Nature has a special meaning in the life of mankind. It not only gives beauty and good mood, but also something without which life would be impossible. Nature should be treated with respect. It must be protected if necessary.
Kazantipsky nature reserve is located on the territory of the Crimea, more precisely on the coast of the Kerch Peninsula.

Total area 450.1 ha. The reserve was established in 1998. It includes not only the cape, but also the coastal-aquatic complex. Translated Kazantip means "hollow". It is washed by the Sea of Azov. The bottom of the basin was not included in the reserve.
The Sea of Azov is a periodically freezing body of water. Freezing of water begins at -0.5 degrees. From December to March it is covered with ice. During cold weather, ice usually appears and melts repeatedly. This is due to the fact that frequent thaws are a characteristic climatic feature for this area. The land of the reserve is not rich in fresh underground underwater waters. Groundwater is at different depths, they affect the vegetation. On uplands and plains, they do not participate in soil formation and do not feedplants due to being too deep. Sufficient vegetation moisture gets only where the relief is lowered. There is a mineral water well on one of the seaside slopes.
Kazantipsky nature reserve is located on a cape, mainly consisting of bryozoan limestone. The flat bottom of the basin and the ring ridges look like an ancient atoll, in the center of which there is a dry lagoon. The height of the ridge can reach 107 meters above sea level. In reality, Cape Kazantip is a typical convex brachianticline with layers gently located on its slopes.
Many slopes alternate with heaps of rocks, cracks, funnels. Small bays are limited by limestone cliffs, turning into the steppe. Strong indentation off the coast of Kazantip. Crimea is a beautiful peninsula, so it is not surprising that there are such reserved places here.

The purpose of creating this protected natural object is to increase the effectiveness of the protection and protection of the natural complexes of Cape Kazantip. Currently, it continues to produce oil.
The reserve has a temperate continental climate, arid. The number of warm days is 222. Every year, up to 400 mm of precipitation falls on its territory.
In the nature reserve there are mainly virgin areas: meadow, shrub, petrophilic and feather grass steppes. The flora consists of 541 plant species. Of these, 60% are the flora of the Kerch Peninsula and the remaining 40% are plants of the plainCrimea.
Some species of plants are listed in the Red Book.
Kazantipsky nature reserve is estimated to inhabit 450 species of invertebrates and 190 vertebrates, some of which are also in the Red Book. Up to 200 species of migratory birds are observed on the territory of Kazantip, fifty of which remain here for the winter. There are 80 species of fish in the water area, a lot of gobies. Some fish species are critically endangered and under special protection.

Kazantipsky nature reserve is located in Shchelkino, there are many unusual and attractive places that are sights. Getting to Kazantip is easy, because there are signs. The reserve has a rich natural world and is worth a visit.
On Cape Kazantip itself, a stunning view of the amazingly beautiful nature and endless expanses opens up. This is an amazing place, great for walking. But in order to be on the territory of the reserve, you must first obtain permission from the administration.