Olivier Sarkozy and Mary-Kate: love has no limits

Olivier Sarkozy and Mary-Kate: love has no limits
Olivier Sarkozy and Mary-Kate: love has no limits

When the press broke the news that Olivier Sarkozy was dating Mary-Kate, many fans of the actress were sure that this would not be for long. A significant age difference, opposite characters, mores - all these factors were not in the hands of lovers. But no matter what anyone says, the couple is still together. She also managed to register her relationship in 2015. How it was, we will tell in the article.

olivier sarkozy biography
olivier sarkozy biography

A man with character

Who is Olivier Sarkozy? The biography of the man is quite interesting. Many consider him the brother of the former President of France. But it's not. They are just half brothers. Nicolas was born from a first marriage, which did not last long. Olivier is a child from the second union. According to sources, the father of the brothers was very loving, so he did not stay with any woman for a long time.

At first, the children maintained a relationship with each other, came to each other for the holidays. But later life divorced them for many years. Olivier's stepfather was a diplomat, and soon the family had to go abroad.

The brothers haven't seen each other for a very long time. Themthe meeting again took place after both became accomplished people. Olivier Sarkozy is quite successful in business. Has a multi-million dollar fortune.

In my personal life, everything was stable. For 13 years he was married to the famous writer Charlotte Bernard. From this union there are two beautiful children. Unfortunately, a strong family could not be saved and the couple decided to leave.

Olivier Sarkozy
Olivier Sarkozy

Sad love stories

As for Mary-Kate, her love stories didn't add up until recently. The young actress chose her boyfriends with all responsibility, but it never came to a wedding.

The relationship with the grandson of the magnate of Greece, one of the richest heirs in the world, ended especially cruelly. The engagement had already taken place, on the finger of Mary-Kate there was a ring with a diamond of several carats, there was an active preparation for the wedding. It would seem that no one can overshadow the happiness of a young couple. But the fatal mistake of the girl was that she decided to introduce her future husband to her best friend Paris Hilton. The young actress is known for her eccentric and bitchy character. She took the Greek away from Mary-Kate without hesitation. This event was a serious test for the girl.

Another nasty story involved actor Heath Ledger, who died of a drug overdose. Information immediately appeared in the press that the maid who discovered the body, the first thing she called was not the rescue service, but Mary-Kate. Speculation began that it was the girl who supplied the guy with drugs. But it's all left forlevel of rumors and speculation.

mary kate and olivier sarkozy
mary kate and olivier sarkozy

An unexpected meeting

In 2012, the tabloids of all known publications were full of reports that Olivier Sarkozy was dating actress Mary-Kate. The age difference did not become an obstacle for their relationship. The couple has been spotted at basketball games on numerous occasions. The lovers, unashamedly, held hands, kissed, looked tenderly at each other.

Experts immediately dubbed the novel another affair of the actress. But everything turned out quite differently. In 2013, Olivier presented the girl with an apartment, which, according to experts, is worth $13.5 million. And a year later, a 4-carat diamond ring shone on the girl’s finger. After such a gift made by Olivier Sarkozy, the wedding was only a matter of time. Many assumed that the celebration will take place in 2016, it will be lush and glamorous. But again, these were just guesses.

olivier sarkozy wedding
olivier sarkozy wedding

The logical conclusion of the relationship

Last autumn, the wedding of Olivier Sarkozy and Mary-Kate took place. The ceremony was held behind closed doors. Only 50 guests (the closest friends and relatives) were invited. The celebration took place in one of the private cottages in Manhattan. Before the ceremony, the couple asked everyone present to turn in their phones and video devices. They didn't want the photos to leak to the press.

As eyewitnesses say, the wedding was unusual, youthful, glamorous. The highlight was that instead of flowers, there were vases filled with cigarettes on the tables. About the outfitthe bride and groom are unknown. But we can assume that there was no frilly white dress and tailcoat.

Mary-Kate and Olivier Sarkozy are a beautiful couple who carefully hide their relationship from the press. Since the wedding, journalists have not been able to get a single photo of the newlyweds from their celebration. And this is not the main thing. If young people are happy and don't want to put their lives on display, that's their right. You can wish the spouses only happiness and a speedy replenishment in the family.
