In the conditions of modern statistics, it is quite easy to figure out who is more - men or women. Enough material has accumulated on this issue today. Specialists track the graph of changes in the birth and death rates of the sexes and, based on the findings, form statistics. Of course, research indicators may not 100% reflect the real state of affairs, some conclusions are approximate, but the general base allows us to draw conclusions about who is more in the world - men or women.
Let's start with the main question: who is born more often - boys or girls? The fact is that in the world, regardless of the location of the country, its climate and the race of the population, boys are born by 5% more. However, due to constant wars, stress and large-scale disasters, men die more often.
Scientists have found an interesting relationship: it turned out that the lower the population, the more males are born. Today it is seen in some marine species and plants.

Unfortunately, in most countriesIt is believed that a boy is better than a girl, so every year over 150 million female embryos die in the world. Today in China, over 120 boys are born for every 100 girls. The male population began to predominate in developed countries such as Australia and the United States.
In 2010, the population census answered the question of who is more, men or women, across Russia. According to statistics, it turned out that the total number of citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation is more than 142 million people. Of these, the female population is 53%. Thus, it turns out that there are fewer men in our country. If we compare the percentage according to the age of the population, then a picture of high mortality of the male population is clearly drawn. The older, the more men die.

On the scale of Russia, the female population not only dominates, but already suppresses the male population. The reason for this is the high life expectancy of the female. Scientists answer the question of who is more, men or women in the world. According to their research, seven main reasons for the quantitative superiority of women were identified. The first is special genetics. Further, it is believed that a woman is more emotional, therefore she experiences difficulties more easily, while in life she is more careful. As a rule, important decisions are taken by men. Due to their huge responsibility, their body is under constant stress.

For a better understanding of who is more, men orwomen, you should also refer to the statistics of doctors. In their opinion, the effect on the body of female and male hormones is completely different. The male hormone seems to be programmed for short-term functionality. In addition, a woman cares more about her own he alth and visits hospitals more often. And, of course, women are less likely to have bad habits.
Thus, examining the question: "Who is more - men or women?", We can conclude that nature itself sacrifices the male population for the rapid renewal of generations. Therefore, you should not think that a man will endure everything on his mighty shoulders. If so, his life will be short.