Kennedy is one of America's most famous and celebrated presidents. The years of his reign are from 1961 to 1963, when he was assassinated. Kennedy was a participant in the war of 1939-1945, as well as a member of the Senate.

Childhood and youth
According to the local American tradition, he was called Jack. He was first elected to the Senate at the age of 43. In the history of the United States, he was the youngest president. John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in a small town called Brookly to a Catholic family. He was the second child in the family.
As a child, John F. Kennedy was very frail, often ill, and almost died due to scarlet fever. When he grew up, many women, on the contrary, were crazy about him. When the boy was ten years old, his family moved into a twenty-room house. At school, the future president was distinguished by a rebellious spirit, and his academic performance left much to be desired. Despite the fact that John F. Kennedy Jr. was very often sick, he continued to play sports hard.
After graduating from school, he entered Harvard University, however, he did not stay there for long due to he alth problems. Returning to the States, Kennedy continues his studies - now at Princeton. Soon hefalls ill, and doctors diagnose him with leukemia. Kennedy does not believe the doctors, and later they themselves admit that they made a wrong diagnosis.

Traveling through Europe and participating in hostilities
In 1936, John F. Kennedy returned to Harvard University. In the summer, he travels to European countries, which further spurs his interest in politics and international relations. Under the patronage of his father, the future president meets the head of the Catholic Church - Pope Pius XII.
Despite poor he alth, Kennedy took part in the hostilities that lasted until 1945. At the front, he takes an active part in the battles, showing courage in rescuing a boat sunk by enemy troops. And after being discharged from the military, he takes up a job as a journalist.

The beginning of a political career
In 1946, John F. Kennedy is elected to the House of Congress. Further, the same post is occupied by him three more times. In 1960, he was first nominated for the presidency of the country, and, finally, in 1961, he became the head of the United States. Many of Kennedy's contemporaries were impressed by his decisiveness, intellect and wisdom in governing the country. For example, Kennedy managed to achieve a ban on nuclear testing. He also made many popular reforms and became the lover of the whole nation.
President's personal life
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was married to Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, who was12 years younger than him. Instead of flowers and sweets, Kennedy gave her books that he himself considered the most valuable. Their wedding took place in Newport. Subsequently, the Kennedy family had four children. However, the older girl and the younger boy died. Caroline's middle daughter became a writer. Son John died under tragic circumstances in a plane crash.
Also, John F. Kennedy had a large number of extramarital affairs. Among his passions was Pamela Turner, who worked as a press secretary for his wife Jacqueline. An aristocrat from Sweden, Gunilla von Post, described her relationship with the president in a book. Also the infamous Marilyn Monroe had an affair with Kennedy.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy: death
Before the upcoming elections in 1963, Kennedy begins a series of trips around the country. On November 21, 1963, his procession was on the streets of Dallas. Exactly at half past one, three shots rang out. The first bullet went through and also wounded the governor of Texas. Another of the shots hit the head and was fatal.
Already five minutes later, the President was taken to the hospital. But the doctors were powerless against such wounds, and at about one in the afternoon the death of the president was reported. Texas Governor John Connally survived. Two hours later, police arrested a suspect in the murder, Lee Harvey Oswald, and two days later he was shot dead by Jack Ruby, whom the authorities suspected of having links with the Mafiosi. Ruby was sentenced to death.
But, having filed forappeal, he managed to get a pardon. A new trial date had not yet been set when Ruby was diagnosed with cancer. He died in January 1967. There are many versions according to which John Fitzgerald Kennedy could have been killed. According to one of them, the massacre of the president was a response to his program to combat organized crime.