Paul McCarthy and Heather Mills: photos, interesting facts

Paul McCarthy and Heather Mills: photos, interesting facts
Paul McCarthy and Heather Mills: photos, interesting facts

The relationship between Heather Mills, who lost her leg in an accident, and Paul McCartney, a famous British musician, has always attracted the attention of the world community. According to one version, voiced by the couple, it was the close attention of the media that caused the dissolution of their marriage. Despite the collapse of the stellar union, Heather and Paul's couple is still one of the loudest in the history of British high society.

Early years

Modeling career
Modeling career

Heather Mills was born on January 12, 1968 in Aldershot, Hampshire to former British paratrooper John Francis Mills and the daughter of British Army Colonel Beatrice Mary Mills. Heather's parents were creative people. Beatrice spoke several languages and played the piano, while John played the banjo and guitar, exercised regularly and was fond of photography.

Heather was the second child in the family. The eldest son of the Mills couple was named Shane, and the youngest daughter was Fiona. From an early age, parentsinstilled in children a love for animals. As a child, Heather had a cat and a dog. At one time, a goose even lived in their family. Subsequently, a childhood love of animals will encourage Heather to become a vegetarian and actively engage in charity work.

When the girl was 9 years old, her mother left home and the children were left in the care of their father. The model shared her memories with the press and talked about the fact that their family has always lacked money. Children were forced to steal food and clothes to avoid severe beatings from their father. Subsequently, John denied the accusations of violence and claimed that their family always lived happily ever after. To prove his words, he showed reporters footage from his home archive taken during family holidays.

Moving to London

Model Heather Mills
Model Heather Mills

When Heather Mills' father was convicted of fraud and sentenced to prison, she and her sister moved to London to live with her mother and her new lover. Heather later talked about how she ran away from home at the age of 15 and lived in a cardboard box under Waterloo station for 4 months. People close to the model denied this information and stated that all this time she attended school and lived with her family.

In 1986, Heather met businessman Alfie Karmal. It was during these years that the girl began her career in the modeling business after unsuccessful work in a confectionery and jewelry store. In May 1989, Heather and Alfie got married. The girl suffered two ectopic pregnancies and was never able to give birth to a child. Married Mills has become a lot of timededicate to charity. She set up a refugee center in London and made generous donations in Croatia. At this time, she began to have problems in her personal life. Married life with Karmal did not bring Heather happiness, and in 1991 they divorced.

Below is a photo of Heather Mills.

Photo by Heather Mills
Photo by Heather Mills

Accident and leg amputation

Many fans are interested in the answer to the question of where Heather Mills lost her leg. The model never hid information about the accident she was a victim of. In 1993, Heather and her lover were crossing the street in London, and Mills was hit by a police motorcycle, which was in a hurry for an urgent call. The victim was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery, as a result of which she lost part of her leg 6 inches above the knee. A new operation followed in October 1993, which further shortened the leg.

Heather Mills without a leg has not lost her charm and has only become stronger and more self-confident. She profitably sold the story of the loss of her leg to journalists, and used the money she earned to create the Heather Mills He alth Trust Fund, whose activities are aimed at helping victims affected by land mines. The foundation delivered prostheses to adults and children who lost limbs. Heather's charity has helped many people cope with the tragedy and return to their old way of life. The fund existed from 2000 to 2004.

Charity activities

Charity Heather
Charity Heather

Heather Mills is actively involved incharity:

  • In 2001, Mills was presented with an award by the Prime Minister of Croatia for the funds she had raised to fund the country's landmine clearance efforts.
  • In 2003, the Open University awarded her a PhD for her philanthropic work on behalf of amputees.
  • In 2005, Mills began working with British animal rights organization Viva.
  • In 2006, Heather traveled to Canada with her husband, Paul McCartney, to raise awareness of the country's annual seal hunt.

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills love story

Spouses Paul and Heather
Spouses Paul and Heather

Mills met legendary musician Paul McCartney in April 1999 at the Dorchester Hotel, which hosted a prestigious British ceremony. During a conversation with Heather, Paul expressed his desire to donate money to charity and support Mills' social activities. In the fall of 1999, he took part in the recording of the song of the Mills sisters, the proceeds from the rotation of which were donated to charity. After this event, rumors about a romance between the model and the singer began to appear more and more often in the press. In January 2000, they appeared together at a party, thereby confirming the information about their relationship.

On July 23, 2001, Paul and Heather went on a joint vacation to the picturesque mountainous region of the Lake District. Surrounded by majestic mountains and lakes, the musician made a marriage proposal to his beloved. He gave her a ringadorned with sapphires and diamonds, bought in Jaipur especially for this momentous occasion.

Wedding of the year

wedding of the year
wedding of the year

The lovers played a star wedding on June 11, 2002 at Leslie Castle in Ireland. The ceremony featured a song that Paul McCartney dedicated to his wife. Subsequently, the composition was included in the album Driving Rain (2001).

Being married to Paul McCartney, Heather told reporters about her family happiness, and in particular that her husband always cared about her needs and surrounded her with love. She liked to cook vegetarian dishes for her beloved and spend her free time with him, away from the noisy public. In October 2003, the long-awaited daughter was born in marriage - Beatrice Millie McCartney.

The divorce proceedings of the star couple

Heather answers reporters' questions after the trial
Heather answers reporters' questions after the trial

On May 17, 2006, the couple's fans were shocked by the news of their divorce. Mills complained about her husband's drunkenness and domestic violence on his part. After studying Heather's statement, McCartney's lawyers came to the conclusion that there are many inconsistencies in her words with previous statements that she gave as a happy wife and mother.

To peacefully resolve the conflict, Paul offered his wife a large sum of 15.8 million pounds, but she rejected his offer and demanded 125 million pounds. The court's final decision was announced on March 17, 2008. According to him, Heather received a lump sum of 16.5 million pounds from Paul McCartney.and assets of £7.8m. Also, the former spouse undertook to pay 35,000 pounds per year for the maintenance of his daughter.

Interesting facts

Interesting facts about the life of spouses
Interesting facts about the life of spouses

Interesting facts about Heather Mills and her relationship with Paul McCartney:

  • Only dedicated fans of Heather Mills know that she was nominated for a Peace Prize in 1996.
  • A reputable magazine offered Paul McCartney £1.5 million for the right to an exclusive photo essay from his wedding with Heather, but the musician refused the journalist's offer.
  • In 2003, the couple arrived in Russia and met with Vladimir Putin, who gave them a tour of the main attractions of the Kremlin.
  • The divorce of Heather Mills and Paul McCartney has become one of the most high-profile divorce cases in Britain. It is interesting to note that Heather Mills was represented in court by lawyers who defended the rights of Princess Diana in her divorce from Prince Charles ten years ago.

The Paul and Heather couple has always been very popular, so the former spouses are still attracting the attention of the media. After a high-profile divorce, they managed to find their happiness and continue to delight fans with new creative projects.
