Lorenz Mario: biography and interesting facts

Lorenz Mario: biography and interesting facts
Lorenz Mario: biography and interesting facts

In the early 90s, Lorenza Mario began her television career, which led her to become one of the most sought-after and popular actresses in Italy. Today she has millions of fans in this sunny country.

Lorenza Mario
Lorenza Mario

Career as a dancer and actress

Her debut as a film actress and dancer simultaneously took place in Le Hot Water (1992, directed by Gino Landi and conducted by Nino Frassica, Giorgio Faletti), as well as in the drama Il grande gioco dell'oca (1993), conceived and directed by Jocelyn Khattab, with conductors Gigi Sabani, Joe Squillo and Simone Tagli.

Later, Lorenza Mario danced with Mathilde Brandi in two productions of Buona Domenica with conductor Gerry Scotti and Gabriella Carlucci in 1995, and also works under the direction of director Gigi Sabani. In 1996, our heroine performed in the Fantastica italiana program, where she danced in tandem with Paolo Bonolis. In the same year, she held the Giro giro Fiat concert, which was the most important event associated with the annual Voice of Italy competition. There she performed with Giorgio Faletti and Andrea Mingardi.

In 1996, she was chosen asthe first woman in the Il Bagaglino Rose Rosse show. The show was hosted by Pier Francesco Pingitore, and Lorenza Mario performed with Pippo Franco, Leo Gullotta, Orest Lionello. The show was broadcast on Channel 5, and at its closing our heroine danced with Raffaele Paganini and Andre de la Roche.

Further career

In the same years she participated in the theater opera Al Cavallino at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, with Daniela Mazzuccato, Ernesto Calindri, Peppe Barra and Loretta Masiero. The opera was directed by Filippo Crivelli. Lorenza Mario also performed at the Teatro Massimo in the summer of 1997 and took part in a production of Orpheus in Hades. In the same 1997, she played with Raimondo Vianello and Sandra Mondaini in the film "Delitto", then in the TV series "Secrets of Kashin Vianello", which was broadcast in prime time on Channel 5.

lorenza mario biography
lorenza mario biography

Our days

In 2015, Lorenza Mario, whose biography is devoted to this article, plays the main character of the romantic comedy DIVA. Her partners in the series were such Italian stars as Renato Giordano, Massimiliano Cavallari and Francesco Capodacqua.

In 2016, she competed in the Tale program, and in 2017 in the Tournament of Champions, winning the first of three contests.

In 2018, she made her debut as a singer with the single "That's What I Want". In addition, the husband of our heroine is Alessandro Safina. In our country, she is known precisely for being the companion of this outstanding pop and opera singer. However, as we can see, Lorenza built her owncareer regardless of the famous husband and even before meeting him.
