The biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin is not very common information, although he is a well-known media personality. Thanks to his participation in political debates on television, he became a recognizable personality. The circle of spectators and listeners is divided into those who agree with Sytin's statements and those who zealously criticize him. On the Internet, he became famous for his Russophobic statements and negative reviews about life in Russia in general.

Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich – Doctor of Historical Sciences. The biography tells that he is a Russian political scientist, specializes in foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation.
Alexander Nikolayevich was born on May 11, 1958 in Moscow. Studying at school was easy for him. History was my favorite subject. After graduating from school, he chose it as a future specialization and entered the Faculty of History at the Moscow Stateuniversity. After the successful defense of the diploma, the biography of Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich was replenished with information about the first place of work. As the best student of the Faculty of History, he was invited to stay at the department as a graduate student.
After four years of work, he wrote his first Ph. D. work "Diplomacy in History during the Napoleonic Wars". Despite the fact that all the years he had the title of candidate of historical sciences, he received a doctorate degree only in 2011, thanks to his thesis “The B altic States and their relations with Russia in the context of international relations of the late XX - early XXI centuries.”
Alexander Nikolaevich did not do military service in the army, as he was officially released due to the continuous scientific activity that he led.

Job and Career
For twelve years (from 1975 to 1987) Sytin worked at the State Historical Museum. After that, he decided to take up teaching: at the Moscow State Institute of Culture, he lectured on the subject of Russian and Soviet history.
While working at the museum and the institute, Alexander Nikolaevich was engaged not only in professional duties, but also in self-development. He wrote several dozen works on politics. Moreover, all his works have been translated into different languages of the world.
High positions
In 1993, he retired from teaching and went into business. The biography of Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich does not provide information about entrepreneurial activities. It is only known that in 1997 he was offered the position of project manager in the Yukos company. This is a Russian oil company that existed from 1993 to 2007. At one time it was the largest organization in Russia, which included ten more companies. The goal of Yukos was to provide consumers with oil and improve the operation of the oil complex throughout the Russian Federation.
After the liquidation of the company, Sytin was appointed deputy head at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies. There he worked on the study of the B altic countries and on problems in the states of the near abroad. After some time, he climbed the career ladder and took the position of head of the sector for the European countries of the CIS and the B altics.

Beginning of Russophobia
In 2014, after the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass and the withdrawal of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea from Ukraine, Sytin resigns from the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies due to political differences. During this period, after his own analytical work, Alexander Nikolaevich developed negative feelings towards Russia. This is called Russophobia. After that, he took an active position as haters of his own country and began to propagate his position. At this time, the biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin was replenished with a new position of head of the Center for Political Studies of the States of Eastern and Northern Europe.
This behavior Sytin became interesting directors of political programs. He was invited tovarious programs, where he caused a lot of negativity from viewers and participants in the debate. But, as they say, black PR is also PR. Alexander Nikolayevich was presented as a political expert. Indeed, he is incredibly smart, well-read and firmly defends his position, although he causes a storm of indignation from his compatriots.

Reasons for Russia's hatred
Such hatred for the motherland is associated with the fact that Sytin is secretly working for Western Ukraine in order to find like-minded people and form groups to raise a rebellion against the government of the Russian Federation. According to experts, after the political coup in Kyiv in early December 2013 called "Euromaidan", representatives of the government of the United States of America practice such projects to create a conflict situation among the people of Russia.
Why Sytin took such a position is unknown. In order to hate the country that feeds him so openly, you need a very good reason. Perhaps these are large fees from the United States, or maybe something else. It is worth noting that this person has incredible willpower, perseverance and endurance. Not everyone will be able to withstand so much negativity from all citizens, while continuing to live in a country that, in his own words, Sytin hates so much. The biography of the parents and family of Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich is strictly classified. It's understandable, with a reputation like that, it's dangerous to put your entire family at risk.

Center for Political Studies of the States of Eastern and Northern Europe
I would like to pay special attention to this Center. As you know, the Internet has inexhaustible resources. Millions of people can add their authentic information in any language they like. Nowadays, you can find absolutely any information, even the most secret. However, nothing is known about the Center for Political Studies of the States of Eastern and Northern Europe. This fact calls into question the existence of the so-called Center. There are several records about this organization on the Internet, but the fact is that there is no information published by anyone other than Sytin himself. Even for ordinary amateurs who are not too versed in this topic, a completely logical question arises: "Is it possible that the entire staff of the so-called Research Center is only Alexander Nikolayevich?" This also calls into question the existence of this enterprise.
Private life
The biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin's parents is unknown. Due to the fact that in 2010 Alexander became popular among those invited to political programs, he carefully hides his personal life. He currently holds the position of head of the Center for Political Studies of the States of Eastern and Northern Europe. Judging by the page on the Facebook social network, where there is no information about the biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin's family, parents and wife, information about them is carefully hidden. Also, many are interested in the question of whether Sytin has children. It is logical to assume that in the presence of a wife there areoffspring. However, in the biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Sytin, the family and children are also silent. He can be understood, with such a reputation, anyone would hide their personal lives and more. Even the address where such a scandalous person lives is unknown. It takes a lot of effort to achieve this result.

Media interest
After he began to participate in political programs on television, absolutely all the media became interested in Sytin. Given his Russophobic stance, few people approve of this adoption of Russian Federation policy. It is not surprising that a person who hates the country that feeds him attracts a lot of negative attention. His position explains why Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich carefully hides the biography of his wife and children from prying eyes. He, as the head of the family, protects his relatives from attacks by journalists and other fans of fried foods in the media.
Programs with his participation
Each program attended by Sytin is a high-profile scandalous story. He staunchly expresses his, albeit negative, opinion and receives no less portion in response. However, he is a frequent guest on political programs.
Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich was invited to Vladimir Solovyov's project "Duel". There he was criticized by Russian political scientists, in fact, as always. Sytin said that Russia is a backward state in comparison with the countries of the West. He wieldedfacts from history and compared the development of Russia and other countries. After that, Alexander Nikolayevich proposed to give part of the power to the population of the Russian Federation, which would itself make decisions regarding the propaganda of the authorities.
He also took part in the program "First Studio" on the channel "Russia 1". The program went on as usual when Sytin became at the center of the conflict. As always, he said that it was impossible to live in Russia, and he hated this country. To the question of what needs to be changed in the management system, he replied that the people would not stand it the way he would organize it. But when asked why he still lives in a hated state, he answered with silence.
All political shows with the participation of Sytin always follow the same scenario, and each time he is in the center of the conflict.

In conclusion, we can say that this character makes money on public hatred for his country. Whether this is true or not is a big question, since people who do not want to live in Russia pack their things and leave for other countries. As for information about his personal life, Sytin Alexander Nikolaevich carefully hides the biography of the family. No wonder, because his position in society only harmed his relatives.
As far as his political position is concerned, according to the majority opinion, it is not good to treat the country in which a person lives, which gives him housing and food.