The Azov paleontological museum-reserve is a real pride for the south of Russia. Such a large paleontological collection is no longer in this corner of the country, and in terms of its area the museum is one of the largest in Russia. All information about the Azov Museum-Reserve, including the opening hours and reviews of tourists, is further in this article.
Basic information
Azov Historical, Archaeological and Paleontological Museum-Reserve - this is the full name of this unique institution. It is located in the city of Azov (Rostov region). The area occupied by the museum exceeds 78,000 m2, and more than 350,000 exhibits of various directions and age categories are located in 22 halls. Among them, the most valuable, of course, are the skeletons of prehistoric animals. In addition, there are various weapons, furniture, dishes, books, clothes and much more.

The staff of the Azov Museum consists of 168 people, 29 of them are holders of various scientistsdegrees. The position of director is held by Evgeny Evgenyevich Mamichev, a museologist, lawyer and Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Rostov Region.
History of Creation
Azov Historical and Paleontological Museum experienced three births. Its first opening took place on May 17, 1917. Six months earlier, the Azov society of cultural activists "People's Society" announced the collection of charitable donations that could become exhibits of the local history museum. For six months, a large number of collections were collected - old coins, paintings, engravings and other art objects, stamps, minerals, weapons and cannonballs. But, alas, this collection was not destined to be exhibited for a long time, since during the Civil War the museum was closed, and the exhibits were partially looted. What was left was kept by the former employees of the museum, and in 1937 the second opening was announced - already with the "blessing" of the Communist Party. But this time, the Azov Museum opened on the eve of big changes - as if history itself wanted to become part of the exposition. During the occupation of Azov by the fascist invaders, the museum was again destroyed and completely looted. Finally, with the efforts of the inhabitants and cultural figures of Azov and Rostov-on-Don, it was decided to reopen the museum in May 1960. And in 1976, the entire collection was moved to the building of the former city government, where it remains to this day. Below you can see a photo of the Azov Museum before modern restoration - this is how it looked during the opening in 1976.

Building, inwhich houses the museum
The three-storey building in eclectic style was built in 1892 for the meetings of city governors. The architect was Fedor Gauzenbaum. Before the revolution, the council occupied the entire second floor of the building, on the first floor there were various shops and the city bank of the merchant Dabakhov. The third floor was intended for dinner parties and balls. After the revolution, the building was occupied by the council of workers and people's deputies; during the war and occupation, fascist commandants settled in it. After the war, two floors of the former city council were occupied by the district executive committee, and shops and a printing house were opened on the first floor, as before. Finally, in 1966, it was decided to transfer the building to the city museum. For ten years, internal restoration was carried out to accommodate the exhibition, and, as mentioned above, in 1976 the museum opened its doors to visitors.
Surprisingly, during all this time the building has not undergone any external changes (except for decoration). It was not damaged either during the Civil War or during the Great Patriotic War, and in the photo above you can see it in an absolutely original form. At present, only the color has changed - it was decided to paint the museum with bright colors of the neo-Russian style, so that the building immediately catches the eye.
Skeletons and remains of ancient animals
The most interesting and unique exhibits of the Azov Paleontological Museum are located in the expositions called "Traces of Earth Memory" and "Neanderthal Safari". The center of the first exposition is a unique and one-of-a-kind skeleton of dinoterium, an extincta proboscis that is not related to modern elephants. The main exhibit of the second exposition is the skeleton of the Caucasian elasmotherium, an extinct animal close to rhinos. Also in the paleontological collection of the Azov Museum are the skeletons of two steppe mammoths, a steppe beaver, an ancient antelope with screw horns, an Azov giraffe, an elephant Gromov and a Liventsov horse. Science did not know about most of these animals before they were found in the Rostov region, which makes the museum significant not only for Russian archeology and paleontology, but also for the world. In addition to the above exhibits, the museum's collection contains more than 120 fossils formed from individual bones, skeletal parts (groups of bones), claws and teeth. Also in the halls with paleontological expositions there are many multimedia exhibits that allow you to see the alleged three-dimensional image of ancient animals, the remains of which are presented in the museum.

Ancient items
Various archaeological finds of ancient times are presented in the following expositions:
- "Treasures of the nomads of Eurasia".
- "Eneolithic-Bronze Age".
- "Early Iron Age".
- "Eastern Sea of Azov from III to XIII century".
- "Azaka trade".
The exposition "Treasures of the nomads of Eurasia" consists of more than 18,000 items of gold, silver, glass, bronze and clay archaeological finds, most of whichwas found in the graves of nomads. There are a lot of jewelry among them: male and female, everyday (those that were placed in the grave for the afterlife) and funeral (a special category of jewelry-amulets for the dead). There are objects of life of warriors: weapons, daggers decorated with jewels, elements of a horse team and uniforms. There are also items of everyday life of nomads: precious mirrors, dishes, hairpins, combs and much more.

The main part of the exposition dedicated to the Bronze Age is made up of objects obtained from numerous Don kurgans. These are whole burial sets - weapons, jewelry, utensils, as well as amulets, amulets, vessels for smoking, incense and ritual liquids.
In the showcases of the exposition dedicated to the Early Iron Age, there are also objects found in burials and burial mounds, but not precious and not bronze, but iron and ceramic. There are also items of daily life of the ancient inhabitants of the Don and Azov regions - mirrors, beads and earrings, dishes, bells, whorls, items of clothing.

The following exposition covers a whole millennium of the life of the Azov peoples since the beginning of the reign of the Golden Horde. It is divided into five thematic stages, each of which consistently complements the previous ones. This collection contains more than 1000 different exhibits, many of which are unique and even one of a kind. Such items include, for example,St. Hedwig's glass goblet - its authenticity was established by Russian and British scientists. The age of the rarest vessel is more than 800 years, and it is the second one found in Russia - the first one is kept in the Hermitage. It was in these cups, according to medieval legends, that water turned into wine - they were used for coronations and divine services.

And, finally, the exposition "Trade Azaka" - it is dedicated to the ancient city of Azaka and the period of its existence from the 13th to the 15th century. The entire collection presented here is divided into five blocks - urban trade, the life of merchants, trade relations, brought curiosities and foreign finds of the 15th century. As in previous expositions, many items from this collection of the Azov Museum of Local Lore are unique and very rare.
Historical expositions
The main items of household expositions of the Azov Museum are divided into three halls:
- "Azov and Sea of Azov in the XV-XVII centuries".
- "Azov fortress in the period from Peter the Great to Barclay de Tolly".
- "Azov and the Sea of Azov during the Great Patriotic War".
The basis of these collections are authentic and recreated costumes, household items, weapons, icons. For example, the first of the three named expositions presents the full uniforms of warriors, the costumes of Cossack families and the arrangement of their houses. In the second - the history of the conquest of the "precious stone", as Catherine the Second called Azov. Here, in addition to authentic items, are presentedwax figures of emperors, empresses and other political figures, in costumes and interior settings. There is also an interactive table where you can track military campaigns on historical maps.

It is easy to guess what the third exposition is: it is a complete collection of all found documents, photographs and weapons, as well as award badges, military uniforms and other items that tell the history of the Second World War on the territory of Azov and the Sea of Azov.
Natural display
This exposition of the Azov Museum-Reserve is called "Nature of the Lower Don" and is a complex that combines a visual narrative about the forest and near-water nature of the region. More than 600 units of the scientific and natural collection are presented here, including plant specimens and stuffed animals. The exposition also includes a large number of interactive panels, allowing, for example, to see a real image of natural areas or hear the voice of certain animals and birds.

The exact address of the Azov Archaeological Museum-Reserve: the city of Azov, Moskovskaya street, 38/40. If you go by public transport, you should get off at the stop "Center". In order not to get lost, it is best to navigate on the map below. However, the probability of not noticing the magnificent and bright building of the Azov Museum is extremely small.

Opening hours
The museum is ready to receive itsvisitors from 10:00 to 18:00 on any day of the week except Monday. On this day, you can organize a group tour, but you need to sign up for it in advance (at least one week in advance).
Ticket prices
The price of tickets to the Azov Museum of the Russian Federation varies depending on the day of the visit. So, from Tuesday to Friday, admission for adults costs 120 rubles, for children 7-18 years old - 60 rubles, and for children under 7 years old - 30 rubles. On weekends, these prices change to 200, 100 and 50 rubles, respectively. Weekends include not only Saturday and Sunday, but also national holidays. Excursion service will cost visitors 700 rubles.

Visitor reviews
Judging by the reviews, many people who have already visited this museum consider it not only the main attraction of the city of Azov, but also one of the main museums in Russia, a must-see. Tourists note not only the magnificence and uniqueness of the exposition (the fact that it is worthy of attention is clear to everyone), but also the quality of service, the competence of lecturers and guides, and the fact that the museum keeps up with the times. The combination of ancient exhibits with the most modern multimedia supporting materials leaves no one indifferent.