Deputy of the State Duma Alexei Mitrofanov, a secular man and a master of outrageousness, constantly flashed in the media for 20 years. Today, almost nothing is heard about him, although sometimes some news from his life appears. At the same time, people are interested in where the former politician lives and what he does, how did his career develop? Let's talk about the biography of Alexei Mitrofanov and how his life goes after leaving the public sphere.

Early years
The future politician Alexei Valentinovich Mitrofanov was born on March 16, 1962 in Moscow. His father Valentin held a rather big post in the State Planning Committee of the Soviet Union. This rank of a parent was reflected in the life of Alexei, from childhood he got used to prosperity and confidence in the future. He studied at an elite school and, after graduating from secondary education, predictably entered MGIMO at the Faculty of International Economic Relations. He studied well at the school and the Mitrofanov Institute, andeverything showed that he was aiming at building a diplomatic career. According to the recollections of classmates, at the institute Alexei was not such a merry fellow and a bully, as one might think, looking at his public activity in the early 2000s. He was engaged in public work, did not miss classes and in every possible way formed for himself the image of a future diplomat restrained and loyal to the regime. He communicated with the right and “right” people, for example, he was friends with his grandson L. I. Brezhnev. Perhaps, if there were no big changes in the country, the world would never have seen Mitrofanov the showman. Alexey's classmates were many people who later took prominent places in the politics and economy of Russia, for example, Vladimir Potanin, Arkady Ivanov, Boris Titov. Mitrofanov graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1983, but the beginning of the changes in the country hindered his diplomatic career.

Aleksei Mitrofanov entered his first job in the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately after graduation. After some time, he was sent to Vienna to serve in an international organization under the UN, in the atomic energy agency. For a recent MGIMO graduate, this was a very quick promotion. In 1988, Alexei entered the graduate school of the Institute of the USA and Canada. But on this his path along the beaten nomenclature path was interrupted. The country was changing rapidly, and Mitrofanov could not ignore this.
In 1991 he left his scientific career and became a producer, he worked on television for two years, with his participationthe well-known programs “Mask Show” and “Gentleman Show” were released, he also tried himself as an editor and presenter in the programs “Step to Parnassus”, “Musical Forecast”. However, this work did not allow him to realize his diverse potential, although show business did not completely leave his life.

Political activities
The beginning of the 90s in Russia is a time of turbulent politics, and Alexei Mitrofanov, whose biography makes another turn, plunges headlong into this seething stream. In 1991, fate brings him together with Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Mitrofanov was going to make a film about a political figure. After that, Alexei began to appear at LDPR events, but then for some time he joined the right-wing party of Eduard Limonov. However, later he returned to Zhirinovsky again. In 1992, Mitrofanov received the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs in the shadow cabinet of the Liberal Democratic Party.

State Duma and LDPR
In the 1993 elections, a young politician Alexei Mitrofanov passed from the Liberal Democratic Party to the State Duma. The deputy actively supported the scandalous and outrageous image of the party and its leader. In the Duma, Mitrofanov received the position of Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs.
In 1995, Mitrofanov entered the Duma of the second convocation again on the lists of the Liberal Democratic Party. He became chairman of the committee on geopolitics and actively participated in the supervision and regulation of the international situation in the "hot" spots of the world. Mitrofanov was a member of commissions and delegations for EasternEurope and the Middle East, he was included in the group of deputies who visited the World Festival of Students and Youth in Cuba. During the 1996 presidential race, he supported V. Zhirinovsky and worked as his confidant.
In 1999, Alexei Valentinovich participates in the election of the mayor of Moscow, he saw Andrei Brezhnev, his old friend, as his deputy prime minister. He lost the election and again went to the Duma, becoming a member of the banking supervisory committee. In 2003, Mitrofanov again became a deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party, although a loud scandal was associated with this passage to the Duma. V. Zhirinovsky claimed that Alexei had to pay the party 2 million euros.

Change in political orientation
In 2007, relations with V. Zhirinovsky became too aggravated, and Alexei Mitrofanov, an LDPR deputy, left the party. He went to the next Duma elections on the lists of A Just Russia, but did not receive the coveted mandate. But in 2011 he returned to the building on Okhotny Ryad, this time in the ranks of A Just Russia. A year later, he was expelled from the party, but he remained in the Duma. In 2011, the deputy visited Nagorno-Karabakh without receiving official permission from Azerbaijan. This led to him being listed as persona non grata in that country. In 2012, Mitrofanov headed the Committee on Information Policy and Communications. In 2014, due to a scandal that broke out, he lost his parliamentary immunity and ceased to fulfill his deputy duties.

Epatage as a way of life
Politician Alexei Mitrofanov, a deputy with many years of experience, is known to the general public for his scandalous antics and speeches. He repeatedly made provocative statements during the elections and his parliamentary activities. He also attracted the attention of the media more than once with various actions. Mitrofanov did not leave his production activities, while choosing very dubious projects. So, in 2003, with his participation, the film "Julia" was released, in which it was unequivocally told about Yulia Timoshenko and Mikhail Saakashvili. The tape was poorly covered pornography. After 2 years, the second part of this "masterpiece" was released. Mitrofanov later admitted that the project was a "mistake". Alexei Valentinovich was repeatedly invited to the show "Let them talk", where he continued to shock the audience. Later, he speaks out in support of the LGBT community and even writes a book about the scandalous Tatu group, he was seen more than once in the company of the group's soloist Yulia Volkova. Mitrofanov is also the author of poems for songs of pop singers, in particular, Igor Nikolaev. The presenter Alexei Mitrofanov also worked at several radio stations. An actor by nature, he enjoys posing for photographers and attends various social events. And he often turned the meetings of the Duma into a show.

Mitrofanov's legislative activity
Despite all the outrageous image, Alexei Mitrofanov is a deputy who worked on some important and serious projects. In particular, over the laws "On terrorism", "Oninternal maritime waters”, resolutions on the situation in Kosovo and Yugoslavia, South Ossetia. He has been active in groups formulating proposals for the situation in Georgia, Iraq and Libya. He was a supporter of the lifting of sanctions against Iran and Libya, but this decision did not find support from the President of the country B. N. Yeltsin. On his account, participation in the work on several hundred draft laws and resolutions of the State Duma, has repeatedly been a member and head of delegations of the State Duma to the most "hot" places in the world.
High-profile initiatives
However, Mitrofanov was widely known not because of his legislative activity, but because of his provocative statements. During the elections in 1999, Alexei Valentinovich expressed his intention to file a lawsuit against the world's largest tobacco manufacturers. He claimed that they de alt a severe blow to the gene pool of the inhabitants of Russia. He did not fulfill his promises. In 2001, he filed a lawsuit against tobacco manufacturers, alleging violations of consumer rights law. But tobacco issues in the practice of the deputy did not receive further development. And a few years later, he came up with a bill that significantly softened the restrictions on the sale of tobacco and smoking.
In 2002, Mitrofanov proposed to introduce an article for lesbianism into the criminal code. And already in 2007 he became an ardent defender of the rights of sexual minorities.
In the fall of 2007, the media began to publish "hot" news that Deputy Mitrofanov was accused of fraud and extortion. Entrepreneur Zharovclaimed that the deputy with his assistants, in collusion with the bailiffs, extorted money for a favorable decision in the arbitration court. The case received loud publicity, and the Duma decided to satisfy Zharov's complaint and deprive the deputy of immunity for a legitimate investigation. At the same time, to the surprise of everyone, Mitrofanov did not lose his mandate.
Mitrofanov quickly reacted to the decision of the Duma and hastily left the country. The official reason for leaving was the need for urgent medical treatment abroad. For some time, the media could not trace the whereabouts of the deputy. The public and journalists wondered where Alexei Mitrofanov is now. He was searched in Germany, Israel, France. In 2016, information appeared that he lives in Croatia, where his wife has a quite successful business. The investigation into the deputy's case has assumed a sluggish character, no one is demanding his extradition, and the public is gradually forgetting about him.
Private life
Details of the private life of politicians are always in demand and "hot" news for the media. Details of Mitrofanov's personal biography have been the subject of publications more than once. Despite numerous suspicions of connections with famous ladies of the Russian stage, it is only known for certain that Alexei Valentinovich is married. His wife, Marina Lillevali, worked as a journalist, covered the work of the Duma, where she met her third husband. She already had a son, Mikhail, whom Mitrofanov raised as his own child. The couple also had a daughter, Zoya. Today Marina is engaged in real estate business inZagreb.