Dance… Variety, ballroom, folk, modern. Can he not be charming? As children, we all strive to move like our idols. We pose in front of a mirror, imagine and fantasize. And only the most determined of us in the end dare to enroll in the appropriate section or circle.
According to experts, this kind of physical exercise seriously helps in the formation of posture in the younger generation, leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. That is why, apparently, children's pop dances have recently become more and more popular. Everyone, regardless of age, strives to be he althy and attractive! It is always fashionable, which means it must be in demand.
But what is dance (variety, classical, modern - the look doesn't really matter now)? Is it possible to give a sufficiently capacious definition?
We will try to discuss this in this article.
What do you mean by dance?

From the point of view of professionals, musical and choreographicminiature with a clearly expressed idea of dramatic construction:
- exposure;
- string;
- denouement or climax;
- final.
Also, the dramatic structure of pop dance means not only its plot, but also expressive dance-game or dance episodes of a feature number.
In addition, it is necessary to provide an element of surprise in the production decision or in the nature of the dance performance.
Variety dance. Key Features

The main characteristics of pop numbers include easy adaptability to a variety of conditions, concentration of artistic and expressive means and short duration.
Depending on the genre technique used in pop dance, it is classified as everyday, classical, rhythmic (step, tap), plastic and acrobatic.
Variety dance vividly expresses the syntetic nature of the means of choreography, music, vocals, directing, scenography, lighting, costumes, scenery and various technical effects. Thanks to these distinctive characteristics, pop dances created the basis for the emergence of the show - a new direction in the stage.
Variety of variety dances

There are the following types of variety dances:
- classical pop dance, almost combined with acrobatic virtuosity of lifts;
- acrobatic variety dance with determined innertrends of different thematic images: lyrics, heroics, grotesque;
- plot-dance miniature or plot-characteristic variety dance;
- folk pop solo or mass dance;
- military pop solo or mass dance, created by elements of pantomime, combat exercises and folk dance movements, performed to military and folk music;
- rhythmic variety dance with ballroom, everyday dance, tap and tap dance techniques.
As we can see, modern pop dance includes many components borrowed from other styles and directions.
Why should kids dance?

Children need to dance not only for the obvious joy and pleasure, but also for good physical fitness.
Sports-variety dances include a whole system of dance and physical exercises that develop dexterity, endurance, flexibility, coordination of movements, develop correct posture, strengthen joints and muscles, teach orientation in space and develop a sense of rhythm.
Children will be able to learn and study by doing sports-variety dancing:
- elements of modern dance;
- elements of classical dance;
- folk dance details;
- exercises with objects (rope, ribbon);
- exercises without objects (jumps, turns, swings, waves, etc.);
- acrobatic exercises;
- rhythmic exercises for coordination withmusic;
- elements of sports and rhythmic gymnastics;
- pantomime elements;
- exercises from different sports.
The rich variety and affordable exercises effectively affect the body and provide an opportunity to dance for children of different age categories. Modern pediatricians often advise parents to find a suitable pop dance ensemble for children in their own city and to sign up for classes. There will definitely be no harm from such a pastime, but the benefits, as they say, are obvious.
What you need for dancing
Parents often worry that such a hobby will become very burdensome for the family budget, although in most cases this is nothing more than a delusion.
To start dancing, you just need to have a comfortable sports uniform, dance shoes (Czech shoes, ballet flats or jazz shoes) and a good mood.
All classes (it doesn't matter which direction you prefer: pop, ballroom or, say, classical dance) are conducted according to the principle from easy to difficult, so the main connections, movements and small performances from various directions are first studied.