The widest layer of folk culture is oral folk art. Its genres are very diverse and specific. These works were invented by representatives of the people and passed on to each other orally. There were singers and storytellers, and anyone who wanted to could become a co-creator.
What are the features of folklore works?

A feature of oral folk art (folklore) is its ancient origin, because such works were created at a time when there was no written language. Often many people participated in the creation of one work, each adding something of his own when retelling. This is another feature - variability, because even one storyteller or singer could not repeat the works without changes many times.
Everyone knows what oral folk art is. Almost all of its genres have survived to this day. Each of them reflects the thoughts and aspirations of the people, their attitude to current events. Ritual folklore occupies a large place in oral folk art. Althoughthis layer of folk culture is almost unknown now.
What genres is folklore divided into?
- Fairy tales are the most widespread folklore works. Since ancient times, children grew up on Russian fairy tales. This is of great educational value. Folk tales are imbued with the spirit of patriotism, heroism and faith in the victory of good over evil.
- The epic occupies a large place in folklore. It reflects the rich historical experience of the people in the struggle against conquerors and oppressors. Through the joint efforts of many storytellers, a positive image of the hero was gradually taking shape - a defender and a hero who loves his homeland. The epic works also reflect the traditions of the people and their customs. Traditionalism is another feature that oral folk art has. Epic genres are epics, legends, historical songs and legends.
- But the most common now are small genres of oral folk art - jokes, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes and riddles. They are very diverse and constantly updated. Even in the modern era, despite the widespread use of writing, new sayings are being created, riddles and tongue twisters are being invented.

How is folklore used in raising children?
What genres of oral folk art have long been used by parents in raising a child? In addition to fairy tales and epics, children were accompanied by nursery rhymes, jokes and songs from birth. They were used not only to calm and attract attention.child. These artworks are the best way to develop early thinking of toddlers.

Until now, all mothers sing folk lullabies to their children, most of them use nursery rhymes and sentences when dressing, bathing and the first games of babies. Rhymes, riddles and tongue twisters are very important for the development of the child's thinking. Teasers, sayings and ditties are common among children.
Currently, many young people do not know what oral folk art is. Its genres, even the most common ones, began to be forgotten. And the task of parents, educators and teachers is to instill in children a love for folklore as an integral part of folk culture.