Interesting to know about Vietnam: President of the Republic

Interesting to know about Vietnam: President of the Republic
Interesting to know about Vietnam: President of the Republic

What do we know about Vietnam? While capitalist relations are actively developing in the world, this small country managed to maintain its course towards building socialism. Surprisingly, this is bearing fruit: the standard of living of the population has increased significantly, tourism is actively developing, and the armed forces of the state are strong and reliable. Thanks to this, Vietnam pursues an independent foreign policy. Is the president of this country an appointed dictator or is he a real fighter for justice and equality? We will consider this and other questions in our article.

2016 Appointment

vietnam president
vietnam president

In April 2016, the National Assembly voted by a majority for a new candidate (nearly 92% of the vote) to lead Vietnam. The country's president today is Chan Dai Kuang. Prior to that, he was the head of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam. The presence of a military education, a degree in law, as well as long-term service for the benefit of the people gave him the opportunity to take the highest position in the state.

To pursue a competent domestic and foreign policy, to head the Defense and Security Council, and to be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces - all these powers were taken overhimself the new president of Vietnam. 2016 gave rise to a course towards a complete renewal of the country, rapid economic growth, raising the spiritual culture of society, protecting the socialist system and many other priority tasks. In his first interview with international media, Kuang noted the special role of friendly partnership with the Russian Federation. Recall that the states have maintained close diplomatic ties for more than 65 years.

Quang was nominated before the National Assembly as a candidate by the previous president, Truong Tan Shang. The continuity of this position does not testify in favor of the rights and freedoms of citizens. One gets the feeling that the Communist Party of Vietnam has totalitarian characteristics. In fact, there is not even a clear opposition power in the country: people are satisfied with the rule of the current parliament and the president, and the growth of economic indicators and the well-being of the people only confirm this. So Chan Dai Kuang is in his position not against the will of society, but only for its benefit. The history of modern Vietnam has nothing to do with the past dictatorship.

Chan Dai Kuang: biography of the figure

chan dai kuang
chan dai kuang

Quang became the tenth President of Vietnam. Initially, he chose a military career and followed it relentlessly. Since 1972, he studied at the People's Police School under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After that, he confidently advanced in the diplomatic service in this structure. The first serious position was entrusted to him in 1996 - the head of the department of his own security. Having great influence in the ministry, the ranklieutenant general and professor, Tran Dai Quang was naturally recommended for the highest post that only Vietnam knows - the country's president.

Foreign policy direction

The first thing Vietnam needs, the president called international integration. What does this mean for the country? First of all, according to Kuang, this is a contribution to the development of the Asia-Pacific region. This will allow the Vietnamese economy to reach a new level of development. Free trade agreements, global partnerships will strengthen the world and contribute to the prosperity of the country.

vietnam president 2016
vietnam president 2016

Also since 2015, Vietnam has been a ratified member of the Eurasian Economic Union. The heads of state signed the Free Trade Zone Agreement. This is especially true in the field of defense. Vietnam is a major customer of military equipment, equipment and weapons in the Russian Federation. And cooperation in the cultural sphere every year shows an increase in the number of Russian tourists in the country - from 100 to 400 thousand people a year.

First President of Vietnam

first president of vietnam
first president of vietnam

Ton Duc Thang is the first leader of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. He took office in 1976, after the unification of North and South Vietnam. This person is famous for his revolutionary activities, as a result of which we know this country as it is now.

Until the 21st century, the state went through a difficult path of formation, and now it confirms its status as a liberal republic withestablished diplomatic relations around the world. It is also a country with a special flavor and attractive sights for tourists from all over the world!
