Oleg Garbuz: biography, personal life, filmography

Oleg Garbuz: biography, personal life, filmography
Oleg Garbuz: biography, personal life, filmography

Belarusian actor Oleg Garbuz was born in September 1970 in the capital of the Byelorussian SSR, the hero city of Minsk. His father was a civil engineer, engaged in the development of technically complex buildings, and his mother was a mathematician, was fond of a new science for her time - computer science and programming. In a word, his family was with a so-called technical bias. Parents in every possible way contributed to the development of their son's mathematical abilities and to familiarize him with the exact sciences. As a result, Oleg Garbuz dreamed of becoming a physicist since childhood, but did not even think about the profession of an actor.

Oleg Garbuz
Oleg Garbuz

Love for creativity

If anyone else remembers, in the Soviet country being a physicist was much more honorable than being a “lyricist”. Nevertheless, many "technicians" were well versed in art and could not imagine their lives without theater, symphonic music and ballet. It was to this category of people that the mother of the future famous actor belonged. Being an avid theatergoer, she regularly went to various performances and took her son with her. The boy felt from childhoodthemselves "their" in the theater. Everything here was familiar to him, from the hanger to the stage. But what was going on behind the curtain, behind the scenes, was unknown to him, and Oleg Garbuz caught fire with an irresistible desire to be there at all costs and see everything with his own eyes. Nevertheless, he did not think that for this he would certainly need to become an actor. The desire to become a scientist at that time was his only goal.


When Oleg Garbuz graduated from high school, without a moment's hesitation, he applied to the Polytechnic College, entered, studied with pleasure and graduated with honors. The first step to achieve the goal was overcome. Then he began to enter the Faculty of Physics of the Belarusian State University, but the competition was high, and he did not pass it. But in order not to waste time, Oleg got a job at the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, where he was engaged in scientific activities, namely the development of a project to automate many processes in the course of the study. Then the young man entered the correspondence department of the Minsk Polytechnic Institute, however, after studying for only a semester, he dropped out and began to prepare for admission to the Academy of Arts, and to the acting department. What went through his mind during these few months no one could understand, but he set himself a new goal and began to work towards its implementation.

Oleg Garbuz, photo
Oleg Garbuz, photo

A new twist of fate

Later, already being a well-known actor, Oleg Garbuz, whose photo is posted in the article, spoke about why he so abruptly decided to redraw his fate. One day he sawan announcement that an amateur theater studio invites everyone to take part in the casting for vacancies in the troupe. Until now, there were only numbers and formulas in his life - work at the academy and study at the institute, but here he had a great opportunity to bring a whole palette of bright colors, new emotions and impressions into his gray everyday life. And finally, he will be able to be on the other side of the stage, behind the scenes, which he dreamed about as a little boy. Without thinking for a second, he dialed the phone number and signed up.

From the very first day he became interested in theater. Here Oleg finally felt at ease. His passion reached such a level that he decided to quit his studies at the Polytechnic and enter the acting department. At first, he went to Moscow, applied to several theater universities and even entered some of them. The talent is impossible to ignore. However, the capital of the Russian Federation made him feel uncomfortable, and he decided to return to his homeland, entered the Art Academy and after graduation he joined the Belarusian Drama Theater "Free Stage", where he worked for about 3 years.

actor Oleg Garbuz
actor Oleg Garbuz


In 1997, Oleg Garbuz received an offer from the Academic Theater of Belarus. I. Kupala worked in it and, of course, accepted the invitation. His first role was Hamlet. The audience liked the debut so much, as well as the theater management, that a long-term contract was signed with the actor. During his work in the theater, he played many Shakespearean heroes: Richard III, Macbeth, Hamlet andetc. From the Russian classics - Sergei (Dostoevsky, "Eternal Foma"), Podkhalyuzin (Ostrovsky, "We will settle our people"), Chichikov (Gogol, "Dead Souls"). Of course, in the collection of his roles there are many heroes of Belarusian authors, in particular Kupala, as well as modern Western playwrights. He has several international theater awards.

Oleg Garbuz Personal Life
Oleg Garbuz Personal Life

Having gained fame as a theater actor, Oleg Garbuz began to receive offers to participate in television projects, as well as in films. He also acts as a TV presenter and voice-over for several TV shows.

Oleg Garbuz: personal life

The 46-year-old actor is single today. But he was once married. He does not like to talk about this period of his life. Oleg says that his crazy all-consuming love for the stage prevented his family life. He devoted himself entirely to his work, and his family suffered as a result. “Perhaps I was not born for family life?” - sometimes he asks himself this rhetorical question. Therefore, he never entered into a serious relationship again. But there is still more to come.

Oleg Garbuz: filmography

Oleg Garbuz: filmography
Oleg Garbuz: filmography

His film debut was Provincial Flowers, followed by a role in the TV series Fast Help about doctors and in the historical film Eric XIV. After he starred in the detective "Semin" and the saga "Under the Sign of the Moon", he gained mass fame. To date, Oleg has about fifty film works on his account. Of the latter, I would like to especially notemelodrama Where the Rains Go.
