Vasily Stepanov is a young actor who became a star after the release of the film "Inhabited Island", shot by Fyodor Bondarchuk, in which he played the main character.
Surprisingly, having flashed in this role and made thousands of fans fall in love with him, the mysterious handsome man disappeared from sight. What is known about the guy who was awarded the title of sex symbol just a few years ago?
Vasily Stepanov: biography of the star. Childhood
The actor is a native Muscovite, was born in January 1986. The parents of the boy who was to become the star of the "Inhabited Island" were ordinary people. His father was a police officer, his mother worked as a salesman. Vasily Stepanov is not the only child in the family, he has a younger brother.

During the summer holidays, parents sent their children to the village where the father's mother lived. Vasya enjoyed the time spent visiting his grandmother. When close stars are asked to remember what Stepanov was a child, they describe him as a ringleader and a fighter. The actor’s “relationship” with studies also does not add up from childhood, “twos” and “triples” prevailed in his diary.
After graduating from school, Vasily Stepanov decided to continue his education, stopping at a technical school that trained physical education teachers. Interestingly, at the same time, he practically did not go in for sports, smoked a lot and allowed himself other hobbies that were harmful to he alth. Nevertheless, being carried away for a while by hand-to-hand combat, he achieved success in this area, as evidenced by the acquired title of master of sports. But the training quickly bored the guy.

The next place where Vasily Stepanov tried to study was a law school. If you believe the words of the actor, the learning process turned out to be too difficult for him, he often began to skip couples, worked as a bartender. As a result, the university was not completed. Attractive appearance allowed him to test his strength as a model. Stepanov was invited several times to participate in the filming of commercials.
It is possible that it was this experience that made Vasily think about the acting profession. Becoming an applicant for several theatrical institutes, he managed to enter the "Pike", getting on the course of Vladimir Poglazov.
Highest hour
The young man's fateful acquaintance with Pavel Kaplevich happened at an audition, the purpose of which was to select actors for the new film "Inhabited Island". The casting director Kaplevich liked an attractive young man, he introduced him to the director Bondarchuk. He, in turn, was fascinated by the appearance of the actor. The owner of high stature, a slender figure and beautiful eyes outwardly perfectly matchedthe image of the central character of the film.

Even while participating in the filming of "Inhabited Island" Vasily Stepanov became a star. The personal life of the young man became the object of close attention of journalists, he was photographed literally everywhere. The press even managed to break into his own dressing room.
In preparation for the role, Stepanov dyed his hair, turning into a blond. He was also forced to constantly engage in under the guidance of a coach, to follow a special diet. It is curious that Bondarchuk soon regretted his choice of the lead actor, as follows from his interview. He called the star of his film a very mediocre actor, whose sluggish performance constantly created difficulties during filming. Nevertheless, the second part with Vasily was released - “Inhabited Island: Fight”.
Other projects with his participation
"Inhabited Island" is not the only film project in which you can see an actor like Vasily Stepanov. Films in which he also starred: "Insured event", "Near football". However, the roles played by the young man in these films were episodic.
Stepanov also tried his hand as a theater actor. He was invited to take part in the production of "Veronica decides to die", offering the role of a schizophrenic who belongs to the number of inhabitants of a psychiatric hospital, in which the main character enters. Unfortunately, a month later, the star got bored of playing in this performance, in connection with which he broke the contract.
The career did not work out eitherTV presenter. Vasily, on the wave of success, was offered the place of the host of the show “Long time no see”, but only a few programs came out with his participation.
Relationships with girls
Vasily Stepanov and Daria Egorova met while studying at the Pike. Love broke out between the actors, for some time they even lived together. However, Daria decided to part with her young man, as she did not see prospects in their relationship. According to her, at the moment they are connected only by friendship.

Egorova is the only star that Vasily Stepanov met. The personal life of "Maxim" does not add up. He is constantly depressed, works odd jobs and lives with his parents. All this repels girls. It is known that at the moment he is not acting anywhere, but he does not exclude the possibility of returning to the profession.