Chok and pay weapon - what is it, description, features and reviews

Chok and pay weapon - what is it, description, features and reviews
Chok and pay weapon - what is it, description, features and reviews

All hunters sooner or later come across such terms as choke and payday. What is it, we will consider further. In a nutshell: these concepts refer to the choke, the size of which affects the shooting parameters. Next, we will also analyze the answers to the following questions:

  • What charges does the choke fit?
  • What are the varieties of this element?
  • Is it possible to shoot calibrated ammunition from a weapon that is not suitable for the muzzle narrowing of the barrel?
chok and pay what is it
chok and pay what is it

History of occurrence

The inventor of the choke barrel (pay) is considered to be a commercial American duck hunter F. Kimble (1870). Fred was not satisfied with the scree that resulted from firing from a classic barrel-drilled shotgun. He decided to experiment with muzzle constriction variations to improve the weapon's combat performance.

First, Fred Kimble made the barrel of his 10 gauge shotgun. After that, the result only worsened. The hunter immediately decided to correct the situation by returning the dimensions to the initial parameters. He did all this “by eye”, without using precise measuring instruments. In fact, he did not bring the diameter completely up to the initial value. When fired, the result pleased him pleasantly - the shot fell accurately and heaped.

This became possible due to the fact that there was some narrowing left in the barrel, which affected the improvement in the quality of the shot. The American did not patent his technology. It is known that this was done back in 1866 by a gunsmith from Britain - Markus Peip. At the heart of his technology was observed conical narrowing of the trunk. For the difference between the inner and outer diameters, the designer took a conventional unit of caliber, while the distance from the narrow part to the muzzle corresponded to 25 mm. Thus, the narrowing of the muzzle in Europe is a conical method, and in the USA it is an American technology.

barrel choke pay
barrel choke pay

Choke and pay: what is it?

The nozzle under consideration is a muzzle constriction, a kind of bell, which serves to change the accuracy of a shot with a shot charge. The classification of definitions is very conditional (choke, pay, cylinder, medium, reinforced choke). Depending on the manufacturer, the taper can vary from 0.75 to 1 mm as standard. The accuracy parameter is fixed not only by the value of the choke, but also by the shape of the element. Below are the types and forms on the example of the 12th gauge. For analogues, indicators may differ, having the same name.

Basic configurations

What is a choke and pay on a hunting rifle, consider below:

  1. Very strong choke. Primarily used on some types of sporting guns, has a taper setting of 1.25up to 1.45 mm. These indicators allow for a good firing range and excellent accuracy. In this case, the fraction used should not exceed the 8th number. The use of buckshot or round charge is not recommended as it is dangerous and unpredictable.
  2. "Paradox" (rifled choke). An element designed to fire special bullets aimed at a large animal. The salvo distance is about 150 meters. A weapon with the choke and pay variation of this type is at or below the second stat.
  3. A flare drill is a small expansion in the fore-muzzle that has a further narrowing. The method is used for sports shooting with small shot at short distances (10-20 meters). The advantages of this element are wide and even patterning due to hitting the target after sending exhaust gases into the shotgun shell.
choke and pay weapon
choke and pay weapon

What does chok (pay) mean in another performance?

Among other configurations of the considered chokes, the following elements can be distinguished:

  1. Cylinder - muzzle narrowing to a minimum (no more than 0.21 mm). The design produces a hit accuracy of about 45 percent, providing a uniform and dense scree. Such a muzzle is suitable for almost all types of charges for firing at close range.
  2. Weak pay. With this configuration, a muzzle narrowing of up to 0.25 mm is provided. The accuracy rate is about 45 percent. There is a smaller circle of dispersion than when fired from a cylindrical counterpart. Ascharges can be used shot, buckshot or bullets.
  3. Poluchok - narrowing the muzzle to 0.5 mm, which allows you to increase accuracy up to 55 percent. Ideal for buckshot or shot. When operating round ammunition, it must be ensured that it passes through the constricted barrel element without problems. This design is effective when shooting at distances up to 40 meters.
  4. Medium option (3/4). Chok and pay - what is it, discussed above. There is another three-quarter configuration, which is similar with a narrowing to 0.75 mm. This model is suitable for shooting at different distances with any shot loads and buckshot, as well as round bullets that freely pass through a narrowed channel.
  5. Full choke is a modification of the gun with a reduction in the diameter of the barrel to 1 mm. Accuracy of hit varies depending on the size of the shot or buckshot. The average is 65 percent. The range of a shot from this modification is the maximum possible, however, the use of round bullets should be avoided or used with great care.
  6. Strong option. It has a muzzle narrowing of up to 1.25 mm with an accuracy of up to 80 percent. Shot no higher than size 7 is suitable for operation, the model is used in bench and sports shooting. Larger charges are strictly prohibited.
what is choke and pay on hunting
what is choke and pay on hunting

Removable attachments

Considering the question of which barrel is choke and which is pay, it is necessary to note the removable muzzle stops. Similarconstriction devices are used primarily by sport shooters and experienced hunters. When firing at short distances, the mechanisms can significantly increase the accuracy of combat. Removable chokes, as well as their stationary variations, are used on domestic shotguns such as "Saiga", "Vepr" and others. The elements are aggregated with a muzzle brake compensator, focused on reducing accuracy when firing shots at medium and long distances.

The first models of chokes were made exclusively of a non-removable type, built into the muzzle of the weapon. Now removable analogues have become no less popular. This gives the hunter the opportunity to purchase baits for different calibers, allowing for more scope and freedom of choice of game.

what barrel choke what pay
what barrel choke what pay


Chok and pay - what is it? The main parameters are listed above. Next, consider the individual points that users most often note:

  1. Most of the specific information about the devices in question can be called very conditional. Accuracy of fire also depends on the type of gun, the ammunition used, the length of the barrel and the type of nozzle. As a rule, the amount of narrowing actually differs somewhat from the specified characteristic in the technical data sheet, which often leads to a change in the parameters of the shot.
  2. According to consumers, it is imperative to zero in on targets, as some devices have their own characteristics, including changing the transition angles between the edges and the effect on the dispersion of the shot.
  3. Owners note that for guns over 70 centimeters long, the center of gravity changes significantly, during the shot, its barrel tends to go down. Depending on the distance to the target, this indicator will increasingly affect the final result. For example, when hunting a duck, this parameter plays a very important role.
how to determine chok pay
how to determine chok pay


It is worth noting that the discrepancies between the axes of the barrel and the muzzle when fired at a long distance significantly affect the quality of the volley. If a fraction is used, this point is not critical. But when firing bullets, a decrease in the accuracy of hitting will definitely appear. The only way to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of the choke tube during firing is zeroing the weapon at stationary targets. Otherwise, no recommendations from specialists will have the desired effect.


In the domestic market, chokes from the following manufacturers are in the greatest demand:

  • Comp-N-Choke (elements for sports and hunting guns up to 20 mm caliber).
  • Kick's - mainly releases modifications for hunting game.
  • Briley - the range of this company is impressive. Here buyers will find all kinds of nozzle modifications for different calibers.
what does chok pay means
what does chok pay means


How to determine chok (pay) - discussed above. These nozzles allow athletes and hunters to optimize their firing, depending on the range, type of targetand type of charge. Modern gun manufacturers everywhere use their own lines and modifications of gun attachments. Some craftsmen try to build a choke on their own, but this is a painstaking and very dangerous task. In their reviews, weapon lovers note that it is better to spend a little money and purchase a model from a trusted manufacturer.
