Once upon a time, Plato said: "Time takes away everything" - and although this expression is more than one hundred years old, it still remains relevant. But not only Plato liked to philosophize about the course of being and the transience of life. Many famous writers and great thinkers have similar sayings. So many lines have been written on the topic "Time" that it is simply impossible to count them all.
So let's plunge into the world of literature and draw some wisdom from there. Consider the most striking and beautiful statements of the great about time and its course - about the eternal sequence of life and death. And who knows, perhaps this knowledge will be able to radically change someone's worldview.

The transience of everything
I would like to start with the fact that many statements about time show us how fleeting everything is in the world. It would seem that just yesterday we were little children and ran around the parental yard, and today we are already watching our own grandchildren grow up. And this order of things applies to everything that surrounds us.
That is why many sayings about time remind us that everything in this world has its end.
- "Minutes, like fast horses, fly without looking ahead. Look around - the sunset is so close that it can no longer be turned back" (Al-Maarri).
- "Life will fly by like a crazy wind, and nothing will hold it back" (Yu. Balasaguni).
- "Unfortunately, you can't get your youth back, become as unrestrainedly bold and beautiful again. You can't even reverse your youthful gait" (Yu. Bondarev).
- "The closer the old age, the faster the clock moves."
- "In this life, only the tide and time wait for no one" (W. Scott).
Learn to value time
However, realizing the transience of time is only half the battle. After that, you need to learn how to take care of it, cherish every second you live. After all, time is the most valuable currency in the world. But unlike real bills, it cannot be borrowed or stolen from another person.

And therefore, many sayings about time tirelessly remind us of how important it is to appreciate every second of your life:
- "The wise use of time makes it even more precious" (J. J. Rousseau).
- "Learning to enjoy the past means learning to live doubly" (Martial).
- "He who dares to waste an hour of his time simply does not know how to live" (Charles Darwin).
- "No one's timedoes not wait, and even more so does not forgive a single missed moment" (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky).
- "One today is much more expensive than two tomorrows" (B. Franklin).
How to spend your life properly
Well, for those who have realized the value of time, there is only one thing left - to learn how to spend it wisely. After all, there are thousands of different possibilities and chances that should be tried and tested. This is the only way to feel the true taste of life, so that later you will not regret anything. And here are the most striking expressions about time, proving this truth:
- "Every new day is a student of yesterday" (Publius Syr).
- "Life is no longer short for those who have learned to use it wisely" (Seneca Jr.).
- "Only a few are able to see the world in all its details. Most involuntarily limit themselves to one of its versions or several areas; but the less a person knows about the present and the past, the more fragile his hopes for a brighter future become" (Sigmund Freud).

Sayings about time: the wonderful world of watches
In conclusion, here are a few more sayings about the passage of time left to us by the great minds of the past. And let the depth of their wisdom become a real find for the inquisitive minds of our time.
- "People with a sour expression pass thousands of hours past them, forgetting to enjoy them. And then, with the advent of old age, they sadly remember them" (A. Schopenhauer).
- "A mediocre person thinks about how to kill time. A talented person seeks to use it correctly" (A. Schopenhauer).
- "Only time can heal all wounds" (Menander).
- "Life seems long when it is filled with something important. So let's measure it by deeds, not the elapsed hours" (Seneca).
- "If time is the most precious thing, then wasting it is the greatest crime" (B. Franklin).