Choosing a name for a child, each parent is guided by their own understanding of his naming. In the Kyrgyz tradition, children are called in a special way. Often the name is given after birth. When the elders in the family see a newborn, they come up with a name for him. They can name a Kyrgyz boy according to the calendar, taking the original Kyrgyz name, or come up with a proper name by combining several Kyrgyz words.
History of Kyrgyz names

The history of Kyrgyz names dates back to the 1st century AD. There are several periods of formation of proper names in the national language of the Kyrgyz:
- Altai period (associated with the life of the Kyrgyz in Altai).
- Turkic period (3rd century AD, the Denlin tribes, the forefathers of the Kirghiz, spoke the Turkic dialect).
- Soviet period (borrowing of various words from the Slavic language).
- Modern period (return to roots, traditional words).
The periods of formation of the Kyrgyz language play a big role in the formation of traditional Kyrgyz names.
Kyrgyz male names. List

- Azat - Arabic. - "free".
- Azinbek - Arabic. - "great".
- Akyl - tour. - "smart".
- Alym - glory. - "simpleton".
- Albert - germ. - "famous".
- Asilbek - tyuksk. - "genuine Khan".
- Ahmet - Turkic. "the most famous".
- Ashym - Arabic. "tearing to pieces".
- Bayel - German. "Bovarets".
- Bainazar - Heb. "an oath to God".
- Baysel - Kyrgyz. "possessing we alth".
- Bakyt - pers. "fortunate, happy".
- Bakhtiyar - pers. "happy friend".
- Baybars - Turks. "leopard".
- Bekzhan - Kaz. "new life".
Velek is a Turk. "foreign"
- Gulzhigit is a Turk. "new".
- Gulistan - pers. "country of roses".
- Gulbiddin is an Arab. "flower".
- Januzak - pers. "long soul".
- Dzharkin - Kyrgyz. "bright".
- Joldosh is a Turk. "companion, comrade".
- Junus - tour. "dolphin".
Erbolat - tbrk. "steel man"
- Zhaksylyk - Kazakh. "kindness".
- Jenishbek is Kazakh. "winner".
- Zhunus - tour. "dolphin".
- Ilimbek is an Arab. "scientist".
- Ilyas is an Arab. "My true God".
- Iman is an Arab. "faith".
- Kairatbek - Kazakh. "grace".
- Kenzhebek is a Turk. "junior nobleman".
- Kulzhigit - Kazakh "holiday soul".
- Kylychbek - Kyrgyz. "feudal lord with a saber".
- Marat - pers. "intention".
- Melis - Greek. "bee".
- Mirbek - Greek. "prince, lord".
- Murajon is a Turk. "desired life".
- Muradil is an Arab. "religious".
- Mukhamedali is a Turk. "sublime, lofty".
- Muhamed - Greek. "the most praised".
- Nazar is an Arab. "look".
- Nurali - Kazakh. "bright Ali".
- Nursultan is a Turk. "bright sultan".
- Ortai - Kazakh. "energetic".
- Oman - Heb. "artist".
- Orus - Kirg. "Russian".
- Segiz - Kyrgyz. "eighth".
- Syymyk - Kyrgyz. "iron nail".
- Sabir is an Arab. "hardy".
- Timur is a Turk. "iron".
- Talgat - pers. "beautiful look".
- Talay is a Turk. "several".
- Turat - Kyrgyz. "firmly standing".
Ulan is a Turk. "rider"
Sherali - pers. "Lion Ali"
- Edil is an Arab. "fair".
- Emirbek is a Turk. "king, ruler".
- Erkinbek is a Turk. "free ruler".
- Ernest - germ. "strict, important".
- Ernisbek is a Turk. "courageous ruler".
Male Kyrgyz names have several unique features. They are associated with various sources of their acquisition:
1) The oldest male Kyrgyz names - taken from the epic of the ancient Kyrgyz. These are such names as Abyke, Kaldar, Toktobay.
2) Borrowed names - from Kazakh, Arabic, Persian and other Turkic languages. With this naming, most often there are prefixes or endings in the form of "tegin" - daughter, "uulu" - son. For example, Ulan Edil uulu - Ulan son of Edil.
3) Primordially Kyrgyz - names with the addition of "bay" - master, "bek" - master. For example, Erkinbek, Kenjebek.
4) Soviet names are politicized. For example, Azat - "freedom", Kenesh - "union".