Biography and work of Vadim Beroev

Biography and work of Vadim Beroev
Biography and work of Vadim Beroev

Vadim Beroev is a famous theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, who was remembered by the audience for his role in the movie "Major Whirlwind". He lived a bright, eventful life full of dramas, ups and downs and forever remained in the hearts of Soviet viewers.

The childhood of the future actor

Vadim Beroev was born on January 10, 1937 in the village of Khumalag, which is located near Beslan. The Beroev family did not live there for long, they soon moved to the Lviv region of Ukraine. The mother of the future actor comes from the Polish columnar nobles, however, she worked as a simple school teacher at school. Vadim Beroev's father, before moving to Lvov, headed the city he alth departments in Vladikavkaz in North Ossetia.

While studying at Lvov School No. 35, young Vadim showed a special interest in the theatrical life of the city. He liked to attend all kinds of performances, he himself repeatedly participated in school productions. At the same time, he studied piano at a music school.

Vadim Beroev graduated from high school in 1954. No one doubted the further fate of the boy - he chose the acting profession.

postcard with an actor
postcard with an actor

Beroev's student years

In 1954, young Beroev entered GITIS. The introductory campaign turned out to be a difficult test, but young Vadim coped with it perfectly. The guy proved himself from the best side, did an excellent job with the entrance exams. He was among the twenty who entered, leaving behind more than two thousand applicants.

None of the teachers and directors doubted the talent of the young V. Beroev. Already while studying at the theater institute, Vadim Beroev actively participated in theatrical productions, accepted proposals for filming in films. At the same time, he tries himself as a radio host.

Working in the theater

Vadim Beroev graduated from the Institute in 1957. After receiving his diploma, he got a job at the Mossovet Theater without any problems. The first acting jobs were supporting roles. Vadim, as a young graduate, was initially allowed to play minor roles. Despite this, becoming a member of the acting troupe, he quickly joined the team. Soon Beroev became a real decoration of the theater troupe. Charming and charismatic young actor quickly became a favorite of the public. He played on equal terms with such great artists as R. Plyatt, L. Orlova, N. Mordvinov, G. Slabinyak, V. Maretskaya. Moreover, these people became not just an example and theater teachers for Beroev, they were his real friends and equal partners.

Vadim Beroev
Vadim Beroev

In the theater. Moscow City Council Vadim Beroev played many roles. Hehe showed himself superbly in the productions of "The Life of Saint-Exupery", "Angel Street", "Leningradsky Prospekt", "Strange Mrs. Savage". To this day, theater-goers consider the play in the production of "Masquerade" to be the brightest and most successful role of Beroev.

In the production of "Strange Mrs. Savage" Vadim Beroev was the partner of Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya. The entire theatrical beau monde went to Beroeva and Ranevskaya. It was very difficult to buy tickets for the performance, it was so popular. The sharp and sarcastic actress spoke extremely positively about Beroev, admiring his charm and talent. With the departure of Vadim Borisovich, Faina Ranevskaya stopped acting in this performance.

In 1969, Beroev received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Film career

In the biography of Vadim Beroev, cinema occupies a significant place. He played his main role in the triumphant film based on real events, "Major Whirlwind". The role of the commander of the reconnaissance group brought Beroev real fame.

The last work of the great actor was the role in the movie "There is no ford in the fire".

film work
film work

Personal life of Vadim Beroev

Being a student of GITIS, Beroev met his future wife, a student of the same institute, a young actress Elvira Brunovskaya. She did not pay attention to the 17-year-old student for a long time, but after two years of courtship, the impregnable girl gave up. The novel of young actors was stormy, the wedding took place. Elvira became pregnant when Beroev was in his last year at the institute. The daughter's name was Elena. Below in the photo is Vadim Beroev withwith his little daughter.

Vadim Beroev with a child
Vadim Beroev with a child

After graduating from the institute, the Beroev family worked in the same theater, which was their home. And in 1962, the spouses were invited to work at the Yunost radio station. Daughter Elena continued the acting dynasty. Her sons Yegor and Dmitry also became popular actors.

On the set of "Major Whirlwind" Vadim Beroev got pneumonia. And alcohol exacerbated already existing he alth problems. The actor died on December 28, 1972. He was only 35.
