Each of us at least once tried to squeeze through the crowd of fans to some star. Whether it's a pop star, a movie star or a famous politician, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to get the coveted "squiggle" from the hand of your idol. How can you get autographs of stars today? And are any of them the safest?

Autograph mania 100%, or how to get an autograph for free?
If you have never asked for an autograph, then you should read Sergei Lunenko's informative book en titled "100% Autograph Mania, or How to Get an Autograph for Free?". In this publication you can find a lot of useful tips, many of which are associated with a certain risk. For example, in the first case, it is proposed to expect a star near the "back entrance", where most often a celebrity goes after a tiring concert, premiere or any other public performance.
However, this method, as the author of a kind of manual for fans warns, does not give any guarantees at all. That is, you can stand in the "emergency exit" area for a long time and not get a star's autograph. After all, people in creative professions are almost unpredictable. They can come out from a completely different side eithercontact the fans through the manager and announce that they are not ready to communicate, for example, due to fatigue.
In addition, besides you, there will also be many other "painted hunters" near the "back door". And if your idol appears, the crowd can move sharply in his direction. Therefore, there is always the danger that you will simply be crushed or injured.

Get an autograph on the street or at the airport
Star autographs (photos of some celebrities can be found in our article) can be obtained if you literally “catch a star by surprise”. For example, you can meet her at the airport, cafe, shop, and so on. However, for this it is necessary to know with accuracy at least the approximate route of a celebrity.
The method, in principle, is not bad. But it will not be effective if you do not have reliable acquaintances who could “merge” information about the star for a fee.
Autograph session as a way to get a star's signature
The second option is less traumatic and more legal. It provides for timely attendance at autograph sessions, where you can easily get autographs of stars. Such events are usually attended by journalists and the most knowledgeable fans about the celebrity's activities.
You can find out about such a session with a star from the following sources:
- from the artist's official fan forums;
- from press office or celebrity manager;
- on the official resources of the star (this includes sites, fan pages in social networksetc.);
- from press or advertisements.
The advantage of this option is minimal risks and the absence of traumatic factors. Of the minuses - you have low chances to get there if you do not know among journalists or other people in contact with the stars.
Is it possible to get a star's autograph by mail?
If running around, hustle and hassle is not for you, then there is an easier way to get the squiggle you need. In particular, today it is really possible to order autographs of stars by mail. This can also be done in two ways. The hardest part is finding the email addresses yourself. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time shoveling sites, forums and other sources. For example, Chuck Norris' email is in the public domain.
To find a mailing address, you can look at celebritiesfans.com, where there is not only information about celebrities, but also links to their official websites and pages in social networks.
For example, actress Sharon Stone lives at:

Next, you can send a letter to this address asking for an autograph. It is advisable to insert a spare envelope with your return address.
And the second option is to go to a specialized online autograph store and buy a ready-made one.
How to write a letter to a star asking for an autograph?
If you need, for example, autographs of rock stars, and you have chosen a more difficult option for obtaining them, then you should follow certain rules when writingletters. Firstly, if you are making a request to a Hollywood celebrity, then the text of the letter must be in English. If you do not speak this language, then it is enough to write a preliminary text of the letter and translate it using an online translator. Let this letter be not entirely correct in terms of grammar, but the star will definitely catch the meaning.
Secondly, write your name in Latin, so it will be much easier for the star to sign a photo or postcard for you. Thirdly, in order to get autographs of Hollywood stars, do not write anything superfluous in the text of the letter. It is enough to say hello, say a few words about the fact that you have been a fan of the celebrity for quite some time, and ask to send you a photo and a signature. And then wait for a response. Of course, nothing can be said for certain here. Getting an autograph in this case directly depends on pure luck.

How to order an autograph online?
If you decide to order an autograph in the Autographomania online store, then you just need to enter the site and select the available autographs from the catalog. For convenience, all celebrities are divided into the following headings:
- all stars;
- musicians;
- TV presenters;
- actors;
- star factory.
For example, here you can find the intricate signatures of Soso Pavliashvili, Anfisa Chekhova, Potap and Nastya, Mikhail Grebenshchikov and even the KVN team "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". The officially declared price of an autograph is from 500 rubles. Whereinthe cost will vary from the size of the photo or poster, on which the star once signed. So, a signed poster of the singer Chile in A3 format will cost her fans 800 rubles, and a postcard in A5 format will cost 500 rubles.
The main advantage is that the autographs here are really authentic. On the site you can see a video confirmation with the star herself.

Of the minuses, one can single out that the signature will not be personalized, that is, the celebrity does not address it specifically to you, but simply puts his standard autograph. Also, in addition to the price, the signature of the star includes payment for the delivery of your order. Its cost in Moscow, for example, will cost 350 rubles. And, of course, here you will not find Hollywood stars - only celebrities of domestic show business.
Where else can I get a star's autograph?
In addition to the above options, you can buy an autograph of a celebrity on fan forums, social networks, private message boards, Internet auctions. For example, the most famous auction is "molotok.ru". Here you can find not only autographs of football stars, but even astronauts. For example, the starting price of a photo with the signature of Marilyn Monroe is 390 thousand rubles.

In a word, if you have already decided to get an autograph of your favorite star, do not stop and do everything possible to realize your plan!