Maria Kuznetsova: biography and photos

Maria Kuznetsova: biography and photos
Maria Kuznetsova: biography and photos

Maria Vladimirovna Kuznetsova is an actress not only of the theater, but also of cinema. Born in 1950. How did the life of this wonderful woman turn out? This will be discussed in the article.

Career start

In 1975, after completing his studies at the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography. N. K. Cherkasova, Maria Vladimirovna goes to work at the Russian State Academic Theater named after A. S. Pushkin. It was about him that she would say back in 2000: “I really love my theater and the people I work with.” At first, the inexperienced graduate performed episodic roles in productions and extras. The following season, the young artist received her first prominent role in L. Leonov's play “Invitation to Life”, which influenced her entire future career. Kuznetsova proved herself as a talented dramatic actress. Her success was noted by both viewers and critics.

Maria Kuznetsova
Maria Kuznetsova

Works in the theatrical field

After her benefit performance, Kuznetsova Maria Vladimirovna took part in almost the entire repertoire of her theater. She subtly felt her heroines, could easily get used to the images, instantly understood the ideas of the directors andscreenwriters. The roles of the young actress were different. They did not resemble each other in terms of plot or character, but at the same time, their performance amazed the audience with its originality and originality.

Among the outstanding stage images of the artist, one can single out Milica (the play "Melody for a Peacock" in 1978), Chrysothemis (the play "My Love Elektra" in 1979), Matryona ("Balzaminov's Marriage" in 1987). The production of "Lysistratus", first presented on stage in 1989, opened a new role in Kuznetsova. Since then, the actress has been invited to comedy roles, for example, the amusing Baba Yaga (in The Tale of Love, 1990) and the comical cook (in The Tale of Tsar S altan, 1999).

For her unsurpassed talent and exceptional professionalism, it was Maria Kuznetsova who was awarded the privilege of being the only actress appointed to simultaneously play two roles in the modern German repertoire (the plays “Zarnitsa” and “Fiery”). Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of our country were delighted with the work of Maria Vladimirovna. To this day, she remains a sought-after actress.

Among Kuznetsova's current theatrical works, attention should be paid to the following: "Three Sisters" 2001 (the role of Olga), Trees die standing "2001 (the role of Elena)," Vanity Fair "2002, (the role of Mrs. Crowley), "The Living Corpse" in 2006 (the role of Anna Pavlovna), "Marriage" in 2008 (the role of the matchmaker Fyokla Ivanovna). The heroines of the actress are dissimilar and multifaceted, and the game is natural and charming.

Currently MariaVladimirovna is busy in such performances as "Uncle Vanya" (old nanny Marina Timofeevna), "The Third Choice" (Anna Pavlovna), "Crime and Punishment" (Raskolnikov's mother). In 2015, Kuznetsova was entrusted with the role in the theatrical production "Requiem", presented in St. Petersburg at the state level in honor of the beginning of the year of literature.

During her active stage career, actress Maria Vladimirovna Kuznetsova played in 70 performances and productions. But her participation in filming brought her the greatest popularity.

Kuznetsova Maria Vladimirovna
Kuznetsova Maria Vladimirovna

Film Works

On blue screens Kuznetsova first appeared in 1976 in the film "If I love". Then there was a short break, during which the actress gave all her strength and talents to the stage. In 1988, she starred in an episodic role in the film "Farewell, Zamoskvoretskaya punks …", and in 1998 she was invited several times to shoot in the legendary serial film "Streets of Broken Lights", where she played several different characters throughout the first season.

Maria Vladimirovna Kuznetsova gained widespread fame after the release of the films “Taurus” (2000) and “Russian Ark” (2003) for the leading roles played. In the drama "Taurus" her heroine was the faithful Nadezhda Krupskaya, and in the historical detective film "Russian Ark" - the great Empress Catherine herself. After these pictures, the actress was talked about not only at home, but also abroad.

2005 was a very fruitful and productive year for the film actress. Maria Kuznetsova played small roles infilms “The Head of a Classic”, “Italian”, “Favorite”, “Space as a Premonition” and the main ones in the mini-series “The Case of Kukotsky” (melodrama) and “Refrigerator and Others” (comedy). The films in which the actress starred are not similar in plot or genre, and the heroines differ in characters and behavior, which once again indicates the versatility of Maria Vladimirovna's talent for impersonation.

Her newer works in Russian cinematography are “Double Lost” (2009), “Live Again” (2009), “Last Meeting” (2010), “Foundry” (2011), “Furtseva” (2011), “Khmurov” (2012), “The Seventh Rune” (2014), “Letters on Glass” (2015) … Although these are supporting roles, the actress’s talent impresses with her reality and originality. The actress works with high quality, talent, with incredible dedication.

Now Maria Kuznetsova, whose photo is presented to the reader's attention in the article, is busy filming a new 16-episode film "Father's Coast", where the plot is based on the difficult relationship of one large family against the backdrop of the terrible hostilities of the Second World War.

Maria Kuznetsova actress
Maria Kuznetsova actress

Dubbing Mastery

Despite her busyness in the theater and cinema, Maria Vladimirovna manages to take part in dubbing films. Since 2002, her voice has been spoken by the heroine in a number of James Bond films, as well as Grace from Avatar. Kuznetsova's other works in the field of scoring are "War of the Bride", "Special Opinion", etc.

Maria Kuznetsova photo
Maria Kuznetsova photo

Maria Kuznetsova Awards

For her services to theatrical art and cinematography Maria VladimirovnaKuznetsova was named Honored Artist of Russia (2005). She also received all kinds of other prizes and awards, such as Nika, Golden Eagle, Constellation, Window to Europe and many others.

Maria Kuznetsova Moscow
Maria Kuznetsova Moscow

Maria Kuznetsova (actress): personal life

The actress does not like to let others into the secrets of her personal life. She rarely appears in public, and is laconic when giving interviews. The only thing Kuznetsova likes to talk about when communicating with the press is her work, her new roles, her beloved theater and her favorite cinema. The modesty and talent of Maria Vladimirovna attract the attention and sympathy of fans to her. We wish this wonderful woman inspiration and more grateful viewers.
