In our time, there are many wonderful actors and screenwriters who have won the hearts of fans of films, serials, theatrical productions. I would like to draw attention to the talented satirical actor and screenwriter Engin Gunaydin, known to many people, to recall his merits in the world of the film industry.

Brief information from the biography
On January 29, 1972, in the city of Erbaa, Turkish actor Engin Gunaydin was born in a large family. From childhood, he gave his heart to creativity, despite the will of his parents, who assumed the fate of a doctor or an engineer.
His choice was crowned with success when the film Vavien was released, in which he took part not only as a screenwriter, but also as an actor of the first plan. This film went on to win two awards for best screenplay. It was released in 2009. This event was the beginning of the path of the young talent.
It is known that Engin studied his business at two universities: Hacettepe and Mimar Sinan. On the way to his cherished dream, he went through a lot: starred incameo roles, advertisements, took part in various shows, drew satirical cartoons.
To date, it has been 46 years since his birth. He became a successful actor and a good screenwriter thanks to his tireless work and aspirations. Despite his age, Engin Gunaydin is still as beautiful in the photo as he was in his youth.
Role in the series "The Magnificent Age"

The Turkish series "The Magnificent Century" is quite famous. He won the love of millions of viewers around the world. With its sharp and unpredictable plot, "The Magnificent Age" captivated even the most vicious critics. The series was based on real events of the era when Sultan Suleiman the First ruled in Turkey. It tells about the valiant victories and conquests of the padishah, as well as about the life of his harem and the difficult fate of his children and subjects.
In the series "The Magnificent Century" Engin Gunaydin played the role of the eunuch Gul-Aga, who was faithful to his mistress Khurrem Sultan (the wife of the padishah). He helped her in all the insidious plans, for which he was soon expelled from the palace. The hero of this series constantly argued with another eunuch - Syumbyll. These moments were remembered by the audience, as good humor was manifested in their swearing. Despite all their differences, they were still friends.
This role was filled not only with many comic situations, but also with moments of compassion and empathy for the hero.
Engin Gunaydin took part in the films "Rock","Strike", "Inside", "Piety", in the tenth episode of the film "Cosmic Element", in the series "Magnificent Century" and "European Side", and also became the screenwriter of the film Vavien. Films and series have received more than one award, and have also become quite famous among movie lovers. Engin also received the Best Actor award.

His career started in 2001 and is still not finished. The genres of his work were comedy, drama, and fantasy.
Private life
Unfortunately, not a single informative source is replete with information about what happened to Engin Gunaydin's heart. From this we can conclude that not a single woman has yet been able to occupy his heart. But according to some reports, he starred with one close friend in the film Vavien, perhaps this is the very love that he hid from everyone.
From the facts of Engin Gunaydin's life, a lot of conclusions can be drawn about his personality. A person with all his strength and perseverance, tirelessly, goes to his dream. His scripts are a great success, besides, a rather large audience of fans supports Engin's work and admires his vision of life. Undoubtedly, the series "The Magnificent Age" and the film Vavien brought him great fame, but his story and life did not end there. We should not forget about such wonderful personalities as Engin Gunaydin.