In order to answer the question of why the flags of almost all existing world states flutter in front of the UN building, it is important to understand what this organization is.
History of the creation of the UN
Even before the end of World War II, the leadership of the countries united in the anti-Hitler coalition set the task of creating an interstate organization whose goal would be to ensure peace and resolve international conflicts. The main founders of the UN are 50 countries that at that time took part in the war against Germany, Japan and their allies.
The principles that guide the organization are also the basis of world law - this is the sovereignty and equality of all participating countries, which are recognized by the world community, and the prohibition to resort to force or threats in order to resolve any international disputes. The norms of international cooperation explain why flags from all over the world fly in front of the UN building.
What functions does it perform?
The UN is a structure that essentially replaced the League of Nations, which failed to cope with its tasksand was abolished in 1946. Although it was created by the states that won the Second World War, subsequently all states, including Germany and Japan, as well as the newly formed territories that arose as a result of decolonization, were able to join the association.

The UN obliges its members to resolve all kinds of disputes, both interstate and internal, at the diplomatic level, through negotiations. In addition to the recommendations and resolutions issued by the General Assembly, in the event of a serious threat to peace, the association is able to take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts.
In order to avoid manipulation by certain blocs of states, the organization created the Security Council, which votes on certain decisions. The UN Security Council consists of five permanent representatives - this is Russia, to which this right has passed as the legal successor of the USSR, China, the USA, France and Great Britain. Also, once every two years, the General Assembly elects six non-permanent members to the Security Council, which allows other countries of the association to also participate in the adoption of particularly important decisions.
Besides securing world peace
The competence of the organization includes not only ensuring peace on the planet, the association also deals with other issues related to international cooperation in the social, humanitarian and economic spheres. A number of interstate institutions have the status of specialized organizations that are guided by the basic principlesUN.

UNESCO, WHO, IMF, WTO, WTO, WIPO, IAEA - this is not a complete list of organizations included in the common UN system, but even from this list it is clear how closely international cooperation is developed within the organization - that's why flags of all participating states fly in front of the UN building.
UN countries
Today, there are 194 independent states in the world, of which 193 are permanent members of the association. In addition, the independent state of the Holy See (Vatican) and Palestine are represented in the organization and have a special status of observer countries, which is de jure independent, but only partially recognized, which prevents it from becoming a full-fledged member of the association.

The UN's tallest building is a 39-story skyscraper, and the organization itself is by far the largest interstate agency. This is an independent structure, headquartered in New York, but at the same time its territory does not belong to the United States and has an international status. Why do the flags of all the states of the world flutter in front of the UN building? Because the UN is our collective effort to achieve peace and prosperity.