Where is Havana? History, sights, impressions

Where is Havana? History, sights, impressions
Where is Havana? History, sights, impressions

The answer to the question where Havana is located could easily be given by every Soviet student. "On the Island of Freedom!". That was the only way they called Cuba in the 60s in the USSR. From all the radio points came: "Cuba - my love …". And the name of Fidel Castro, the Cuban revolutionary, was known in the same way as the name of Lenin.


The assistance provided to the revolutionary government of the country by the Soviet Union could not be overestimated.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union for the first socialist country of the American continent, difficult times have come. But relying on its own resources, the country lives and looks to the future with optimism.

A little about colonial times

Christopher Columbus discovered America at the end of the 15th century. In subsequent years, his countrymen, the inhabitants of Spain, and the Portuguese neighbors actively explored the continent, or rather, captured it. Where the city of Havana is located, the Siboney and Taino Indian tribes once lived. Cruel oppression, famine and imported diseases destroyedindigenous people. The Spaniards began to supply labor to the new colony from another continent. So black-skinned slaves appeared on the island - blacks.

Colonial Havana
Colonial Havana

For some time Cuba was the property of England. In 1762, it was captured by British troops, but a year later, at the end of the Seven Years' War, it returned to Spanish rule. Since the end of the 19th century, the Cubans have been waging a continuous liberation struggle. The path to freedom was long and difficult, but some rights were gradually won back. The final independence was gained only in 1959.

Development of socialist Cuba

After the victory of the Cuban revolution, all forces were thrown into the restoration of the economy devastated over the years of struggle. Cubans are a cheerful people who did not lose heart even under the yoke of the colonialists. They enthusiastically undertook the creation of a new social order. The fraternal Soviet Union, like all countries of the socialist camp, provided young fighters with all possible assistance. The necessary specialists worked on the island. Cuban students studied at the universities of the socialist countries. Material aid came from everywhere.

Noisy city
Noisy city

Now surely all the Soviet people knew where Havana was and what kind of country Cuba was. In a short time, a metallurgical plant, a car repair plant, a shipyard, and a residential area of Havana del Este were built here. The Cuban Republic has firmly embarked on the socialist path of development.

Today's Cuba

Despite the forecasts of analysts whothey argued that after the collapse of the USSR, the government of Fidel Castro, the leader of the Cuban revolution, would fall, this did not happen. The people hardened in the struggle only rallied stronger around their president and survived. Today, the economic condition of the country is considered stable and satisfactory.

Cuba produces oil, grows cane and produces sugar, exports nickel. Cuban cigars are considered the best in the world and are sold in high-end stores. But the tourism industry attracts the largest number of foreign investors.

Description of Havana

Where, in what country this city is located, is not a secret for anyone. It is the capital and largest city of Cuba. Built during the time of the Spanish settlers, it was not subjected to global destruction. And today it is one of the most beautiful capitals among the island states. It harmoniously combines the originality of the colonial appearance with modern architecture. In general, the city makes a stunning impression on tourists.

Capitol in Havana
Capitol in Havana

Cultural life is active and varied. There are more than 900 objects in the catalog of sights. There are many monuments, sculptures, buildings with interesting architectural solutions on the streets. Museums and theaters, galleries and exhibitions await art lovers. For beach lovers there is a multi-kilometer coastline where you can find a place for swimming, sports or fishing.

Cubans, who know how to incendiary spend their free time, are attractive to the guests of the island with their holidays, festivals, carnivals. But also on ordinary days, whereHavana is located, music constantly sounds, there is a noisy, crowded fun. This city never sleeps.


Havana's location is unique. The capital of the island state is located in a picturesque place: on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Air temperature fluctuations during the year are insignificant: from 25 to 29 degrees; and therefore a comfortable stay is possible at any time of the year. Luxurious vegetation dominated by sandalwood and citrus trees completes the holiday idyll.

Embankment of Havana
Embankment of Havana

The Malecon embankment cannot be missed by any guest of the island, and the locals consider it the most suitable place for meetings, walks, and relaxation. The Malecon was created at the very beginning of the 20th century for the middle class population. Today it is an open-air theater where the population of Havana flocks in the evening to learn the news, take part in philosophical conversations, and discuss cultural events. On holidays, which are often held in the capital, the embankment turns into a center of crowded and noisy entertainment.

Old Town

Where Havana is located, there was a fierce struggle against slavery for many centuries, but this was not reflected in the external appearance of the capital. It was not damaged during the revolutions, and today it is inhabited by more than two million citizens.

Old city
Old city

Old Havana, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1981, has retained its narrow streets and shady squares. Most of the buildings here date back to the 16th century and show tourists a mixture of Baroque styles.and neoclassicism. The largest number of attractions is concentrated in the old city: monuments, monasteries, fortresses. Where are the Cathedral Square, the cathedral of the middle of the 18th century, the fortress of Castilloda la Real Fuerza, the oldest in Latin America, located in Havana? Any resident of the city will answer this question of a tourist: “Of course, in Old Havana.”

There are a lot of interesting places in the Cuban capital that I would like to visit. The development of the tourism industry in this country, the creation of comfortable living conditions, catering networks and excursion companies make the dream of tourists from all over the world come true.
