Everyone knows that great work is behind success and universal recognition. This work sometimes means not only the work on oneself of a person who has achieved recognition, but also of those who invested in his upbringing and development. Of course, we are talking about parents. But there is one question that touches a very thin, even intimate edge: does this rule always work or are there exceptions to it? For example, in today's article we will talk about Ronald Fenty, whom few people know. However, he is the father of one famous R'n'B performer, who has repeatedly stated that her parent is not at all one of those who invest everything in children. This singer is Rihanna, whose name is indispensable in the material.
Certain facts about Rihanna's father
Ronald Fenty was born in 1954. On the Caribbean island of Barbados, the years of his youth passed. It was here that he met his soul mate, and then married her. Soon after the marriage was registered, the first-born appeared in the young family. It turned out to be Robin Rihanna, who is better known to the whole world as simply Rihanna. In addition to her, several more children were born in the family. By the way, marriagethe father of a celebrity with her mother was no longer the first; Fenty also had several offspring from her former wife. Life in the small town of St. Michael, in Barbados, with the family of the famous and now sought-after artist, was not at all rich. There was never extra money, every cent was spent on utility bills, food, and so on already on the day of the parent's salary and a month in advance. Talking about some pocket money for children or gifts for the holidays in the Fenty family was not accepted.

Work, home and addictions
Father at the very beginning of family life with Rihanna's mother was the head of a clothing warehouse, and also traded in a tent on the street. Later, his eldest daughter helped him with this, while he himself lay in the sun, slowly sipping alcohol. Fenty's house was quite small, with small windows, very much like a makeshift house. The large family of the future famous singer was housed in three rooms. Relatives of Ronald suffered badly from him when he abused strong drinks. Subsequently, the man also became addicted to drugs. In a state of intoxication, Fenty fell into a rage and could even attack his wife and children with his fists.

A headache no one should know about
Almost all of her youth, Rihanna suffered from an unexplained illness. She was endlessly pursued by severe migraines, because of which Monica Braithwaite (the girl's mother) was forced to constantly undergo examinations with her daughter, change doctors and hospitals. All this was done by a woman.only in the hope of hearing an intelligible diagnosis and proceeding to treatment. However, time after time, examinations showed absolutely nothing. True, one doctor nevertheless suggested a malignant tumor in the head of the eldest daughter of Ronald Fenty, but this was another medical mistake. By the way, I would like to note that none of the environment of the future star even knew that she suffers from severe headaches every day. Her classmates and friends saw only a smiling, cheerful and beautiful girl next to them.

Parental divorce that almost led to irreversible consequences in the life of the future Grammy winner
While young Robin Rihanna Fenty and her mother were spending time in clinics, the head of the family constantly drank, and when his wife and daughter returned home, he made another scandal. Rihanna's mother decided to end the tyranny of her husband, the woman immediately filed for divorce. This period fell for the future R&B singer at the most dangerous adolescence - 14 years old. The girl began to study poorly at school, even wanted to quit her studies and start earning her living by singing songs in the bars of Barbados. By the way, she was fond of singing all her life, as far as she could remember. In addition, Robin Rihanna was a very pretty girl and took part in beauty contests in her hometown. She managed to win the title of the most beautiful girl in school when she was in high school.

First serious audition and departure toAmerica, bringing Fenty's daughter closer to fulfilling her dream
Rihanna's family lived on the edge of poverty, so the girl dreamed of becoming famous and getting rich. She believed that she would be able to go to the United States of America and conquer the whole world. And so it happened when the famous producer Evan Rogers noticed the girl quite by accident, while relaxing with his wife in the Caribbean. After listening, he took with him the future star of pop and R'n'B music. By the way, it was with him that Rihanna conquered the musical Olympus. Subsequently, she met Jay-z, the richest rap artist of all time. Rihanna also collaborated with Eminem, Shakira, Beyoncé and other celebrities.

Rihanna's songs that brought her worldwide fame
When the girl came to conquer America, she almost immediately began recording her first solo compositions. Her singles blew up radio stations over and over again, bringing songs to the top of the charts. Here are the most famous and most popular of them:
- Pon de replay (2005).
- Sos (2007).
- The famous Umbrella, which the whole world sang.
- Love the way you lie (2010). Rihanna almost always cries while singing this song.
- Needed me (2016).
It is possible to list the singer's songs for a very long time, because the singer has accumulated enough works even for a short time. She is in full bloom and will add to her discography more than once.

Rihanna and her father facts
Further storywill concern Ronald Fenty and Rihanna herself. The rest of the article will be built as a kind of confrontation between these close people. Simply put, any fact relating to the singer's father will be considered from two sides. So the reader will understand the story of Mr. Fenty, his biography and other interesting facts from life:
- Ronald Fenty - Rihanna's father - claims that his daughter inherited her ear for music from him. True, as he himself notices, he does not know how to sing and has never even tried. The celebrity herself claims that she got an ear for music and a low voice from relatives on her mother's side. In her family, her grandmother loved to sing, she did it just amazing.
- Ronald Fenty after parting with his wife, tired of drinking and tantrums, was left alone, without a livelihood and without a job. He says it was the same period when the father of the R&B star rethought his whole life and was able to cope with addictions that have plagued him for many years. He admits that no one helped him (while Fenty was looking forward to support from his family). Rihanna during this period was just starting her creative career and was far from all her relatives. However, she noted in an interview that she always loved her parents. Even in difficult times, she called her father and mother, was interested in everything that concerns them. By the way, shortly after Rihanna's father was able to overcome addiction to alcohol and drugs, he reunited with the singer's mother.
- Ronald Fenty, whose biography began on the islands of Barbados, at the same timetried to move closer to his daughter and even attended social events, flashing in her shadow. He liked the luxurious life and for quite a long time he tried to join it. Rumor has it that he sold pictures of his daughter as a teenager to a famous magazine. Rihanna herself at the beginning of her career did not particularly want to talk about her personal life and family. Moreover, she never showed her childhood photos to anyone. The girl left for America in what she was wearing, taking nothing, because there was absolutely nothing to take with her. It is said that the fashion magazine paid Rihanna's father a fabulous fee for these photos. By the way, after a while he also gave various interviews to the "yellow" publications, talking about everything that Rihanna herself would never have said publicly.
Daughter's gift that made her return home
In 2016, Ronald Fenty received the most expensive and luxurious gift of his life. His daughter presented him with a luxurious villa in the Caribbean, for which he had to pay as much as two million dollars. Rumor has it that next to the villa of her father, the girl bought exactly the same apartment for her mother with a huge pool. Of course, having received such gifts from their daughter, the parents immediately went to inspect them. It is worth saying that after that, Rihanna's parents became rare guests at secular parties. Who knows, perhaps this is exactly what the star wanted, who was tired of the constant presence of her parents at social events.

Family is always there
Despite her heavy touring schedule, Rihanna always finds time for loved ones. Fenty's family often gathers both in America and at her father's or mother's house. The singer moved her brothers to the states closer to her, she helps them develop in every possible way. Speaking about her father, Rihanna always notes that she is not angry at him a bit, she does not remember any grievances. In one of her interviews, the girl also noted that her father always supported her, never forbade anything. His motto in life is the expression: "Learn from your own mistakes." By the way, once the singer's mother said that she was an ardent fan of her daughter, and also listened to Rihanna's songs with great pleasure. Monica Braithwaite even knows some of the lyrics by heart.