Rail transport, according to the public, is considered the least dangerous. Most passengers would prefer it, if the issue of the duration of the trip is not considered the main one. Although according to statistics, injuries during air travel are still less. Everyone knows that tragic train accidents are possible, but everyone hopes that this will not happen to them. Meanwhile, the disappointing "primacy" among all types of passenger transportation belongs to road transport.

Railway accidents
Transportation by this type of transport is associated with a high concentration of freight or passenger traffic. In order to ensure the efficiency of deliveries, it is necessary to tighten schedules and increase the number of wagons in the trains. This leads to additional loads on the railway tracks, the canvas under them, and the supporting structures. The wear of trains, locomotives, control and dispatching equipment is increasing. The workload on the management and maintenance staff of the railway is also growing. Everything is taken into account, it seems to be in compliance with the regulations, but accidents with trains still happen.
Every crash has its own story, causes, consequences. The derailment of the train, which caused it to capsize, is rarelydoes without human casu alties. Injury and injury cannot be avoided. This is due to the design features of the cars, the principles of accommodating passengers in them, their attitude to the possibility of situations that may pose a threat to life and he alth. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine how the safety of passengers can be effectively improved. Train derailment and wagon overturning are accidents for which it is impossible to prepare. The only correct solution is a set of measures to reduce the risks of their occurrence.

Technical reasons
As it turns out, writing on paper is easier than putting it into practice. One of the main reasons is the technical condition of the railway tracks. It is no secret that most of them were laid several decades ago. Since then, speeds and loads have increased. But there is no way to change the paths under new conditions or build new ones. This comes with significant costs. In the best case, a partial blade replacement is carried out in areas with the most pronounced wear.
The same can be said about the rolling stock. Equipment also wears out, metal aging is inevitable. Therefore, accidents with trains are inevitable, but you need to try to avoid them. But how? If the train does not move without replacing a worn part of the engine, then with the output on wheelsets it will still ride. This approach is partly justified - do not stop mass transportation. We have to devote more time to inspections and additional maintenance. But from this the cars do notgetting newer.
Human factor
Accidents and crashes for these reasons are not predictable. But it's one thing if the crash of a passenger train is due to objective reasons. The human body is a flexible system, but it is not made of iron. Both the dispatcher and the driver can have he alth problems. Not every physical examination can reveal these risks.
Another question is when the cause of the crash is dishonest performance of official duties, negligence, gross violation of safety rules. Especially indicative are cases when, during the investigation of the causes of accidents, the facts of being at the workplace of persons in a state of intoxication are revealed.

How to justify the actions of a driver trying to make up for a delay on the way by increasing the speed in a dangerous section? And what about the situation when, while cleaning up the cabin, the cleaning lady was able to accidentally set the locomotive standing “under steam” in motion and at the same time there was not a single specialist on it to stop it?
Race of train drivers for the right to be the first to enter the station and ignoring the prohibiting semaphore signal is the height of cynicism towards passengers. The unpreparedness of train crews to eliminate the consequences of a fire and the frequent shortage of means to extinguish them can have sad consequences even without the fact of a train crash. The above situations are far from a complete list of negligent attitude to official duties at transport facilities with an increased risk to life.
Fatal accidents:train derailments
It is difficult to compare the severity of the consequences of disasters if there were human casu alties and a large number of injured passengers. But in order to understand the danger of an accident on the railway, you need to remember at least some of them. So, the accident in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1958 happened when two freight trains carrying oil products in tanks collided. The reason is a semaphore malfunction. At that time, there was a passenger train on the parallel track. The fire after the explosion resulted in the death of more than 60 people.
Rostov region, 1987. Then, in front of the station, he could not slow down, and then urgently slow down the locomotive of a freight train. Safety regulations were violated, as a result - a collision with a passenger train standing near the platform. The result of the crash: more than 100 people died and many more were seriously injured.
Ufa, 1989. Leakage of liquefied gas on the main pipeline led to the explosion of its vapor cloud. This happened in the immediate vicinity of the tracks along which two passenger trains were passing at that time. The largest catastrophe in the USSR then claimed the lives of almost 600 people.

Dream train accidents
Oddly enough, the human brain, even in the absence of references to rail travel, in some cases is able to reproduce them in the subconscious. Moreover, according to the researchers, dreams with train wrecks can also be of a warning nature. While there is no possibilityconfirm or deny that such visions can be prophetic. However, it makes sense to at least think about the reasons for their occurrence.
A train accident seen in a dream can symbolize the need to be careful and be prepared for any unexpected situations. First of all, according to experts, this concerns financial issues. If in visions a person finds himself in the epicenter of a disaster, but at the same time everything goes well, there are prerequisites in real life to get out of a serious situation without significant damage. If it was still not possible to avoid damage, such a dream can warn of frivolity and imprudent actions, which are most likely doomed to failure in advance.