In the press and on the pages of sites dedicated to famous people, you can often find the topic of discussion "Liza Boyarskaya: before and after plastic surgery." But whether the operations were actually carried out, no one can give an exact answer. The actress, as always, looks amazing, shines with he alth and beauty, and whether she corrected the shape of her lips or the tip of her nose, you don’t even want to think looking at her.

The most beautiful
One of the most beautiful actresses of Russian cinema is Lisa Boyarskaya. Before and after plastic surgery, if such a thing had ever been done, the girl looked amazing. She talks about herself, that she loves to take care of her skin, make masks, after which her face becomes tender, like a child's. Lisa uses both ready-made cosmetics and her own homemade recipes. Therefore, she always manages to look good without difficulty. Liza Boyarskaya before and after the plastic surgery, which is attributed to the girl, is not particularly different upon close examination of the photo. At a young age, picky and caustic fans of the actress note in the photographs somediscrepancy in the appearance of the girl. It compares mainly the tip of the nose, the contour of the lips and the shape of the artist's cheekbones. Particularly carefully reviewed photographs, which depict Liza Boyarskaya before and after plastic surgery, are then actively discussed in the press. "Experts" in female beauty convincingly prove to the public that Lisa's nose is now not as upturned as it was before, and her lips look like a template, according to which all plastic surgeries are performed. To these statements, Lisa reacts with a grin, watching what is happening calmly.

You can't ruin beauty
No matter how reverently the issues of changing the appearance of the actress were discussed, she continues to ignore the conversations and pursue a career in films. The last picture at the moment, in which the girl starred, was "Anna Karenina", where she played the main role. The image of Alexei Vronsky was embodied on the screen by Lisa's husband Maxim Matveev. Soon, viewers will be able to evaluate the work of the spouses on the screen, where the credits will indicate the name of the actress who played Anna - Liza Boyarskaya. Films with her participation are always well received by the audience. The beauty and talent of the girl give any film the necessary charm and charm. "Anna Karenina" is not the only picture in which the actress starred with her husband. Painting "I won't tell!" became the first joint project in which Maxim Matveev and Liza Boyarskaya starred. Films with their participation were perceived by the public with a bang!
Actress's personal life
Beauty LisaBoyarskaya has always been a success with men. Starting from the time of her studies at the institute, the girl won the hearts of famous and novice actors, some of whom even Mikhail Boyarsky had to deal with in order to protect her daughter from rash acts. So, during her student life, Lisa Boyarskaya met with Danila Kozlovsky. The girl's personal life was seething and filled with wonderful feelings, without which not a single girl's fate can do. Sergei Chonishvili also went to Lisa's admirers, but the huge age difference was the reason for the termination of the relationship. There were other novels in the life of the girl, but Lisa chose Maxim Matveev, she married him in 2010 and gave birth to a son in 2012.

Divorce Rumors
The happy family life of a star couple haunts gossips and envious people. After Lisa appeared without her husband at the premiere of one of the films with the participation of the spouses, rumors spread that the couple was getting a divorce. "The birthday of Liza Boyarskaya was organized without Maxim Matveev" - one could read on the pages of sites on the Internet. In fact, Lisa's husband was present at the celebration, which is evident from the pictures on Boyarskaya's blog. He could not come to the premiere due to his absence from the city. Maxim and Lisa really often move from St. Petersburg to Moscow in connection with the requirements of the directors, such is the life of artists. Therefore, rumors that the couple broke up and no longer live together, Lisa denied. "The actors are just very busy at work, and what wegetting divorced is not true," Lisa Boyarskaya told reporters.

How old is Liza Boyarskaya, it has never been a secret to anyone. The theater and film actress was born on December 20, 1985. Today, Lisa has crossed the thirty-year milestone, having managed to win the glory of a successful actress, a beautiful woman and a happy mother and wife by this time. Lisa acts in films, plays in the theater, brings up her son with her beloved husband and manages to be happy. Whether a woman had plastic surgery to correct her facial features, in principle, remains a less significant issue, because the beauty of Liza Boyarskaya shines from the screens of the country. Even a small scar on her cheek, received by her in childhood, does not spoil female beauty. And if Lisa had plastic surgery, she could have removed the scar a long time ago, because this is a very simple and painless operation.