The most beautiful snakes in the world

The most beautiful snakes in the world
The most beautiful snakes in the world

Snakes are creatures that since ancient times were considered representatives of otherworldly forces, light or darkness. Despite the fact that people treat them differently, one cannot but admit that these reptiles are insanely beautiful. So, from this article you will find out which snakes are considered the most attractive in the world of reptiles.

Are snakes dangerous or not?

To be honest, snakes are predatory reptiles that attack other animals, while being prey for larger and more fearless representatives of the fauna. In order to scare away unexpected guests, snakes either disguise themselves or, conversely, are painted in bright colors, because almost all predators are afraid of the screaming skin.

The most beautiful snakes
The most beautiful snakes

The most beautiful snakes can be both harmless and deadly. The tops of the beauty lists are occupied by those cold-blooded ones that differ not only in a pleasant color, but also in a fairly large size. Before looking for a meeting with a particular snake, in order to take a closer look at the iridescent scales, it is important to study its habits and behavior in order to be prepared for a cold one in which case.reception.

Beautiful snakes of South America

The most beautiful snakes live in all corners of the world. They can be found on every continent, in every part of the globe except Antarctica. Perhaps the largest number of these reptiles lives in South America.

The most beautiful snake in the world
The most beautiful snake in the world

Among the inhabitants of this continent, the emerald boa stands out, it is also the dog-headed boa. This reptile has a bright green coloration with white spots. The most beautiful snake in the world spends most of its life in the trees, twisting into several rings and resting its head on them.

The neighbor of the boa constrictor - the Brazilian rainbow python - is distinguished by its bright color: on the main brown or orange scales there are other, multi-colored scales resembling a rainbow.

Beautiful snake of Central America

Found in Central America, the Honduran milk snake is considered to be one of the most beautiful reptiles. This representative of asps is attractive with a bright coloring in red and black stripes, which does not fit the description of "dairy" at all.

The most beautiful snakes on the planet
The most beautiful snakes on the planet

However, the most beautiful snakes on the planet got their names for a reason. The Honduran snake gained such an epithet for being addicted to the milk of American cows that are kept on local farms.

The most beautiful snakes in North America

Rubber snakes, relatives of deadly anacondas, do not reach the same size as the latter. Their length, as a rule, is about sixty centimeters. Thesereptiles are known for their rubber-like skin. She is either gray or black.

Rubber asps are the most beautiful snakes used to cure people of herpetophobia, and these reptiles do a great job: they can spend an hour in the hands of a person without even trying to bite him. These snakes do not believe that the best defense is an attack, and in case of danger they secrete a liquid that smells bad and scares off predators.

Photo the most beautiful snakes
Photo the most beautiful snakes

Another inhabitant of America - the royal asp - has a majestic coloration, consisting of three shades: red, black stripes and thin rings of yellow or white that separate them. This snake often becomes an object for creating a photo. The most beautiful snakes are dangerous. So, the venom of the king asp can be fatal.

The white Texas snake is not found in the natural habitat of other snakes. This snow-white reptile with large light blue eyes was bred by American scientists.

The most beautiful snakes in the world with names
The most beautiful snakes in the world with names

The dot collared snake is easily recognizable by the bright yellow rim that separates the head from the olive body. It has a tricolor coloration, its tail is red, and the middle of the body is yellow, while the colors change smoothly, without being divided into clear sections. When threatened, this reptile raises its red tail and thereby frightens opponents, but rarely attacks large animals.

Beautiful snakes of Australia

The most beautifuland dangerous snakes live in Australia. For example, a black snake, named for its dark coloration with a scarlet-pink belly, is not only able to stay under water for an hour, but also bites a person. The poison of a two-meter black echidna does not bring instant death, but unpleasant sensations after its attack are guaranteed.

The most beautiful and dangerous snakes
The most beautiful and dangerous snakes

Kindred of the black echidna - the tiger snake - occupies an area similar to it. It is known for its coloration, similar to the color of a tiger's coat. In addition, it is very poisonous. It's best not to date her.

Beautiful snakes of Africa

The horned viper deserves its name. Small scale horns are located above the eyes, which make this representative of reptiles unusual and attractive. The snake also has a light brown, almost cream coloration, making it hard to see against the African sands.

The most beautiful snakes
The most beautiful snakes

Reptiles, united by the name "mambas", are without a doubt the most beautiful snakes. They may have different colors. For example, the narrow-headed mamba, which is emerald green throughout its body, can easily blend into the trees of the tropical forests of South Africa.

The most beautiful and dangerous snakes
The most beautiful and dangerous snakes

Another mamba, the black one, is the most dangerous snake on the planet. Its venom is fatal to humans. It is impossible to prepare for the attack of this inhabitant of Africa - she attacks with lightning speed anyone who disturbed her peace. Hearing the name of this snake, people imagine a long blue-black reptile, but this is not quiteright. It bears this name not for the color of the body, which, however, is beige, but for the color of the mouth. Opening it, she exposes a dark throat and long fangs.

Beautiful snakes of Russia

The yellow pot-bellied snake, or two-colored bonito, lives in the Far East. She almost does not get out on land and spends most of her life in sea water. The color of the body of the snake consists of two colors: yellow and black. They divide her body into two halves: upper and lower. It also has a series of triangles on its tail, which helps distinguish it from other similarly colored reptiles.

The most beautiful snakes
The most beautiful snakes

The most beautiful snakes in the world with names given to them for external features or unusual behavior also live in Russia. The Amur snake, reaching two meters in length, has a black color with yellow rings. It is rightfully considered the most beautiful reptile that can be found on the territory of our country. He feeds, gracefully squeezing his torso into rings and raising his head. In those moments when he is awake, he looks like a Chinese philosopher - this snake behaves so calmly and concentratedly.

It is important to remember that the beauty of snakes is deceptive, and even the most harmless-looking reptile can cause harm if disturbed. Therefore, you should avoid meeting with them and admire the most beautiful apses from TV and computer screens. Encounters with these predators are harmless only for trained people.
