The origin of the Marchenko surname: versions, meaning, history

The origin of the Marchenko surname: versions, meaning, history
The origin of the Marchenko surname: versions, meaning, history

The surname is the naming of the genus, it is the same for all members of the same family. From Latin, the term "surname" is translated as "family". Each family naming is unique, with its own interesting, inimitable fate. Recently, people's interest in the issue of the origin and origin of surnames has grown. Many seek to learn as much as possible about their roots and pass this knowledge on to their children. The history of the formation of the surname helps to reveal the secrets of the family. The article will discuss the origin, history and meaning of the Marchenko surname, whose bearers can be proud of their family name as a monument of Ukrainian culture, history and language.

Ukrainian and Cossack roots

There are several ways to form surnames, but almost half of the Cossack generic names came from Orthodox names. When they appeared, their main task was to answer the question “whose?”

Ancestors of the Don Cossacks -there were Slavs who lived in the Tmutarakan principality since the 9th century. They were Orthodox, so the Christian origin of generic names for them was traditional and ancient.

When joining the ranks of the Cossacks, a newcomer, if he was not a Christian, was baptized and given the name of the godfather. That is why the ancestor of the Marchenko family can be of any nationality.

The meaning and origin of the name Marchenko
The meaning and origin of the name Marchenko

Family names of the Cossacks expressed family seniority. Often, an indicator of kinship was attached to the paternal name, for example, "son." Over time, this ending changed into "enko", and some time later - "enko". So in the middle of the 17th century, the ending “enko” began to be added to the names of all boys and unmarried guys. It is for this reason that surnames with the endings "enko" are common in Ukraine. At present, the ancient ending "enko" has ceased to be understood literally and has been preserved only as a family ending.

Versions of the origin of the surname

The origin of the name Marchenko is connected with the name Mark, it is based on the Latin word "Marcus", which means "hammer".

There is a version that the name Mark originates from the name of Mars, the patron god of herds and people, who later became the God of War.

Mars - god of war
Mars - god of war

The origin of the surname Marchenko refers to a common way of forming Ukrainian family names, it is formed from the church name Mark. This name is of Latin origin.

According to another versionthe origin of the surname Marchenko, it is based on the nickname March, which has English roots and translates as "marching". This word was called the English and Scottish mercenary warriors of the 17th century. For example, Maxim Krivonos, an associate of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, was a Scot by origin.

The name Mark came to Ancient Russia with the spread of the Christian faith. Therefore, the origin of the surname Marchenko is associated with Mark the Evangelist - the apostle, bishop of Babylon and Alexandria. He was a companion of Peter and Paul, and then moved to Alexandria, founded the church and became its bishop.

Mark the Evangelist - Apostle and Bishop of Alexandria
Mark the Evangelist - Apostle and Bishop of Alexandria

Noble family of Marchenko: origin surnames

Some representatives of the family are of noble origin. For example, a family entered history, leading its origin from the Poltava Cossack Mark Markovich, who lived in the 17th century. This genus is included in the 1st and 6th parts of the genealogical books of the Petrograd and Yekaterinoslav provinces.

The coat of arms of the clan is included in the 6th part of the “Armorial of Russian noble families”. The coat of arms of the family is a shield, on a red background of which a swan is depicted. Above the shield is a noble helmet and crown.

Surname Prevalence

The meaning and origin of the name Marchenko is Ukrainian. It is based on the abbreviated form of the name. The surname is common in the western regions of Russia and throughout Ukraine.

In ancient records, the owners of the surname were important people from the Vladimir bourgeoisie of the 16th century. They had a special privilege of the sovereign. The first mention of the family namecan be found in the register of the census of the population of Russia during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. He had a special list of beautiful, noble, melodic surnames, which he bestowed on those around him as a reward. Thus, the surname has retained a unique and exclusive origin and is unique.

Marchenko: the origin of the surname
Marchenko: the origin of the surname

Instead of a conclusion

The origin of each surname is unique and inimitable. Each of them has its own destiny and secret. The ways in which surnames appeared were the features of the appearance and character of a person. There are surnames that are formed from the names of geographical objects. But the most common way surnames appear is from the name or nickname of a person, as, for example, the surname Marchenko and its derivative forms were formed.
