Why the Scots wear a kilt: the history of the tradition, photo

Why the Scots wear a kilt: the history of the tradition, photo
Why the Scots wear a kilt: the history of the tradition, photo

The question of why the Scots wear a kilt worries many people who want to get to know the life and customs of the inhabitants of this country. But it should be noted that the answers to it will differ from each other depending on who tries to give an explanation on this topic. Let's try to figure it out.

Opinion of historians

A person who read a lot about the traditions of the Scots, their historical roots and way of life many years ago, to the question: “Why do the Scots wear a kilt, where did this tradition come from?”, Will answer that the men's skirt in this country is not just part of the national costume. This is a symbol of courage, freedom, courage, severity and stubbornness of real highlanders.

Skirt-kilt once in Scotland was not worn by all the inhabitants of this country. Highlanders, that is, highlanders living in a harsh climate, walking or riding long distances on horseback, sleeping in the open, despite the precipitation, were forced to wear clothes that made their life easier.

The evolution of the kilt
The evolution of the kilt

Kilt was clothing, notconstraining movements, and a blanket that saved from the cold at the lodging for the night. Trouser legs when walking on tall grass or mountain paths got wet and constantly required drying, this problem was not with a skirt. And if it was necessary to engage in battle, then the kilt was thrown aside as an extra item, and the highlanders rushed to the attack, not constrained by extra clothes.

Legends and facts

Connoisseurs assure that these are not empty words. There are several historical facts confirming such battles. But first, a beautiful story. In 1544, two clans, the MacDonalds and the Camerons, united and fought the Frasers. Since they were all highlanders, they went into battle, throwing their kilts aside. The battle remained in the epics and the memory of the people under the name "Battle of shirts".

But 100 years later, in 1645, this actually happened. The army of the Marquess of Montrose, consisting of three thousand Scots, took up the battle at Kilseith with Sir William Bailey's detachment of eight thousand. Perhaps the highlanders were helped by training and endurance, but the fact remains in history that they rushed into battle naked. The victory was on their side.

Why do Scots wear the kilt despite the ban?

In the 18th century, after the suppression of another Jacobite uprising, the British authorities, seeing in the national clothes of the highlanders a challenge to public opinion, a demonstration of independence and love of freedom, tried to teach the men of the highlands to wear trousers. The strict ban lasted 36 years.

Soldiers in skirts
Soldiers in skirts

But the kilt hasn't completely disappeared. The fact is that he remained in the equipment of mountain regiments, and thereforeafter some time, it again became an element in demand by the men of this country.

What is a kilt?

There are many variants of the origin of the word, but the most reliable seems to be a derivative of "Scots", that is, "wrap around yourself." But, perhaps, the style of clothing gave rise to the name, because in translation from Old Norse it is just folded clothes.

In the everyday life of the Scots, there used to be large and small kilts. Large - these are two pieces of fabric sewn together, making up a single canvas 6-7 meters long. The lower part was gathered in folds and fastened at the waist with a belt, and the upper part was thrown over the shoulder, served as a cloak or hood. It becomes obvious why the Scots wear a kilt, why there was a need for a thing that did not occupy hands during the day, performing the functions of outerwear, and at night became a tent, sleeping bag or blanket. The large kilt already existed in the 17th century, but now it is almost impossible to see it in everyday life.

blue colors
blue colors

The small kilt appeared a century later, in the 18th century. This is the lower, more functional part of a large plaid. A piece of fabric wraps around the hips and is fastened with buckle straps. The length of the skirt is usually up to the knee.

What does something like this say?

Traditionally, the Scots wear tartan kilts. Heavy and dense clothing practically does not wrinkle and is very durable. The owners wear their kilts for a long time. Tartan is woven, observing the combination and interlacing of stripes of different colors. This is not just a tribute to aesthetics. It is known that everyoneScottish clans use their own colors in tartans and even the order and angle of intersection of the stripes matters. It was once natural and necessary to recognize belonging to a particular clan by clothing.

Scot knight
Scot knight

But the tartan could also tell about the social status of the wearer. To do this, it was enough to count the number of colors that were present in the fabric: a servant - one color, a farmer - two, an officer - already three. The military commander wore five colors on his skirt, the poet six and the leader seven. A very convenient way to find out the social status of a new acquaintance. It becomes clearer why the Scots wear kilts, although this tradition is now almost gone.

Kilt becomes everyday Scottish wear

Already in the middle of the 19th century, the kilt was gaining popularity not only among the highlanders, unexpectedly the men of Scotland fully appreciated this clothing and began to wear it. Folded small kilts began to be popular with representatives of the intelligentsia and the nobility. Then the fashion was picked up and spread throughout the territory. When in 1822 King George IV himself granted an official reception in a kilt, ordering all the local nobility to dress in the national dress, this wardrobe item began a second life.

office wear
office wear

Why do the Scots wear the kilt today, what makes them wear such “unmanly” clothes? Experts call it the desire to identify oneself in the world environment, to emphasize and support centuries-old national traditions, and finally, just to feel freedom.and independence, which the ancestors were so proud of.

While twenty years ago the kilt was formal wear, office attire, wedding suit, today more and more men prefer to wear it in everyday life.

Optional accessories

When you look at the photos of the Scots in kilts, you wonder what else is supposed to be worn with the national clothes of the highlanders. Since the plaid skirt was sewn without pockets, a leather purse was needed to store various small things, called "sporran". It was hung from a belt.

The front of the kilt is fixed with a special kiltpin pin, usually made in the form of melee weapons. Celtic patterns are applied to the pin. The purpose of the kiltpin is not so much to fasten the hems of the skirt, but to make it heavier at the bottom.

Scottish gaiters, khoses are long socks to the knee, which are fixed on the leg with lacing. Ideally, there is a headdress. The beret must be the same colors as the kilt.

Viking fight
Viking fight

Perhaps there is another reason why modern Scots wear a kilt. A photo of brutal men in skirts with an indispensable knife behind a garter makes a strong impression on women. Earlier, back in the 17th century, the Scots, who did not leave the house without a weapon, carried a knife in an armpit. But visiting any house required that the guest did not hide his weapon, so the knife was shifted each time to the garter of the right golf course. Soon he stayed there.

Modern designers and clothing manufacturers have caught a change in fashiontrends in Scotland and offered consumers interesting kilt options.
