Types of milk mushrooms, photo

Types of milk mushrooms, photo
Types of milk mushrooms, photo

Mushrooms are truly Russian mushrooms. In the west, south and east, their nutritional value is not even suspected. In our country, they firmly entered the consciousness of the people as one of the most beautiful gifts of the forest and settled on the tables. In some parts of the European part of Russia, in Siberia, the mushroom was the only industrial mushroom for a long time. Good nutritional qualities, along with predictably abundant fruiting, is the secret of its popular popularity.

types of mushrooms
types of mushrooms

The main purpose of the mushroom is, of course, s alting. All other dishes from it (including the famous mushrooms in sour cream) should be prepared from already s alted pickles. Other cooking methods, such as quick frying, which is recommended in German sources, are simply a translation of the product.

In this article, we will consider the types of milk mushrooms, and also find out which of them can be eaten without fear.

Real breast

These types of milk mushrooms grow in the Urals and the Volga region, where they are called so because of their slightly mucous cap surface. At the same time, in Siberia they are called right (real).

These types of mushrooms are found from early July to October abundantly, although not often, mainly innorthwestern and northern regions of Russia, in the Middle and Upper Volga regions, in the northern part of the central regions, in Western Siberia and the Urals. They grow in mixed and birch forests.

types of mushrooms in the Urals
types of mushrooms in the Urals

In young mushrooms, the cap is up to 20 cm in diameter, it is depressed in the middle or almost flat, with a fluffy-hairy edge, wrapped inside, later slimy, funnel-shaped, often with concentric, barely noticeable vitreous stripes, occasionally with brown spots. The plates are white with a thin yellowish edge. At the same time, the pulp is dense, white, but brittle, has a pleasant spicy "bulky" aroma. The leg is cylindrical, short, hollow inside.

These types of milk mushrooms (you can see the photo in this article) are edible, they belong to the first category. At the same time, s alted mushrooms have a bluish tint, juicy, fragrant, fleshy.

Raw breasts

Considering what types of milk mushrooms have, one cannot but say about this. It grows in mixed, birch and spruce forests from June to November, in groups and singly.

milk mushroom species
milk mushroom species

The hat is white, up to 20 cm in diameter, slightly yellowish, sometimes light green, almost flat or rounded-convex. In a young specimen, it is flat-convex, then becomes funnel-shaped, with a shaggy edge, wrapped down, with poorly visible watery zones. In the rain, its surface is very slippery.

At the same time, the pulp is brittle, white, dense, emits white thick burning juice, and when in contact with air, it acquires a sulfur-yellow hue. Legshort, white, thick, glabrous, sometimes hollow inside when ripe. The mushroom is conditionally edible.

Breast yellow

These types of mushrooms grow mainly in mixed, birch and spruce forests from June to October, sometimes in large families. Seen infrequently at the moment.

mushroom mushroom species
mushroom mushroom species

Hat in diameter reaches 20 cm, in the middle is fleshy, concave, hairy, the edges are concave inside, moist, dense, sticky, slimy in wet weather. Its surface is golden yellow, with dark, indistinct concentric zones.

At the same time, the flesh is white, dense, turning yellow when touched, brittle, it secretes a caustic thick white juice, turning yellow in the air.

The mushroom is conditionally edible, belongs to the 1st category. It is used for s alting, pre-soaking in water. At the same time, it is not inferior to the taste of a real mushroom.

Poplar breast

Occurs sporadically, rarely. Although in some places, for example, on the banks of the Lower Volga, poplar milk mushrooms grow quite abundantly. These species are found in poplar and aspen forests, mainly in groups.

types of mushrooms with a photo
types of mushrooms with a photo

The size of the cap in diameter reaches 20 cm, it is depressed in the middle, flat-convex, with an edge bent down, then it becomes funnel-shaped, slightly pubescent in very young mushrooms or naked, white, sometimes with light pinkish spots. The plates are pale pinkish. The leg is dense, short, pinkish or whitish. The flesh is whitish with a milky, very pungent juice.

Edible mushroom, 2nd category. For foodonly used s alty.

Parchment breast

It is worth noting that most often it belongs to inedible mushrooms because of its milky caustic juice. But there is also evidence that these are conditionally edible little-known milk mushrooms. The species of these mushrooms, as we see, not all can be eaten, and some can, but with particular caution. Parchment breast is suitable for s alting after boiling or long soaking.

types of mushrooms
types of mushrooms

It grows in deciduous and coniferous forests. Sometimes found in large groups. The mushroom cap reaches a diameter of 20 cm, at first its shape is convex-flat, then funnel-shaped, its color is white, then it acquires ocher spots or a yellowish tint. The pulp is white, abundantly secretes white juice at the break, which does not change in the air.

Black breast

This mushroom is popularly called "nigella". His hat is fleshy, strong, flat, slightly slimy, becoming black with time. Its edges are velvet, sharply bent down, lighter than the middle of the hat itself.

milk mushroom species
milk mushroom species

The plates are stretched down to the stem: white, then yellow (if they are broken or pressed, brown spots appear). At the same time, the leg is quite thick, becoming hollow over time. The pulp is white, rough, darkens on a break, releases a lot of burning and bitter juice.

Be especially careful with unknown mushrooms. Before eating them, you need to check whether they can be eaten 100 times, and also figure out how to cook them correctly.
