Shoal of fish - what is it?

Shoal of fish - what is it?
Shoal of fish - what is it?

What is a school of fish? This is exactly what this article is about. Among the fish there are those who spend their whole lives alone, they are individualists, but there are also representatives who gather in flocks at specific periods of life. Thus, a school of fish is a large accumulation of individuals of the same species. It seems that this is one living organism. This is a beautiful and impressive sight - a school of fish, the photo perfectly conveys its greatness.

school of fish
school of fish

What kind of fish are going in schools

Most river and lake fish (roach, perch, bleak and others) live in small flocks, and usually gather in large schools during spawning. At the same time, there is one peculiarity: the smaller the fish, the greater their number.

If we take into account the predominant part of marine pelagic fish (herring, sardine, horse mackerel and others), they stay in large flocks for almost the entire year.

Position of fish in schools

Aquatic inhabitants, located in a moving flock, are comparable to birds, because each occupies a certain place.

Once there were suggestions that the fishahead of everyone, cut through the air or water, creating easier conditions for others. But later it was proved that this is not the case. In fact, a school of fish is built depending on the electrical forces that appear between the fish. While moving in a flock, they can either repel each other, or mutually attract, or have no effect on each other. If they float in a ledge, then electricity does not arise between them and they interfere with each other less. In this regard, large fish (tuna, bonito) are located in a wedge.

school of fish photo
school of fish photo

Fish in a flock are rarely in one place. As a rule, they are looking for prey or heading to spawning grounds.

Who is in charge of the school of fish

Most fish do not have a main one, and everyone is equal to one or another group of more experienced fish. However, when observing cod, it was clear that a male was at the head of an organized community.

Each school of fish often has a certain color. Representatives in the pack must not fight back, otherwise they will be lost.

The benefits of a pack life

A school of fish is a huge school in which the fish are much easier. It's easier for them to get away from danger. After all, it is not difficult for a predator to catch one fish, but when many individuals are watching him at once, this task is already much more difficult. When an enemy is detected, the fish rushes to the side, because of which the whole flock is alert. When a predator is detected, some fish hide, while others scatter. Most often, the predator is left with nothing. Different schools of fish use different methods of defense against enemies. For example, a mackerel bunches up and begins to move rapidly in a circle. And small sea catfish, when approaching a predator, huddle into a ball with pointed tails outward. As a result, they become like a spiny sea urchin. Small fish angullaris plotosus painfully bite the offender in response to his attack. Again, no one will want to attack them a second time.

A school of fish is
A school of fish is

Shoals of fish find food faster, it is easier for them to detect the accumulation of plankton. If one fish sees food, then everyone will be fed. There are also those representatives who hunt collectively.

It is easier to travel in flocks, so spawning grounds and wintering grounds are found faster. Therefore, often by the time of long hikes, fish gather in shoals. Wintering together, they consume less oxygen.

The world's largest school of fish is sardines (commercial fish). They cover great distances. Once they form into packs, they are followed by predators.

In general, schools are any group of fish that stick together for whatever reason.

What is a school of fish
What is a school of fish

The synchronous movement of a flock of fish is one of the most fascinating and unusual sights. They move in unison, so much so that the observer cannot look away. Moving in a joint is a complex process. As a result, experts came to the conclusion that the fish, while in a flock, adhere to the observance of the distance between each other, and also react to the movements of a nearby neighbor by turning in the same direction. Exactlythis allows the fish to move in a coordinated and coordinated way.

Of course, there are fish that love loneliness, like pike, but still most of them seek society, forming colossal and unique schools.
