The life of every person is closely connected with the media. If earlier it was printed media and radio, then recently more and more large and small enterprises prefer to convey information via the Internet. Consider the features of the development and formation of the UK media, what types of publications exist at the moment, as well as analyze the specifics of their work and possible development prospects.
Media and its signs

Mass media or mass media are broadcast channels through which information is quickly transmitted to a specific audience.
Media signs are:
- frequency (at least once a year, certain information must come from the channel);
- mass character (information must be reported to at least 1 thousand users);
- sourcesinformation (for example, the media in the UK and the USA, which are the most massive and popular among users around the world, have trusted sources, which is why residents choose them for the veracity of the information they convey).
The mass media include printed publications (newspapers, magazines, collections), television and radio broadcasting, Internet portals or websites, as well as news agencies. Mass media does not include wall newspapers, library collections, forums and conferences. Also, various blocks or blogs on the Internet did not previously belong to the media, but recently this is the only source of information for some users, moreover, available to many.
Classification of modern media
All mass media can be conditionally divided into groups according to the following criteria:
- form of ownership: private or public (for example, the leading media in the UK (in particular, the BBC) are state-owned, and every Briton who pays taxes directly sponsors this source of information);
- breadth of distribution (regional channels or publications, central and international, broadcasting and popular around the world);
- broadcasting style (quality, tabloids, scandalous, female or male audience);
- frequency (every day, week, month, year);
- genres (public, political, entertainment, industry, advertising).
Often, channels, especially British ones, work in several directions at once. For example,the BBC or SKY channel is both a newspaper, television and radio broadcasting at the same time. In addition, broadcasting is carried out not only in the UK, but throughout the world.
General characteristics of the media in the UK

UK media has the most developed and extensive network in the world. At the same time, two out of three Britons who have reached the age of 15 read periodicals, which indicates the demand for this sector. More than 200 publications are published daily, about 1,300 newspapers or magazines are published weekly, and 2,000 local broadcasting channels operate.
At the same time, the British press can be divided into two main groups:
Reputable publications
These are broad-sheet newspapers covering the most resonant social and political events in the country. This is a series of quality press, the pages of which contain only verified information. This group includes the following sources: The Guardian, BBC, the Telegraph, the SKY, the Times, Independent.
Popular tabloid press
In such publications there is also a place for politics, but most of the information is of an entertaining nature and refers to a number of "yellow press". These are rumors, ducks, private stories. Such publications like to choose a catchy headline that naturally attracts readers, but in reality the quality of the information leaves much to be desired. These publications include: the SUN, DailyStar, DailyMail, The Express.
Despite the fact that these two groups differ in style, such publications enjoy a hugepopular with the British.
British press review

Since there are thousands of broadcast channels and 6.5 thousand print media in Britain, let's single out the largest media in the UK:
- BBC is a popular broadcasting corporation founded in 1922. Its structure includes TV channels, radio (local and national) and periodicals (regional and international). This structure broadcasts all over the world, there are also online publications covering information in Russian (BBC Russian).
- The Guardian - Founded in 1821, circulation up to 1 million.
- Times is one of the oldest printed publications, founded in 1785. The circulation is small - more than half a million copies, and in order to read the information on the site on the Internet, it is worth going through a paid registration procedure.
- Financial Times - founded in 1888, with a circulation of more than 100,000 copies, popular only in business circles among financiers. The only newspaper that sells more overseas than domestically.
- Independent - founded in 1986, circulation - 250 thousand copies.
- Telegraph - Founded in 1855, circulation circa 1 million.
- Daily Mail - Founded in 1896 with a circulation of over 2 million.
- Sun - founded in 1964, the circulation of the newspaper is more than 3.4 million copies. Published daily, although it belongs to the category of scandalous and low-quality press.
- Express - founded in 1900.
- Mirror - founded in 1903.
BesidesIn addition, there are special magazines for a female audience, which are no less popular. There are also publications of certain public organizations, universities, statistical information, accounting and economic orientation, regional press, which is published in almost every million-plus city.
Russian-language press: history and development prospects
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the UK has been filled with immigrants from all over the world. Now a third of the inhabitants of London are foreigners. A considerable number of Russian-speaking citizens live in Britain. According to rough estimates, their number is more than 200 thousand people. That is why there are media in the UK in Russian, as well as in others, since there are a lot of foreigners in the country.
The biggest and most popular source of information about the situations and events taking place in the country for Russian-speaking citizens is BBC Russian. This is an analogue of the BBC, only in Russian. There are also other sources of information. For example, "London Courier", "London-INFO" - are published weekly with a circulation of more than 12 thousand copies. Publications that are distributed free of charge or by subscription include Pulse UK and England: Ours on the Island. Russian-language press is also published in other cities where many Russians live.
In connection with the development of the Internet, the media have actively moved to the World Wide Web. Russians who live in Britain are accustomed to trusting information that is on the Internet. Among the sites broadcasting from London for Russian-speaking citizens in Britain, such publications stand out: Ruconnect, MK-London, and others. They are not published, but cover the events taking place in the UK in Russian. Most often these are articles translated from English-language sources of the same BBC, The Guardian and others into Russian.
Features of TV

The history of the British media begins in 1936. At first it was only the state broadcasting of the BBC channel, a few years later commercial television was developed. According to statistics, the average British citizen spends more than three hours a day in front of the TV. The broadcasting license, as well as control over the process of news coverage, is carried out by the Independent Television Commission (NTC).
The state strictly controls the broadcasting process. So, about a quarter of airtime is devoted to documentary programs and news. There is no commercial advertising on BBC channels, and the promotion of a particular political party is also prohibited. The media on the eve of the elections should cover events impartially.
Despite impartiality, the image of Russia in the UK media, especially on the channels and the BBC website, is somewhat distorted. According to both Russian observers and Russian citizens living in Britain, English-language sources are somewhat negative about the policy pursued at home.
Review of British TV channels

British TV channelsare the most influential in the world. Consider the most significant in more detail.
BBC One is one of the very first British channels, which is very popular among the population, despite being charged per view. BBC Two - there are many documentaries for every taste and feature series. BBC Three is an experimental channel that airs a variety of programs and films. BBC Four - broadcasts foreign films, for example, French production, which is somewhat strange for the UK media.
There are no commercials on all BBC channels as they are funded by the government.
The main competitor of the Air Force, but operates on a commercial basis. It earns money from advertising broadcasts. Despite the quality content, its ratings are lower than those of the competitor.
Channel 4
State TV channel, but bolder than previous channels. The most diverse programs are aired here, especially reality shows, which makes the channel popular in certain circles.
If there was no original content here before, the channel has recently been investing in its own projects. But the feature is the adaptation of famous novels.
As such, there is no censorship on television. Moreover, each user, if he does not like something, can complain to the Communications Department, which will investigate and fine the TV channel.
Broadcast Features

Modern media in the UK is primarilyradio, which is no less popular with the British than television. The most significant is the BBC, which has several channels, each specializing in something different. In addition, this radio is broadcast in 45 different languages, you can listen to it anywhere in the world.
Besides state radio stations, there are also commercial and many regional ones. Recently, in Britain, radio stations have received a big push, tied not to a region, but to a certain segment of the population. For example, Matryoshka Radio UK is a radio station broadcasting in London and Glasgow for the Russian-speaking population living in Britain.
Printed publications of Britain: history, varieties and specifics
UK media is primarily printed media. Although recently they have moved to the maximum on the Internet. Now each newspaper has a special website or applications on the phone to view information on a convenient device.
Also, many printed publications publish information only on the Internet, as young people do not want to read real newspapers lately.
Previously, British newspapers were in the form of books, pamphlets. The first printed editions were issued in the 15th century. It has long been a tradition to publish Sunday newspapers.
Now the most significant and reliable in terms of the presentation of information are the BBC (there is also BBC Russian - a publication in Russian), The Guardian, Evening Standard, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, etc. But there is also the so-called yellow press, which, although notvery much appreciated in terms of presentation, but has a rather large audience of readers.
Which media do the British themselves prefer?

The British read a wide variety of press. At the same time, it can be noted that they quite clearly and without hesitation express their position regarding everything that concerns the UK media. It is the independent state-run publications that every taxpayer in the country pays for that are very popular.
There are also a lot of commercial publications or information portals of narrowly focused. For example, the Ruconnect portal covers in Russian everything related to the life of Russian, Ukrainian and B altic citizens living in Britain. There are also other publications for the Polish diaspora and other foreign citizens.
It is worth noting that the British media in Russia are also read, but not completely trusted. BBC Russian is the most popular.

Great Britain has a long history of print, radio and television development. The British themselves watch quite a variety of channels, but trust state broadcasters.