Edge is Description, photo of the plant

Edge is Description, photo of the plant
Edge is Description, photo of the plant

The water lily is an aquatic herbaceous plant, otherwise called the yellow water lily. Belongs to the water lily family. It grows wild in Europe, Russia, Asia. A large number of useful substances and applications have led to the fact that the plant began to be kept and propagated in aquariums around the world.

jug it
jug it


Ornamental grass with lancet leaves waving beautifully in a pond. The underwater part has wavy edges. The capsule is a translucent plant with clearly defined veins. Coloration can be from brilliant green to red-brown. The egg-pod, the description of which can be found in any aquarist's manual, is a capricious plant, not every (even experienced) aquarium owner can handle it.

pod is algae
pod is algae

Containment conditions

Preferred conditions - tropical aquarium. The water temperature must be at least 24 degrees, otherwise the flower will grow much more slowly. The capsule is a plant that is demanding even for water hardness: about 6-12 degrees of hardness andneutral acidity. Maximum attention should be paid to the hardness of the water. The water lily prefers as clean water as possible. The leaf of the capsule is so tender that the settling suspension of organic matter can kill it. Strong currents in an aquarium should be avoided for the same reason. Digging fish are bad neighbors for water lilies. Water changes should be done no more than 3 times a month.

Edge is a plant that loves light. In aquariums, it will feel a lack of light, so it is important to equip the container with a backlight. Light day for a water lily should last up to 13 hours. It is recommended to add incandescent lamps to fluorescent ones - this will be useful for the plant.

egg photo
egg photo


The egg-pod is an algae, but its leaves rarely become floating in natural conditions - they remain completely under water. You can achieve the desired effect by creating the most favorable conditions, including the brightness of the light should exceed 1 W / l. An even rarer occurrence in an aquarium is flowering. The flower protrudes above the water on a long pedicel. The diameter of the yellow inflorescence is 3-5 cm.


Although the egg-pod is an algae capable of absorbing nutrients from the water, the soil for it must be selected especially carefully, focusing on its high nutritional value. When transplanting a plant into a new "pond", you need to add charcoal and clay. For further development of the yellow water lily, natural silting will be enough. You should regularly clean the aquarium of silt to prevent the rhizome from sour. pod -this plant has a very strong root system, so the soil must be at least 8 cm thick.

pod plant
pod plant


Under favorable conditions, the egg-pod, the photo of which clearly demonstrates the possibility of its successful cultivation, grows strongly, filling the aquarium. Therefore, it should be thinned out regularly, while simultaneously monitoring the rejuvenation of the population.


Propagate the plant is quite difficult. This happens vegetatively, but the rhizome branches for quite a long time - about once in 12 months. Care should be taken when separating a new plant, since severe injury to the rhizome can lead to the death of the alga.

red book
red book

What is the use of the capsule

Edge, the photo of which shows a rather nondescript plant, has a lot of useful substances. The composition of the rhizome includes resins, sugars, sitosterol, alkaloids, stigmasterol and other chemicals.

Leaves have no less useful elements:

  • Caffeic acid.
  • Ellagotannins.
  • Ferulic acid.
  • P - coumaric acid.
  • Luteolin.
  • Sinapoic acid.

The seed and flowers of the pod contain nymphalin.

This composition of plant parts makes it possible to widely use it not only in folk, but even in traditional medicine. Based on the yellow water lily, preparations of various actions are made:

  • choleretic.
  • Painkillers.
  • Sedatives.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Diuretic.
  • Astringents.
  • Sleeping pills.


When preparing drugs, all parts of the plant are used: leaves, seeds, flowers, rhizome. It takes a lot of effort to get raw materials. Not only is it not easy to extract the rhizomes from the bottom of the reservoir, but also when drying the plants, most of them are lost - from 10 kg of extracted rhizomes, only 1 kg of the product is obtained. for the treatment of trichomonas. In addition, contraceptives are produced on the basis of the capsule.

When applied topically, preparations from extracts can be used to treat diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by pathogenic fungi and microorganisms. Folk healers advise the use of capsule grass in the treatment of certain types of malignant tumors.

egg description
egg description

The rhizomes of the capsule are usually used as corrective agents for sexual activity. It is most useful for painful wet dreams in men, impotence or a drop in libido. A decoction of the rhizome is also recommended for women suffering from problems with the emergence of desire.

In the people, all parts of the plant are used for fever, various skin diseases, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. A decoction is recommended for such diseases:

  • Rheumatism.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Gastric cramps.

Kubyshka is great at fighting coughs, pneumonia andbronchitis. Prescribed for gout and childhood enuresis.

Kubyshka in Russia

Under natural conditions, the capsule is a rather large plant: flower calyxes up to 30 mm long. The floating parts of the leaf are egg-shaped, on long petioles, consisting of three faces.

There are quite a lot of petals, with a honey hole. The flowers are yellow, with many stamens. The fruits of the capsule are smooth, mucilaginous after ripening.

In our country, this plant is not so common - a yellow capsule. The Red Book of the Russian Federation classifies it as a vulnerable plant. Although this plant is not found in the IUCN list.

Previously, the largest populations were in the Krasnodar Territory, however, today their numbers have been significantly reduced. Today, the smallest populations are in the floodplain of the Kuban River. A further reduction is noted annually.

The reasons why the yellow egg-pod may soon disappear in our country are the pollution of its habitats, measures to drain territories, and procurement as medicines.

Currently, protective measures are being taken in the Priazovsky State Reserve and in the Primorsko-Akhtarsky State Forest and Hunting Enterprise.

Requires constant monitoring of the population, a ban on the collection of any parts of the plant, full protection, propaganda among the population. In the Kuban floodplains, it is necessary to organize protected areas, to facilitate the maximum return of the egg-pod to its natural habitat.
