Every person who is at least a little interested in science knows perfectly well that all nature is based on development and forward movement. In particular, each of us in his development goes from the simplest cell to the most complex organism. Knowing this, you will be able to answer with sufficient accuracy the question of what ontogeny is. This concept is often found in pseudo-scientific literature, but not everyone knows the definition of this term.
We will try to clarify this issue by talking about this important concept in simpler terms. So, if we talk about the scientific interpretation, then ontogenesis is the sequence of all qualitative changes in the body from its birth to death.
But what is ontogeny in a simpler way? Simply put, this is the totality of all changes: biochemical, morphological, physiological and even mental, whichundergone by a person or another biological species during his life. Thus, ontogeny is fundamentally different from simple development, as it is a more complex and far from always predictable phenomenon.

In addition, this concept is closely related to society: if an individual lives in a prosperous society, then his ontogeny will go in a key that is radically different from that of a person who was born and lives in a dysfunctional environment. The main difference between two individuals in this case will not even be external signs and well-being, but the ability to fully realize the potential inherent in nature. For example, with equal opportunities, the first one can become a scientist, while the second one will not succeed because of the low quality of the social environment. So what are the stages of human ontogeny that precede the emergence of a mature personality?
To list all of them long enough, and therefore let's say that any period of a person's life (infancy, adulthood) is at the same time a stage of ontogenesis. However, much more often researchers operate with stages that divide a person's life into generalized periods. Let us consider the stages of human ontogenesis in more detail. There are embryonic, juvenile, stages of maturity, reproduction, and old age. The most important in the sociological aspect is the juvenile period. If you have ever heard that character is formed in childhood, then it is not difficult to understand the reason for this.

It is in the juvenile period that the ability toindividual to interact with society. In the future, changes can be made, but this will require a lot of effort. The first and subsequent stages no longer play such a pronounced role in the psychological moment of ontogenesis, since their significance is more important for the physiological, biochemical, biological aspects of the development of a human being.
So, we can sum up some results: what is ontogeny? In biological terms, this is the process of all qualitative and functional changes that an organism undergoes throughout its existence. In psychological and sociological terms, this process can be roughly defined as the psycho-physiological formation of personality. We hope we have clarified a little what ontogeny is, and you have learned about its importance in relation to human development.