Eternal President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev loves frequent castling in power circles. This helps him maintain a balance of power and avoid the emergence of groups united around influential politicians. One of these presidential administrators, constantly moving from position to position, is Dzhaksybekov Adilbek Ryskeldinovich, whose biography will be described below. During his long political career, he managed to be the mayor of Astana, the head of the presidential administration, the minister of defense, the minister of industry, the ambassador of Kazakhstan to Russia.
Cinematographer and businessman
The current head of the presidential administration was born in the Kustanai region in 1954. The biography of Adilbek Ryskeldinovich Dzhaksybekov is quite interesting for a Kazakh politician. He is the son of the head of the Akmola film department, later became the son-in-law of the regional party committee responsible for the ideological work.
In 1982, Adilbek Dzhaksybekov graduated from the Faculty of Economics of VGIK inMoscow, later underwent retraining at the prestigious Plekhanov Institute of National Economy.
Returning to his homeland, he began to work in the Goskino of the Kazakh SSR, later he realized the great prospects for working in the logistics departments and began to work in this area. By the beginning of perestroika, Adilbek Dzhaksybekov was already in charge of Tselinogradsnab, a solid office responsible for supplying goods to the entire region.
In 1988, he was one of the first to take advantage of the newly emerged economic freedom and organized the Tsesna cooperative on the basis of the former Tselinogradsnab.

Subsequently, after Kazakhstan gained independence, a small company grew into a huge corporation, which included a grain holding, a bank, and food industry enterprises.
The beginning of a political career
By 1995, a successful businessman Adilbek Ryskeldinovich Dzhaksybekov realized the need to invest money in power in order to successfully continue his business.
The first step in politics was his election to the Parliament of Kazakhstan in 1995. Around the same time, the President of the country came up with the idea of moving the capital of the state from Almaty to Astana, which was decided to be built on the site of Akmola.

The head of the Akmola region at that time was Andrey Brown. For the sake of such a large-scale project as the transfer of the capital, it was decided to create the position of another deputy governor. Adilbek, closely connected with the Akmola region, became theDzhaksybekov.
Knowing the local specifics well, he took care of all the organizational issues for the relocation of state authorities from Almaty and showed himself well in this job. It was then that Adilbek Dzhaksybekov found himself in full view of Nursultan Nazarbayev, who remembered the energetic and young administrator. In 1997, after the capital moved to Akmola, which was renamed Astana, a VGIK graduate became the first mayor of the new city.
In the upper echelons of power
Adilbek Dzhaksybekov led Astana for quite a long time, having served as mayor for almost seven years. During this time, the remote center of the Akmola region has turned into a modern, rapidly developing city and has become a real showcase of Kazakhstan.
In 2003, Adilbek Dzhaksybekov, having shown himself well as mayor, was appointed Minister of Industry and Trade. In his new position, he had to deal with the issues of industrialization and innovative development of Kazakhstan, for which a comprehensive state program was developed. Enormous funds were allocated for these purposes, the National Innovation Fund was created.
However, paradoxical as it may sound, all the good undertakings to modernize the country were ruined by just an excess of money. The first half of the 2000s was a time of high oil prices, business people tried to make money faster and invested in the most profitable sectors - construction, finance. Under these conditions, the real sector of the economy remained useless, and all the efforts of Adilbek Dzhaksybekov to modernize the country turned out to be useless.
RightPresident's hand
Nevertheless, during his time as minister, the politician proved to be a good organizer, able to assemble an effective team. In 2004, he was appointed head of the presidential administration. Many experts call this post in Kazakhstan the second after the president. After all, the head of the administration speaks on behalf of Nazarbayev, controls the execution of decrees, oversees the work of regional administrations.

As a matter of fact, for each government ministry there is a special department in the presidential administration that oversees its work. In such situations, the powers of Adilbek Dzhaksybekov became even wider than those of the Prime Minister.
However, his arrival to this post was accompanied by very difficult conditions. The scandalous elections of 2004 caused a split in society, squabbles began in the upper echelons of power. In such circumstances, the president decided to renew his inner circle and removed Tasmagambetov from the post of head of the administration, appointing Adilbek Dzhaksybekov.
He organized the work in his department well, tried to solve the arising working moments at his level, without pestering the president over trifles. For each issue, he provided a balanced solution that took into account the opinions of all stakeholders.
However, another political scandal that erupted in 2007 again forced the president to reshuffle, and in early 2008 he sent Adilbek Dzhaksybekov to the post of deputy chairman of the party in power.
Over the past ten years, the indefatigable statesman has changed many posts. He was Kazakhstan's ambassador to Russia, again led Astana as mayor, and headed the Ministry of Defense. In his last position, he distinguished himself by organizing the first military parade in the history of Kazakhstan. So the inhabitants of the republic saw what their own army is like.

Now the statesman has returned to the post of head of the presidential administration and successfully controls the work of the executive branch without showing his own political ambitions.
Dzhaksybekov Adilbek Ryskeldinovich. Family
The biography of the relatives of the politician deserves a special study. The politician's relatives play a big role in his business. After his appointment to the state post, the concern "Tsesna" began to be managed by his elder brother Serik, and later the family business was transferred into the hands of his son, Dauren.