Interesting facts about water for adults and children

Interesting facts about water for adults and children
Interesting facts about water for adults and children

Most of the world's population still does not attach much importance and does not pay due attention to the availability, quality and quantity of water in our lives. For those who are lucky enough to live in non-arid areas, water is not of great value, but scientists are very concerned about the state of water resources on Earth. And every day new interesting facts about water are revealed.

Water in numbers

interesting facts about water
interesting facts about water
  • Now water occupies 70% of the planet's surface, of which only 1% is suitable for human consumption. Of all the world's water resources, fresh water is only 3%, of which only 1.5% is available to humans.
  • Almost half of all water, namely 46%, is in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean accounts for 23.9% of water, the Indian Ocean got 20.3%, and the Arctic - 3.7%.
  • The temperature at which seawater freezes is 1.91 degrees Celsius.
  • There are 8 septillion molecules in one glass of water!
  • OnThere are about 1330 natural types of water on our planet. They are classified according to the method of origin (thawed, soil, rain) and composition.

Interesting facts about water and man

interesting information about water
interesting information about water
  • A person needs about two liters of water a day. Water contributes to weight loss: drinking more than two liters, we enable the body to quickly cleanse itself of toxins. Drinking water on an empty stomach or before meals is good for curbing hunger.
  • People who drink the right amount of water are less likely to have a heart attack every day than those who drink little clean water.
  • Man can only live for six days without water.
  • The body of an adult consists of 70% water, a child - 80%, a fetus at the age of five months is generally 94%!
  • During his life, a person drinks about thirty-five tons of water. And thirty-three liters of water can be boiled with the energy of the human body released in a day.

Water conditions

We also have access to interesting information about water and its conditions.

  • Scientists have found five states of liquid water and fourteen states of solid water.
  • Cold water freezes to ice slower than hot water, a schoolboy proved it.
  • Ice is denser than liquid water, so it floats on its surface.
  • The largest reserves of ice on Earth are in the polar "caps".
  • Seawater contains protein and many other nutrients.
  • Jellyfish is 99% water, while watermelon is 93%.
  • Average temperaturethe oceans are three degrees higher than the temperature of the layer of air closest to it.
  • Azerbaijan has water that can burn due to the large amount of methane in the composition.
  • South Africa's faucet water is the third cleanest in the world, and Finland's is
  • A lake in Antarctica is eleven times s altier than the sea and freezes only at -50 oC.
  • March 22 is World Water Day.

Water: interesting facts for kids

water fun facts for kids
water fun facts for kids

In order to preserve the vital water supplies on the planet for as long as possible, first of all, you should treat it yourself carefully and economically and teach your children to do it. The child should be interested in any issue. Have conversations with your baby in which you tell him interesting facts about water according to age. All children are maximalists, so information starting with the words "most, most" will definitely arouse interest and be stored in memory!

  • The biggest raindrop was 9.4 centimeters! Such drops fell on the USA.
  • The longest continuous rain in India for almost two years!
  • The largest hailstone weighed one kilogram and two grams! She fell to Bangladesh.
  • Thickness of a cloud in the sky can be more than Mount Everest, its thickness can reach sixteen kilometers!
  • An iceberg can melt for ten years.

This is not all interesting facts about water, especially since every day there are more of them. Look forlearn, make discoveries yourself to make the world a better and more interesting place!
