Average wages in Russia: comparison

Average wages in Russia: comparison
Average wages in Russia: comparison

The success of politicians in any country is measured not by words from the stands, not by articles and interviews in newspapers, but by official and unbiased statistics. Average wages in Russia, as in other countries, clearly reflect the dynamics of the economic development of the state and the well-being of an individual.

average wages in russia
average wages in russia

When considering averages, it is also necessary to take into account the standard deviation, the data for which is almost impossible to find. The standard deviation reflects how blurred the average wages in Russia can be. So, for example, if one hundred people receive ten thousand rubles each, and two people each receive one million, then the average salary will be approximately 25.5 thousand rubles, although the standard deviation will be 138 thousand rubles. Another picture is observed if 50 people receive 20 thousand rubles, and the other half - 30 thousand rubles. The average salary in this case will be equal to 25 thousand, and the standard deviation is 2512 rubles. The difference is significant.

Average salaries in Russia vary by region. This is due to various allowances, prices, etc. The richest region in this indicator is the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug with an average salary of 65,000 rubles. The Tambov region is one of the poorest, in which 17 thousand rubles are paid. The average salary in Russia is about 27 thousand rubles.

average salary in russia
average salary in russia

By types of professions, the gap between salaries is much more significant. For example, a teacher's salary is about 32,000 rubles, according to the Ministry of Education and Science. In the United States of America, on average, a teacher earns from $50,000 a year, which is equal to 130,000 rubles a month. And a top manager of Russian oil, pharmaceutical and other companies earns the annual salary of a foreign teacher per month.

At the moment, about half of the country's population belongs to the category of low-income people. According to Rosstat, the salaries of the rich and the poor differ by several dozen times, which reflects the already serious social stratification in Russian society.

According to the opinion of many experts, the average salary in Russia is one and a half, or even two times too high. Thus, Vyacheslav Bobkov calls for a change in the state's wage policy, since in reality an ordinary citizen receives 15,000 Russian rubles a month instead of the declared 27,000. The expert refers to the average level of wages in the agricultural sector, which is below the subsistence level, and equals four to five thousandrubles.

average salary in russia 2013
average salary in russia 2013

The average salary in Russia in 2013, which does not exceed the amount of a thousand dollars, cannot compete with European indicators. Less than a thousand euros a month are earned only in Romania and Bulgaria, while in Portugal the average earnings are 1712 euros, Sweden - 2576 euros and Britain - 3118 euros per month. Converting average salaries in Russia into European currency, we state that the average Russian earns only 20% of British salaries and 36% of Portuguese salaries. And this despite the fact that Russia ranks first in oil and gas production, and is also one of the most important suppliers of many minerals located in the country.
