The environment is not just what is around a person, it is on it that people's he alth depends, as well as the ability to live on this planet for future generations. If it is irresponsible to approach its preservation, then it is quite likely that the destruction of the entire human race will occur. Therefore, everyone should be aware of the state of nature, as well as what contribution he can make to its protection or restoration.
What depends on the environment?
All life on Earth depends on how good the environment is. At the same time, one cannot take into account any particular area, since all systems have a certain relationship with each other:
- atmosphere;
- oceans;
- sushi;
- ice sheets;
- biosphere;
- water streams.
And every system is threatened in one way or another by human activity. But after a certain area is subjected to too much negativeimpact, various natural disasters may occur. Those, in turn, without fail threaten the lives of people. Therefore, everything depends on the environment, from a favorable human life to the preservation of natural resources for future generations.

Observation of all systems is carried out by responsible persons. However, as has been pointed out, every person will suffer if any area reaches a critical point leading to a natural disaster. For this reason, everyone must ensure that nature remains in its original state, or, if it has already been violated, every effort must be made to restore it.
Nature & Environment
Virtually every person has an impact on the environment, regardless of their occupation. Some of them do really useful things, with the help of which vast we alth can be conveyed to future generations - clean air and water, untouched nature, and so on. However, most people have precisely the negative impact, which gradually destroys everything that the planet gives humanity.
Fortunately, many countries in our time are well aware of the importance of the issue of the environment, their responsibility for its safety. And it is precisely for this reason that it is possible to save individual natural we alth, resources, without which the environment will perish, and soon after it, all of humanity.
Your attention should be paid not only to countries in general, but also to individual organizations in particular.only virgin areas of nature, but also those that really need human help. These are marine ecosystems, the atmosphere, because people's he alth directly depends on them. Therefore, the conservation of nature and the environment surrounding mankind is based not only on responsibility for a specific area, but also for their totality, interconnection. If we take chemical waste as an example, then they should be considered not only as elements that spoil human he alth, but also as those that harm nature.
Human-environment interaction
It is known that not only environmental resources, their safety, but also human he alth depend on the release of chemical waste into the atmosphere or marine ecosystems. In this regard, by 2020 it is planned to completely eliminate such pollution, not even reduce it to a minimum. For this reason, these days, all those businesses that deal with chemicals must submit detailed reports on how waste is disposed of.

If there is an increased concentration of substances that are harmful to humans in the atmosphere, it is necessary to quickly reduce their level. But this requires the participation of all people, and not just those organizations that have a certain responsibility for protecting the environment. There is a generally accepted and undeniable opinion that it is extremely important for a person to spend time outdoors. This benefits him, helps to correct or maintain he alth at a good level. However, if he inhales chemicalwaste, then it will not only not contribute to the task, but also harm. Therefore, the more responsible each individual behaves towards the environment, the more likely it is to preserve and maintain it for many years.
Marine Ecosystems
Many countries and states are surrounded by large expanses of water. In addition, the water cycle cannot be ignored. Therefore, any city, even if it is located in the center of the mainland, is directly related to marine ecosystems. Consequently, the life of all people on the planet is connected with the oceans, therefore the preservation and protection of the water space is far from the last task.

The Department of the Environment simply cannot do without the work of protecting marine ecosystems. Its mission is to minimize pollution of the oceans. Unfortunately, modern human activity cannot exclude this factor, but it is necessary to strive to reduce it.
Protection of water resources is the responsibility of many organizations, including the EU and the UN. The reduction of pollution and the preservation of resources are the results of their work, as well as the departments of each country separately. And the he alth of the younger generation and the state of the environment depend on how correctly and quickly they compile the initial information, the basis of which will be included in international conventions.
Methods of nature management
In the 21st century, humanity is exerting the greatest pressure on the state of nature. His needs are growing, as areenvironmental pollution. So, over the past century, people have used up as many resources as they could not in previous millennia. All these facts have a negative impact on nature and human he alth. Therefore, responsible persons today involve various aspects of human activity in order to reduce the harm caused. They can, for example, approve the environmental law, fine for non-compliance with it, or take other pen alties.

There are two main types of nature management:
- Rational. At the same time, humanity and nature interact perfectly. Renewable resources are used, the negative impact on nature is reduced. Examples are nature reserves, water recycling systems, and so on.
- Irrational. At the same time, a person treats the environment as a consumer, he uses its resources in such a way that they do not have time to be replenished. As a result of this state of affairs, they dry up until they disappear altogether. This will have a bad effect not only on nature, but also on people. Examples are deforestation, the release of waste into the atmosphere or the sea, and so on.
Pollution and its types
Polluting impact on the environment is a change in its properties that harms natural complexes, as well as humanity. There are several types of pollution:
- Chemical. At the same time, the corresponding wastes enter the ecosystems.
- Biological. At the same time, organisms that can lead to variousanimal, plant or human diseases.
- Heat.
- Radioactive.
- Noise.
There are other types of pollution, such as soil pollution. It occurs when agriculture is not properly conducted, the condition of the land is disturbed if chemical fertilizers are used.
Hydrosphere pollution
Any negative impact on the environment, if we take into account a specific area, one way or another carries with it other detrimental consequences. For example, if you throw waste into the sea, then during the evaporation process, harmful particles will also enter the air. Therefore, the safety of water resources is one of the main places in deciding the issue of environmental protection.

Sources that pollute the hydrosphere are as follows:
- Utilities.
- Transport.
- Industry.
- S/X.
- Non-production area.
The maximum negative effect is produced by industrial emissions into rivers or seas of various wastes.
Atmospheric pollution
The atmosphere is a system that has several ways of self-defense. However, the negative impact on the environment in our time is so great that it lacks the strength for defense activities, as a result of which it gradually wears out.
It is necessary to highlight several main sources that pollute the atmosphere:
- Chemical industry.
- Transport.
- Power industry.
- Metallurgy.
Among them, especially frightening is aerosol pollution, which means that particles are emitted into the atmosphere in a liquid or solid state, but they are not part of its permanent composition.

However, oxides of carbon or sulfur are more dangerous. It is they who lead to the greenhouse effect, which results in the melting of glaciers, an increase in temperature on the continents, and so on. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the composition of the air, as additional impurities will sooner or later affect humanity.
Ways to protect the environment
The higher the negative impact on nature, the more organizations should be created that will not only be responsible for its protection, but also disseminate information that helps all the inhabitants of the planet understand how dangerous pollution is. Consequently, with the growth of harm, protective measures are intensified.
International environmental protection includes several methods of preserving nature and its resources:
- Creation of purification facilities. They can exert their influence only on marine resources or the atmosphere, or they can serve in a complex.
- Development of new cleaning technologies. This is usually done by businesses that work with chemicals to facilitate disposal or increase the positive impact in a particular system.
- Proper placement of dirty industries. Security companies and organizations are still unable to respond tothe question of where exactly the relevant enterprises should be located, but it is being actively resolved.
In a word, if we look for a solution to the problem of the ecological state of the planet, then it is necessary for all representatives of the world community to do this. Alone, nothing will work.
Pollution charges
Since today there are no countries where human activity is not associated with environmental pollution, some enterprises are charged for the environment. This process is taking place in accordance with the law adopted in 2002.

A common mistake of companies involved in dirty production is that after paying for the conservation of nature, they continue the process of negative impact on it. In fact, this can lead to criminal liability. Paying the fee is no excuse, and every business must strive to reduce harm, if not eliminate it altogether.
In conclusion, we can say that the environment is a collection of all those elements that are around people. It was she who provided the opportunity for evolution, for the emergence of the human race. Therefore, the main goal of our time is its protection, purification and preservation. If this does not happen, then in just a few centuries the planet will turn into a place unsuitable for human life and activity.