Worldview and attitude: few will be able to explain what exactly is the difference between these two philosophical concepts. And they, by the way, are those invisible forces that daily govern a person's life. And if you can somehow understand the worldview, relying on your own logic, then the worldview raises much more questions.
And therefore it would be very appropriate to talk about what lies behind this, incomprehensible at first glance, word. And to realize how exactly the worldview affects our life choices and whether it is possible to change it.

What does philosophy tell us?
This concept was introduced by scientists-philosophers in ancient times. So, attitude is the perception of reality through feelings and emotions. But the worldview is the established principles and outlook on life.
That is, the main difference between a worldview and a worldview is that the first is directly due to the knowledge and experience of a person, and the second is often his innate character. And yet they are inequally affect what decisions an individual will make to achieve their goals.
How to understand the principles of attitude?
So, let's try to figure out exactly how attitude works. After all, despite such a short explanation from a manual on philosophy, it is still not so easy to comprehend this concept the first time.

Attitude is a part of every individual, although it is impossible to notice it until you know about its existence. More precisely, until you start to think about how much our emotions can affect the way we see the world around us.
For example, pessimists perceive everything in dark colors, and their emotional spectrum is often too gray. In this regard, they tend to adhere to the idea that the whole world is a gloomy and dull place. In contrast, optimists, on the contrary, strive to see everything in too joyful and warm colors.
Is the worldview an uncontrolled mechanism or an acquired layer of human consciousness?
Given all of the above, a logical question arises: "Is it possible to change your perception or is it permanent?" Initially, many philosophers believed that the worldview is an innate gift of a person that appears at birth. Therefore, it cannot be changed.
However, over the years, philosophy grew stronger and was supplemented by the work of scientists studying not only the Western school, but also the Eastern one. And their views differed from those stated earlier. Direct confirmation of this is the spiritual practice of Buddhistmonks, which is fundamentally capable of changing the worldview of a person.