The Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field is located about 150 km west of the city of Lensk, in the Mirnensky and Lensky regions of the Republic of Sakha. The strategy for the development of gasification and gas supply throughout the Far East and Eastern Siberia is determined by the basic document - the State Program. It is aimed at creating in the regions a unified system for the production, transportation of fuel and its provision, taking into account the possible export of the markets of China and other Asia-Pacific countries. The Eastern Program was approved in autumn 2007 by order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation.

Organizational matters
Coordination of the necessary actions in the course of implementation is entrusted by the Government of the Russian Federation to Gazprom. The Chayandinskoye field is one of the promising centers for the production of raw materials within the framework of the Program. At the same time, new gas production zones are being formed in the eastern part of Russia. These are, in particular, the Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Kamchatka centers, as well as the regions of about. Sakhalin (shelf areas). The key factor in organizing Gazprom's work is an integrated approach. It consists in the synchronous input of objects, inincluding the formation of a gas production center in Yakutia. The creation of new facilities, as well as the process of processing and transporting hydrocarbons, is closely interconnected with other state infrastructure projects in the Republic of Sakha, which are financed from the federal budget. Today, the network, transport and energy supply sectors of the economy are actively developing in Yakutia. At the same time, special attention is paid to optimality in making decisions that can meet the maximum number of emerging needs, including those of gas workers. The full development of the gas production center in Yakutia is supported by the high level of professional training of the involved personnel. Personnel also have the opportunity to undergo advanced training directly in the Republic of Sakha. For this, the government of Yakutia, together with Gazprom, created a specialized department at the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk.

The strategic partner of the Republic of Sakha is OAO "Gazprom". The interaction of the parties is carried out and regulated by the Cooperation Agreement and the Gasification Agreement. The plan for the implementation of the existing projects of OJSC in the territory of Yakutia includes not only the supply of fuel, but also the stable economic development of the region.
According to preliminary estimates, promising reserves of raw materials in Sakha are 10.4 trillion m³. The basis for the formation of a production center and its effective developmentserves the Chayandinskoye oil and gas condensate field. The volume of pledged resources of the C1 + C2 group is 1.2 trillion m³ of gas, 791 thousand tons of oil and condensate.
A characteristic feature that the Chayandinskoye field has, however, like other natural deposits located on the territory of Eastern Siberia, is the presence of specific thermobaric reservoir conditions. In addition, the area has a complex geological structure. The gas produced in this area is distinguished by its multicomponent composition and high helium content. The development of the Chayandinskoye field will be carried out in the harsh climate of the Republic of Sakha. The temperature in winter here can drop below minus 50 °C. The route of the pipeline from the Chayandinskoye field in Yakutia to Vladivostok is planned to be laid through mountainous, swampy and seismically active areas.

JSC "Gazprom" is authorized to use the resources laid down in the bowels of the Chayandinskoye field. This right of the organization was granted by the order of the Government of Russia dated April 16, 2008. To ensure the efficient development of the center for the extraction of raw materials in the Republic of Sakha and the optimal use of the fuel and transport system, it is planned to connect all the resources of this region to work. Since December 2011 OAO Gazprom has also been licensed to use the subsoil of the Verkhnevelyuchansky, Sobolokh-Nedzhelinsky, Srednetyungsky and Tas-Yuryakhskydeposits located in the region.
Program Implementation
In September 2010, the Commission for the Development of Hydrocarbon Resources approved a process scheme, in accordance with which the Chayandinskoye field will be developed. The final project on issues related to the justification of investments in the preparation of deposits, processing of raw materials and transportation, was approved in October 2012. To this day, exploration work is underway at the Chayandinskoye field, the geometry of the deposits, the characteristics of the saturation of productive horizons, as well as the geological structure of the field are being studied generally. More than half of the raw materials laid in the bowels have already been transferred to the group of explored deposits. Completion of all works necessary for the implementation of the program is planned for 2015. A set of measures for the development and development of the field is organized by the established branch of the Chayandinskoye oil and gas production department of Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk.

General information
The center of extraction of raw materials in Sakha is connected with Irkutsk by a single fuel and transport system called "The Power of Siberia". With its help, the supply of raw materials mined in these areas will be carried out through the whole of Khabarovsk to Vladivostok. The system got its name as a result of a specially held competition. First of all, for the transfer of raw materials over long distances, it is planned to build the Yakutia - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok gas pipeline. After that, centers in Sakha andIrkutsk will be connected. The route of the main gas transportation system, the main centers of which will be the Kovykta and Chayandinskoye fields, will be laid along the route of the already operating oil pipeline with the direction "Eastern Siberia - the Pacific Ocean". This solution allows you to significantly reduce the cost of energy supply, as well as infrastructure. The GTS path will be stretched through mountainous, swampy and seismically active areas.

Prospects for development
The creation of a gas production center in the Republic of Sakha will be the beginning of a large-scale development of the fuel industry in Eastern Russia. The construction of the gas pipeline and the development of the Chayandinskoye field are not the only tasks set by the Management Company. In addition, it is planned to produce simultaneously the formation of installations for the processing of raw materials and the production of helium in the city of Belogorsk. The raw materials rich in the Chayandinskoye field can be used to create gas chemical plants. This can subsequently attract investments from specialized companies. The main goal of the Yakutsk gas production center is to provide raw materials to consumers in the Russian Federation. To this end, all necessary measures will be taken to achieve a long-term development of fuel supply to the Republic of Sakha and other regions of the Far East. The opening of the Yakutsk center will also be the starting point for the creation of a new complex for the extraction of raw materials in the East of Russia, in which Kovykta and Chayandinskoye will play a key role. Place of Birth. The center will be formed to organize export deliveries of raw materials abroad. To this end, JSC "Gazprom" is planning to build a plant in Vladivostok in the near future, specializing in the production of liquefied gas. At the moment, the project is at the stage of developing investment feasibility studies required for construction.

Features of the Irkutsk center
The next stage in the development of the gas program will be the development of the Kovykta gas field. It is located in the Irkutsk region. Kovykta is a rather promising gas deposit discovered in 1987. It is located on the territory of the Kazachinsko-Lensky and Zhigalovsky districts, 450 km northeast of Irkutsk. The deposit is located in an uninhabited area. The territory is an alpine plateau with dark coniferous taiga. Some areas of Kovykta are located in the permafrost zone. The local relief is dotted with numerous canyons. The climate is sharply continental, harsh. According to preliminary estimates, the natural gas reserves of the Kovykta field amount to approximately 1.9 trillion cubic meters. m³ of clean gas, 115 million tons of gas condensate, 2.3 billion m³ of helium. To implement the development program, the construction of a highway will be organized. Its total length will be more than 550 km along the Kovykta - Sayansk - Angarsk - Irkutsk highway. It is also planned to build helium and gas separation plants.