Disposable diapers hit the Russian market only in the 90s, despite the fact that they appeared in Western countries in the middle of the twentieth century. Since then, discussions have begun about their benefits and harms, the impact on the he alth of the baby.
Popular diapers

Out of habit, many of all disposable diapers are called "Pampers", but this is only a trademark of one of the companies that produces these products. This name was assigned to them due to the fact that the company was the first to produce these goods.
Therefore, it is impossible to answer the difference between a "diaper" and a diaper when it comes to a disposable baby hygiene product. After all, it is essentially the same thing. On sale you can find various brands that produce disposable diapers. Among the most famous are Pampers, Huggies, Bella Happy, Merries, Libero and many others.
In their production, various materials and fillers are used, so theymay vary in quality. But they have one purpose - they must absorb moisture.
Other types of diapers

To care for babies, you can use not only disposable "pampers", but also other options. If earlier parents had no options and everyone was forced to use gauze cuts, now parents can choose.
Understanding how diapers differ from "pampers" for newborns, you need to understand that the first is the universal name for all baby hygiene products. They are disposable and reusable. The common name "pampers" is used for all diapers that must be thrown away after use. They are disposable. If parents use only them, then at least 4 pieces will be spent per day. And newborns can go for more than 10 disposable diapers a day.
Reusable options do not absorb moisture, so they cause more trouble for parents. They must be changed after each bowel movement of the baby. But on the other hand, the baby's skin does not come into contact with synthetic materials and breathes.
Advantages of diapers
Disputes about the benefits and harms of personal hygiene products for babies have been going on for more than a decade. But parents continue to use new developments, occasionally thinking about how a “diaper” differs from a diaper.
Disposable options are essential to prevent baby's delicate skin from coming into contact with the irritating effects of urine and feces. After all, notparents can always rinse the baby and change his diaper immediately after a bowel movement. The skin remains dry and warm, and the baby does not feel discomfort. Therefore, it is worth understanding the difference between a “diaper” and a diaper (reusable), and choose what is more important to you.
Also, manufacturers claim that the special design of the inner layer allows you to maintain a balance of the "right" microorganisms on the skin, preventing the growth of pathogenic microflora. In addition, the baby remains calm, the mother does not need to change his clothes every hour and spend several hours a day on washing and ironing. Parents have more free time to spend with their child.
Disadvantages of disposable diapers

But if "diapers" had only advantages, then there would be no constant debate about their potential harm. So, some children experience allergic reactions when the skin comes into contact with the synthetic inner layer. However, some of them are quite strong. In some cases, changing the brand or type of disposable diaper helps.
In addition, the disadvantages include the appearance of diaper rash and irritation. But they, as a rule, are associated with the improper use of these hygiene products. Having figured out what is the difference between “pampers” and diapers, many believe that disposable hygiene products can be left on until they leak. But they must be changed at least every 6 hours. Newborn babies need to do this even more often.
Designdisposable hygiene products
Can help you figure out the difference between a diaper and a diaper, photo. But it will not show the design features of disposable hygiene products. They consist of several layers. The outer one is waterproof. It is made from polyurethane or polyester. And inside the disposable diapers have special moisture-absorbing layers. They can be made from cellulose or special chemical gels. The gel-forming material is able to absorb moisture up to 55 times its own weight. The inner layer is made of a special absorbent material.
In addition, all disposable diapers are equipped with special Velcro, which can securely hold the "diaper" on the baby. They vary in size and shape, and special disposable panties have been developed for older children.
Reusable Hygiene Device

You need to understand the design features of conventional baby hygiene products in order to understand the difference between "pampers" and diapers. What is the difference between these products will become obvious.
Ordinary reusable diapers look like a regular triangular piece of cloth or gauze. It is difficult to fix it so that it does not get off the crumbs and rub it. A child in ordinary gauze diapers should be watched carefully. Indeed, with their untimely change, the child develops diaper rash, contact dermatitis may begin. In addition, hope forMom does not have a restful sleep at night. The child needs to be changed several times. Ordinary old diapers do not protect against leaks, so everything, bed linen, is wet.
Natural swaddling system

Now modern reusable panties are gaining more and more popularity. They are made of merino wool or cotton with a special waterproof impregnation. Inside them are inserted special inserts from a bike, flannel or the same gauze. These designs combine the convenience of disposable diapers with the hygienic, natural feel of regular cloth diapers.
The natural swaddling system, which is becoming increasingly popular, consists of using a cloth diaper equipped with buttons or ties, an absorbent special insert and panties designed for better fixation. Such systems are often chosen by those who are tired of figuring out what is better and how “pampers” differ from diapers. Reviews of natural swaddling can be found very diverse. Some will not want to change the inserts in reusable diapers 10-15 times a day, while others are more important not to pollute the environment with used "diapers".
Selection rules

Thinking about the difference between a "diaper" and a diaper, many parents try to choose what is closer to them: their comfort and dryness of the baby's buttocks or significant savings and care for the environment. Many stop somewherethen in the middle. They use reusable diapers at home, and choose "pampers" for walking and sleeping.
With the price of baby care products and the increasing incidence of contact allergies, many are opting for a natural swaddling system. Of course, this requires a little more effort from parents than when using disposable diapers. But supporters of this system argue that this allows the mother to adjust to the rhythm of the child, to feel it better. It has also been observed that such children learn to use the potty faster.