Belgorod - a small city in Russia, located near the Ukrainian border (40 kilometers) - 80 kilometers from Kharkov. Location in the south-west of the country has an impact on the Belgorod economy, climate and ecology. Chernozem and favorable weather conditions contribute to the development of agriculture, which brings considerable income to the region. Belgorod is clean and prosperous with a pleasant dry climate, low clouds and bright warm sun. It is also one of the quietest cities in Russia with a low crime rate. About 500 people commit crimes per 100 thousand inhabitants. Most often it is pickpocketing.

What is the climate in Belgorod
The average annual temperature is +8 degrees. Belgorod has a temperate continental climate without sharp temperature fluctuations, changes in humidity and atmospheric pressure. Summers are dry and hot in places, winters are cool, lasting 2 months, it often rains in December, and autumns are warm and mild. The average annual humidity is 76%, about 500 millimeters of precipitation falls annually, most of which occurs in the summer.
Belgorod is located at an altitude of 130 meters abovesea level, the average wind speed here is up to 5-7 kilometers per second. The climate of the city of Belgorod is generally mild, comfortable for life and tourism. Similar to Voronezh or the one in eastern Ukraine.
The absolute temperature maximum recorded since 1983 is 39 degrees above zero. It happened in July. The absolute minimum is 34 degrees below zero in January.

Belgorod, climate by months:
- January. The coldest month of the year, the average temperature is 10-6 degrees below zero.
- February. The average temperature is 9-6 degrees below zero.
- March. In March, the snow begins to melt slowly. The average temperature is 0 degrees.
- April. The snow is melting fast, the trees are turning green. The average temperature is 10 degrees above zero.
- May. It can be considered almost a summer month in Belgorod. Average 16 degrees above zero.
- June. 19-20 degrees above zero.
- July. The hottest month. Average temperature +20-22.
- August. +21 degrees.
- September. The average temperature is +15 degrees.
- October. Autumn gradually begins, and the average temperature drops to +8.
- November. It starts to get cold and rainy. By the end of November, snow may fall, the average temperature is 0 degrees.
- December. It usually rains in the first half of the month, and snow finally falls in the middle of the month. The average temperature is 6-7 degrees below zero.
In Belgorod, the climate is not distinguished by frosts, long rainy seasons or strongsnowfalls.
Winter in Belgorod is cool, averaging 6 degrees below zero. Lasts from the end of December to the end of February. During this time, about 100-130 millimeters of precipitation falls. Belgorod reservoir freezes.
In Belgorod, the climate is designed so that the spring and autumn period last for 2 months. Until the end of February it is still winter, in mid-April summer begins. Spring is short and swift, the snow melts quickly, and the city begins to blossom.
Dry and hot summer lasts from May to the end of September. It usually doesn't rain. The weather is favorable for growing vegetables, fruits and grains. The average temperature is 20 degrees above zero. July and June receive the most rainfall, with 70 millimeters each month.
Autumn is mild and warm, almost the whole of October is the golden period, the temperature stays around 8 degrees above zero. From mid-November, rains and the first frosts begin, and snow falls and finally falls only by the end of December.
Environmental situation

According to the news agency "" and the public organization "Green Patrol", the Belgorod region is one of the five cleanest regions in terms of ecology. It is located in 4th place, in front of the Kursk region and after the Altai Territory.
In Belgorod, the climate contributes to the development of the agricultural industry, which cannot but affect the ecological situation in the city and the region. Plowing fields leads to the destruction of the natural ecosystem and habitat of local animals and birds, gaseous emissions from ruminant livestock pollute the atmosphere and affect the greenhouse effect, and animal excrement, along with sewage, enters rivers and groundwater.

Water treatment facilities in the region are not the most efficient, need to be updated and improved, and there is no storm sewer system in cities and towns, which cannot but affect water pollution.
Emissions from factories and car exhausts pollute the air. Moreover, 56% of the emissions of the entire Belgorod region occur in the city of Stary Oskol, where a cement plant and a cheese factory are located.
Also, regional solid waste landfills and incineration plants cannot cope with the load, hazardous waste, batteries, oil products, electronics and the like have to be taken to the neighboring region. The region needs enterprises that will dispose of biological waste and recycle garbage.

However, the situation is not as dire as it might seem. In the Belgorod region, measures are being taken to restore the ecological state of the region. Every month, campaigns are held for the separate collection of household waste from the population, which are then sent to a waste processing plant, where they receive a second life. Greening the region helps fight the harmful effects of car exhaust and saturate the air with oxygen.
BBelgorod region is an active campaign against smoking. Reducing the number of smokers in the region also has a beneficial effect on improving the condition of the atmosphere and air.
The government of the region introduced environmental taxes for enterprises whose activities pollute the environment. The funds received go to the maintenance and work of organizations involved in the restoration of the ecology of Belgorod and the Belgorod region.
In Belgorod, the climate is moderate and mild, the ecological situation is acceptable and is getting better every year. This is a great place to take a break, spend a vacation or a weekend. The city has a rich history, it is decorated with fortresses and churches. Belgorod is developing rapidly, improving the economy and leisure for residents and visitors alike.