find the waist, and the ribcage is getting bigger due to fatty tissue. It is estimated that the average waist of a modern person is 94 centimeters. This is a sign of obesity. And abdominal obesity is certainly not conducive to he alth. Including sexual…

Weight, height and girth

Almost without exception, they prefer tall men. It is often stated that 180 cm is the minimum. The bigger, the better. Meanwhile, the average height for a European is only (or maybe still?) 177.8 cm. Theoretically, this is not the worst result, but, given the ever-increasing height of a woman, it is difficult to admire this.

You don't have to be an expert to spot an obvious trend. From year to year, men put on weight. Already today, on average, it is 83.5 kg. Of course, it all depends on the height, proportions and ratio of adipose tissue and muscle, but the average person is most likely not a bodybuilder. One might even conclude that the average man could do well to take steps to lose weight.

These trends have the most direct impact on changes in the assessment of chest circumference. What used to be the average chest circumference, is no longer such. Therefore, do not use outdated data.

Ideal performance
Ideal performance

The times we live increated their own idea of the ideal male silhouette. The ideal male body can be described using three adjectives: muscular, proportionate, tall. And in this, the circumference of the chest plays an important role. Ideally, it should be at least 100 cm. It should always be larger than the hips. This value is changeable, it can be influenced by a person playing sports. And in different periods of life, the value changes.
